First impressions thread

Discussion in 'Card Hunter General Chat' started by Jon, Jan 2, 2013.

  1. Jon

    Jon Blue Manchu Staff Member

    You can challenge someone directly through "create casual game". Ranked game matches are done automatically and we need to add a feature that stops matching you against the same players.
  2. Mutak

    Mutak Goblin Champion

    @DLdown - agree with the thing about multi ruining PVE. I stopped playing the pve stuff completely because multi was more interesting and had better cards, then multi got frustrating and i almost quit playing altogether. If there were a leveled multi system that would be a lot better i think - play at level 5 or 10 or 20 so that the equipment would have more crossover.
  3. Paleodiet

    Paleodiet Kobold

    I have been in Beta a few weeks now, so I thought I was now qualified to share my thoughts.

    To give you a sense of my level of experience I have 1 PvE party that just hit level 12 last night. I have also probably played about 10-12 multiplayer games, with an equal mix of human and AI opponents.

    Design / Looks

    First off, I really like the design elements of the game. It feels every old school D&D. Things like the Keep on the Hinterlands and Against the Roaches harkens back to that time period. The modules are right on the money it terms of art and even the font choices on the titles absolutely nail the old look. The character models are adequate. I think the “board game piece” look better suits the monsters than the player characters though. Perhaps I am just bored of the ones I have, but I understand the desire to save the more attractive models for purchase.

    Speaking purchases, I spent $20 on pizza to unlock the Treasure Hunts and as a way of saving thanks for the beta experience. Plus, the fact that I would get to spend the pizza again at launch didn’t hurt.


    I have greatly enjoyed the PvE content but I have found it very challenging at times. I think I was approaching the game with the wrong mindset. I was trying to build the “best” deck for my characters. By best I mean a flexible deck that had a shot of defeating anything that it ran up against. As a result I did not really start “counter-teching” against the individual modules until I ran into a brick wall in terms of advancement. I guess my mindset was more that of a tournament TCG player going into a tournament without an existing metagame. That is simply not the way to beat the PvE portion of the game. So lessons were learned. However, if we are going to have to change loadouts on a regular basis in order to win, it would be nice to have a convenient way to switch between saved profiles quickly.

    I am also a little concerned that I am “not doing it right.” There are a lot of modules where the strategy of using “Hot Spot” and other terrain damage cards seems to work very well. It has become my default strategy and that is something that feels a little unsettling. Winning that way feels “cheap” to me, as I really find by those same tactics frustrating when used against. With so many other choices it just feels I should be able to defeat those challenges without using those tactics. Perhaps my level doesn’t allow for more optimal strategies at this time. I am not sure.


    At this point I am not sure if my opinion is driven by the fact that there are just not many players in the beta at this point. My experience thus far has been that other players beat me consistently. I think I have won once versus a human. Now it could very well be case that I am just poor at multiplayer. But in my defeats I feel as though my opponents simply had better / more options than I did. For example, I was defeated by an opponent who used Bash cards to keep me away from fragile characters and off of victory tiles. I will be happy to admit that this opponent clearly had better tactics than I did. But, having learned from the defeat I tried to emulate my opponent’s strategy. However, the only Bash cards I had were my PvE cards, which simply seemed inadequate in terms of delivering damage. I realize that the movement effect of the Bash means that these cards will do less damage, but using my Bash cards in multiplayer felt like bringing a knife to a gunfight.

    So, the way to improve my multi-layer cards is to win matches, which feels difficult to do with these card quality differences. I then went into multi-player seeking times when all the human opponents were occupied so I had a better chance to win. Yet farming the AI to be able to compete in multi-player seems against the intent of multi-player. Or I guess I could buy chests, but if we are moving to a “booster” model, I am not sure I really want to compete anymore.
    Now that said, it may just be the case where if there were more players that I could find more evenly matched games. But until that happens I feel that multi-player generated into “haves” versus “have-not” fairly quickly. And the only solutions are to farm the AI or spend money.

    Random Question

    Speaking of money, I am not sure I have a handle on how to use gold in this game. Should I be buying chests for gold? Perhaps it is simply a choice I need to make and I need to determine what is optimal for me. But I tend to see the high prices shop items are being off-limits and the chest options as gambling. Now if those are my only two choices, saving for a really expensive item or gambling then so be it. I just need that confirmed. As for right now, I just sit on my gold and do nothing with it, neither having an item purchase in mind nor being willing to purchase chest.
  4. Mutak

    Mutak Goblin Champion

    Some general economics thoughts:
    Base price for pizza is 3.3 cents per slice.
    Best price is 2.6 cents per slice for $99. Seems like a pretty weak discount for such a big investment in the game, even with the add-ins.
    Converting pizza to gold: 1 pizza = 5 gold, so 3.3/5 = .66 cents per gold. That 5000g epic in the shop costs $33. Maybe someone would pay that. Not me, but maybe someone.
    New outfits cost 80 slices: $2.64 Seems kinda steep. $1.99 would be the max price point for me and would still be a rare purchase. $0.99 would be an impulse buy. I think this is a place where you would make more money by setting a lower price. Is there any other way to get new outfits? Quests or with gold?
    Is there any way at all to turn gold into pizza, or is that a one-way conversion? Even if the gold to pizza conversion rate is worse than the pizza to gold one, being told you MUST spend $ to access certain parts of the game is a real turn-off. Give me a time-intensive way to earn those things and let me choose if the time v $ trade-off is worth it.

