Myself I would be probably be a well-meaning mage, that due to his many years of catalouging monsters has gone utterly unhinged and has started to collect the local villagers. The adventurers will be sent by the local elders to end the terror of Pen'Gwinn the Monster Collector and his many nasty minions (in weird illogical combinations as befits an unhinged collector) in his labyrinthine palace turned insane zoo. I imagine "myself" casting a lot of annoying spells such as forgetfullness, maze and whirlwind enemies! Also, "I" would of course be sporting a fez, slightly askew. What would you be and what would be your story?
A wizard with memory-issues and fondness of cats. In a hearsay that cats love warm places he'll go around making Volcano expodes, turn rain-cloud into fire-cloud (Firestorm)
Elf Warrior. I have minor anger problems and so it would be a good meditative release and my natural body frame is medium with a focus on speed over power.
A minor demon forcing goblins and other creatures to fight for sport. Either that or a court tactician forcing soldiers to fight goblins for training.... i don't like goblins!
A Grizzled Dwarf Warrior with tales to tell, beer to drink and gold to spend. Pull up a chair, young one...
Dwafr Rebel who gone mad and was exiled frome his home and now he's trying hard to make his own living.
I would be a Dwarf Cleric, smiting evil and carrying the message of the Dwarven Gods with equal fervor. Sometimes hard heads need to be cracked in order for the light of the Gods to shine in.
A merchant offering entertainment services where common villagers can take a break from their everyday mundane lives and role play in a futuristic world full of motor vehicles, office workers and fast food restaurants.
ADC. I'd have lots of ranged attacks and half my deck would be full of movements and I'd spend the entire battle kiting enemies filling them with arrows. Hello from the world of Runeterra, by the by.
I would probably be a Lizardman cultist of the dragons, gathering treasure across the lands to appease the mighty beast´s lust for a trove of shining artifacts Yeah....that´s definitelly why i tend to keep so much loot in every single game
A madman that builds all kinds of twisted labyrinths and dungeons. Likes to "train" heroes by putting them in "dangerous situations" , known to reward both the bold and the foolish.