Extended feedback

Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by chaos, Jun 8, 2013.

  1. chaos

    chaos Kobold

    (Some of my notes are two weeks old, so it's possible parts are no longer relevant.)

    Card Hunter works for me in a way most tactical games don’t. I like the interesting variation of battles. The visual design is cute. However, when I hit my first wall (failed an adventure, everything was locked for a day) I didn't feel much urge to come back. I've tried a few times, but I think I need to grind lower level adventures before I can successfully tackle Compass of Xorr, and replaying older adventures just isn't exciting.

    Card Hunters chews up a crapton of CPU, frequently when doing nothing, or just something simple like bouncing Gary’s portrait. “Select a card for X to discard, 1 remaining” is chewing up 2 whole CPUs and nothing is moving or being done! Eating up battery, making laptop run needlessly hot. This is particularly problematic when I leave my window open and go do something else for a while. I've seen this on my laptop (Chrome under Linux) and my wife's (Chrome under Mac).

    Seems weird that when a new slot opens up when a character levels, it frequently makes the character worse as their deck is increasingly diluted with low quality cards. It also means your deck becomes less reliable as you're more likely to get clumps of similar cards (a hand of all moves, or a hand without any attacks). I suppose I can see game balance reasons to do so, but it feels weird from the fantasy-world fiction.

    Point at the very bottom of a card. The card slides up, away from your mouse pointer. The card is no longer pointed at because it moved away. The card slides down. This rapidly repeats in seizure inducing loop. I originally did by accident and briefly thought the game had gone insane. Harmless, but looks bad.

    As a stream of cards are being resolved, it would be nice if they were spread out from left to right to fill the screen and make it easier to scan.

    The log feels full of redundant noise, which makes it a bit harder to scan for something you do care about. Right now you might get something like:

    Kobold Spearman discarded Mob Attack.​
    Kobold Spearman discarded Mob Attack.​
    Kobold Spearman discarded Predictable Attack.​
    Kobold Spearman discarded Predictable Attack.​
    Kobold Spearman drew a card.​
    Kobold Spearman drew a card.​
    Kobold Spearman drew a card.​
    Kobold Spearman drew a card.​

    Instead they could be merged like:

    Kobold Spearman discarded Mob Attack, Mob Attack, Predictable Attack, and Predictable Attack.​
    Kobold Spearman drew 4 cards.​

    Ongoing status effects are attached to the character tokens on the board. It would be nice if they were also on the character portrait at the bottom.

    It would be nice to be able to target friendly spells by clicking my character's portrait at the bottom, assuming they are in range/visibility.

    I really wish the healing and armor cards used the blank space at the bottom of the mini-cards to say "Heal 3" or "Armor 2" or similar.

    It's a bit annoying to be netted, hover over a movement card, see your movement range, click on the movement card, then discover you can't actually move that far thanks to the net. An indication of the reduced range would be nice.

    Relatedly, it would be nifty if I could cancel a move action before I've selected a destination.

    It's easy to overlook needing to play a Trait. After a dozen or so dungeons, I’ve largely stopped looking at the messages at the top, so uselessly click on a card a few times before I realize it doesn’t say “It is your turn to play” but “You must play a trait.” I think the key is that the highlighting of available cards is too sublte for me; perhaps unavailable cards could be dimmed?

    On the shop screen, I can drag the table so that none of the shop interface is visible. That seems silly.

    I occasionally am mid-battle, get interrupted by real life, and come back later. When I return, I forget which adventure I'm on, and how far through it. I'd like to be able to see "The White Star (Battle 2 out of 3)" somewhere; maybe when I click on the battle's title in the upper left corner?

    I don’t see any indication of which enemies count for victory points and which don’t. That would be useful.

    For the card “Shuffle, Team!” I wish I could pick the order of my allies; key in tight battles.

    It can be hard to see an opponent’s hit points through other pieces, especially when they’re white on yellow.
  2. Rorre

    Rorre Orc Soldier

    Some good observations, and well said.

    One quick thing on replaying adventures: When you finish the campaign you get "quests" - challenges to complete levels with limitations. These include having all the same class, and Ll the same race (for all the races and classes). The gold and talent systems also mean that low level loot is retains value - some you'll replace, and some you'll still be using long after you hit the level cap. So you should replay adventures, but you shouldn't feel bad about it. Try some different part compositions, they play very differently.
  3. Zalminen

    Zalminen Hydra

    Yep, there's already a thread discussing this.

    Yep, this has been reported already.

    Yes, all good ideas, some have been suggested earlier already.

    Yep, there's a thread about this already somewhere.

    Yep, there's already several threads about it. It's a trickier topic than you'd expect.

    Latest build fixed this problem as you probably noticed :)
  4. bmc

    bmc Kobold

    I second the complaint about the laptop heating up and burning battery like there's no tomorrow. Unfortunately flash is notorious for this so there might be no fix there.

    My other critique is the learning curve/difficulty is a bit too steep. I know hardcore people are going to be like "bla bla, no pain no gain" but over the past 10 years games have been trending easier & easier and without a softer learning curve and less "try this level 8 times and then go grind low level stuff for 3 days to pass it" type of game play you're going to turn a lot of gamers (espesh the younger generations) off. A challenge is one thing but 12 kabolds crushing you 5 times in a row when you're the listed quest level means the quest's level requirement is borked.
  5. skip_intro

    skip_intro Ogre

    There's an ongoing process to fine tune the Scenarios and I'm sure that BM and the players will end up at a happy balance, but I understand your pain. There are some scenarios that I ground out and will never, ever, play again through choice.
  6. Howl

    Howl Kobold

    I play Cardhunter on my planet-cracking gaming PC. Not because it's the only device in the house that can run it but because it's the only device in the house that doesn't generate the same heat as a small sun whilst playing it. I don't think my Mac Mini will ever forgive me, I thought it was going to explode.

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