Surging bolt incorrect distance check

Discussion in 'Bugs' started by Questionable, May 30, 2013.

  1. Questionable

    Questionable Kobold

    The Surging Bolt card (and possibly other step+ranged cards) would not activate when an enemy was one square out of range. It would have been possible to hit them after the step action.

    An enemy (Gary) was permitted to use the same card at this range.

    Also, unlike melee attack cards these cannot be activated when only an ally is targetable. This is a bit inconsistent, especially given that once activated allies can be targetted.
  2. Jon

    Jon Blue Manchu Staff Member

    You should be able to play surging bolt even if the mouse over indicator shows that the target is out of range.

    Did you actually try to play the card?
  3. Questionable

    Questionable Kobold

    I did try to play the card. The target was out of line of sight before the step, but should have been in sight after it if that makes a difference. I'll try to reproduce this and get a screenshot.
  4. Jon

    Jon Blue Manchu Staff Member

    Is it possible that you were Halted or Stunned at the time? Those are the only reasons of I can think of that you can't play a card at all.
  5. Phaselock

    Phaselock Bugblatter

    Also consider that the target might have been out of sight before step but after the step, the target was still out of sight. That's one of the difficulty of using Surging Bolt and Surging Blast.
  6. Gray

    Gray Mushroom Warrior

    He did say specifically that it would have been in sight after the move - however the move + hit melee cards allow you to play them even if there is no enemy at all, so I suspect (as Jon is indicating) that either some other factor was at play, or this is a genuine bug. We need to test out the Surging Bolt card a bit and see if it is reproducible.

    Is this something you have tested and confirmed, or are making an educated guess at? Jon's language suggests that he isnt expecting this behaviour.

  7. Phaselock

    Phaselock Bugblatter

    From the OP:

    Played surging bolt moving out of cover, only an ally is targetable and I indeed have no choice but to hit my human warrior. Gah, what's wrong ?! Did I have line of sight to ogre bruiser below ?


    Meh, turns out I don't have line of sight to any monster.... :(

    ok, so maybe I read the OP wrongly...let's redo and see...


    Now, I got surging bolt in hand and I play it...


    Surging bolt correctly shows that there are no valid targets after the move. Where is the inconsistency ? :confused:

    would have been possible + should have been in sight indicated = he was nowhere sure. Let's make sure, shall we ? ;)


    Red highlights show range 6 of surging bolt. Both my human warrior and ogre bruiser are 1 square short of surging bolt range.


    I move 1 square forward, both my human warrior and ogre bruiser are target-able.

    Conclusion: it is easy to assume that step + range attack cards give line of sight after the move, that is not always true...hence, one of the difficulties associated with playing said cards... and Jon's assumption is indeed correct. Halt prevents move cards from being played and Stun prevents non-move cards from being played. However, the OP clearly said he did try to play the card. So it could simply have been a misunderstanding. :)

    To the OP: In future, capture the battle log and room number from F1 console, devs can look up the server logs to trace. Hope it helps.
    skip_intro likes this.
  8. Gray

    Gray Mushroom Warrior

    Awesome clear results. I wasnt sure after reading it all if you had covered the scenario where the only person in LoS both before and after the move was an ally - so I have checked that combination and I was allowed to move (and required to attack my ally as a result). No pretty screenshot to prove it though.

  9. Phaselock

    Phaselock Bugblatter

    Oh, you missed 1 other scenario. The one where your unit is stunned and you play surging bolt/blast. You can try it out in one of those zombie adv and let them Brains! you ;)
  10. Gray

    Gray Mushroom Warrior

    Is there a point to suggesting that one? Or are you just being facetious now?
  11. Phaselock

    Phaselock Bugblatter

    Well, you did say 'We need to test out the Surging Bolt card a bit and see if it is reproducible.' So I'm giving you a prod in the right direction, hope you see the whole picture ;)
  12. Jon

    Jon Blue Manchu Staff Member

    Thanks Phase. I'm going to assume no problem here unless we here from OP again with more data.
  13. Lomi

    Lomi Kobold

    On two occassions now I have used surging bolt I have moved my wizard and been unable to target my opponent despite them being visible and only 3 squares away. On both occassions before I moved the line of site was blocked, but not after, and i was shooting them in the back.
  14. Jon

    Jon Blue Manchu Staff Member

    Can you take a screenshot next time this happens please?
  15. Lomi

    Lomi Kobold

    I sure will! Will have to be tonight though (around 9 hours from now)

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