Please Like our FaceBook Card Hunter Page

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Card Hunter Joe, May 21, 2013.

  1. Talonius

    Talonius Mushroom Warrior

    Just as an aside to all the shenanigans, please do like the Facebook page since the game will thrive if they get more promotion!

    I signed up on Twitter too which I promised myself I would never do. I still hate it though! I am overly verbose for a format intended to keep things quick and concise.
    Megadestructo likes this.
  2. Megadestructo

    Megadestructo Shark Card

    Twitter is a hive of scum and villainy.
    Grombak likes this.
  3. Talonius

    Talonius Mushroom Warrior

    Hehe, nice Mos Eisley reference! I agree about Twitter, but one nice thing about the noise and chaos is that Twitter does not filter posts and try to decide what I should see like the book of faces.
  4. CustodianV131

    CustodianV131 Kobold

    Heh, weird how that goes. I like Twitter, but not into Facebook.

    Still I've an account so liked you there. The more the merrier!
  5. Urist McDorf

    Urist McDorf Kobold

    And there I am, not liking either and sticking to IRC channels with people I know. Funny how that works.
  6. trøIIIng

    trøIIIng Kobold

    Don't yell at me, but if you beg for likes can I beg for a key? lol, This game looks like it's going to be mind blowing awesome, however, I never commit myself on facebook in anything that I haven't experience. Before someone says why comment a no; well, why comment a yes unless you are looking for praise? I will use my very large twitter influence though to help you market.
    Rubeus likes this.
  7. Megadestructo

    Megadestructo Shark Card

    We have a thread for Key begging already.
  8. Cotote Jim

    Cotote Jim Kobold

    Will liking the Facebook page influence my chances of getting into the beta in any way? ;)
  9. Talonius

    Talonius Mushroom Warrior

    See the post directly above yours, Jim.
  10. trøIIIng

    trøIIIng Kobold

    Well, I have liked your facebook page!!! I received my key last night, and have been playing the campaign on & off all day. I am loving the game. I can't wait to try multiplayer next.
    Talonius likes this.
  11. Rubeus

    Rubeus Kobold

    Although I haven´t got a BETA key, I´ll LIKE in FaceBook.
    But the problem is I haven´t the same nickname and avatar as here, in this forum... (does it matter or not?...) :confused:
  12. Braudy

    Braudy Kobold

    I'll promote the game around the internet once I've played it myself. Word of mouth is earned not given. :p
    Rubeus likes this.
  13. Megadestructo

    Megadestructo Shark Card

    A not-so-subtle way of saying "Give me a key" I see :p
    Rubeus likes this.
  14. Rubeus

    Rubeus Kobold

    Hahahaaa! Yes, you´re right! :)
    But understand how impatient we are... ;)
  15. Rubeus

    Rubeus Kobold

    I´ve just liked it on FaceBook and made publicity on Twitter :)
  16. Rubeus

    Rubeus Kobold

    By the way: I received a BETA Key and I´ve been playing "Card Hunter" and... THIS GAME IS GREAT!!!! Congratulations! :)

    Anyway, I must say that I prefer games that are installed on my computer to those that are played via web browser.
    It would be wonderful if you launch an installable version of CH!! It´s a very good game: one of the best I've played of this kind.

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