Enemy Line of Sight after Committing to a Move Card.

Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by Howl, Jun 12, 2013.

  1. Howl

    Howl Kobold

    I love the fact that you can mouseover enemies to see their line of sight squares. Sometimes I forget to check this and once you have committed to a movement card (which can't be cancelled) then you can no longer mouse over the enemy to check LOS.

    Suggest keeping the enemy LOS info whilst selecting movement squares. I want to be able to see which squares are valid movement squares AND which squares the enemy can see, at the same time.
    Ravel, Gnug315, Evolved and 3 others like this.
  2. Baelnor

    Baelnor Kobold

    This would be great please
  3. Ravel

    Ravel Mushroom Warrior

    This would definitely take the edge off of not being able to cancel move orders.

    Excellent idea!

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