    Treasure hunts: 40 pizza per or 330 for all 11, so that's a 10p discount per adventure in bulk. $1.32 or $0,99 each. That seems worthwhile, but makes the cost of the outfits seem even more outrageous in comparison.

    That's all for now, maybe i'll edit in more later.
  5. Drew Nelson

    Drew Nelson Mushroom Warrior

    About Paleodiet's experience in multiplayer: right now there aren't very many players there, and it can be hard to win against humans if you're not decently equipped. Unfortunately, the early half of the campaign gives low level treasure... which is great for the campaign in which your level is limited, but most of the equipment that really makes a difference in pvp is going to be high level equipment which isn't rewarded until the end of the campaign (cause everyone is max level in pvp). I finished the entire campaign before trying multiplayer and found myself pretty well equipped to start, so for now that's probably what I'd recommend. This problem arises because right now the playerbase is small so you're less likely to get matched with someone near your ranking. I'll pretty routinely get matched with someone ~500 points below me because the game can't find another opponent, and that's not really a good deal for anyone. As we get a larger playerbase, this problem will likely go away.
  6. JohnD212

    JohnD212 Kobold

    Just started playing and must say I'm more impressed than I expected to be. It is a load of fun and very polished. So far no complaints and I would so love to see this o tablets so I can play it anywhere I go. I will be recommending this to anyone I know who enjoys gaming. Great job guys!
  7. TofuPotato

    TofuPotato Kobold

    Not quite a first impression considering that I just finished the single player story campaign today. Well I would be very sad indeed if this doesn't become a commercial success, it's been a very interesting and enjoyable experience thus far. I like how the game doesn't spam achievements down your throat (PICKED A CHARACTER ? ACHIEVEMENT ! EQUIPPED AN ITEM ? ACHIEVEMENT ! HIT AN ENEMY ? ACHIEVEMENT !), how we're free to build our characters in particular directions. There were the occasional monster properties that required me to completely overhaul my builds for a different playstyle, which I enjoyed since I think it helped me grow as a player. However, I can also see how this could frustrate certain people as well. That said, it's an rpg afterall and one that is inspired from pnp/miniatures. It's not uncommon for dnd fighters to pack maces, etc when dealing with skeletons at low levels and I think it's fairly reasonable. In fact, I was half expecting the imps/elementals aren't resistant or immune to their respective damage types. I'm guessing it's due to the magic equipment not being as flexible as weapon damage types (ie rare to find pure fire/electric/arcane/cold staffs and arcane items).

    Difficulty wise I found that most of the campaigns hit pretty close to the sweet spot, having the right amount of challenge (or a little lower) for an initial blind playthrough. Most first successful playthroughs of maps end with around 2 characters at half or lower hp, with the occasional reds/casaulties. A few tense lone red hp kiting wizard moments. Two particular maps stand out to me as above average in difficulty: map 4 of the jewel of alet zhav and map 3 of the temple of terror. Those were the only two maps where I had to revive my party after running out of retrys and in particular the temple of terror map 3 was heads and shoulders above anything else thus far. The subsequent adventures (lair of the yellow dragon and blackheart) were rather simple compared to that. (Note: experience heavily influenced by a human warrior, dwarf priest and wizard build relying on the priest to offtank while the wizard is a magma/acid tile/telekinesis maniac. Naturally the 4 square size of the yellow dragon and blackheart means it ends pretty badly for them). Maps may require buffing or nerfing depending on intended challenge level (ie. is the current temple of terror map 3 difficulty fully intended ? or perhaps simply the natural counter to my party build).

    Not much experience PVP wise but I've failed miserably against assorted higher rating human opponents. That said my standard starter pack is 100% vanilla and is likely to be the reason for being roflstomped. The power gap even at a standardised level and talent pool was surprising though probably to be expected. Some in-game warnings may be required for the inexperienced and the pride-conscious.

    I can't comment on gold/pizza since I did a full campaign run with minimal use of the shop and resources as some kind of challenge against pay2win accusations and I can happily say that you can comfortably complete it (at least with my party setup).
  8. HorseCanon

    HorseCanon Kobold

    I started playing a few days ago and it is awesome. Have only played the campaign so far but I imagine that the multiplayer is equally good. Could go on for awhile about the things I enjoy, but will instead the few things that I did not.
    Multiplayer and Campaign are interconnected in a weird way, mostly good from what I can tell. But I accidently sold one of the multiplayer characters Items in the campaign shop. Now I admit that was stupid on my part but there was no indication when I was doing it that it was equipped to someone else. Some sort of warning would have been nice.
    The variety of cards you get and the variety of enemies does not scale at the same rate. Around level seven I faced the trog's and had a hard time finding ways to kill them. It took awhile but I eventually found enough penetrating moves to do it but it was close.
    All in all, great game. It is difficult enough that I feel rewarded when I win but don't cry in the shower after getting destroyed eight times in a row. Can't wait for the full game
  9. Sir Knight

    Sir Knight Sir-ulean Dragon

    After multiple people talking about "I could use an indication that I'm selling an item on my multiplayer build," I wonder whether something could be done. Imagine, if you will, a full "saved build" system in the game. Now imagine that you have one party active in single-player, but multiple "saved builds," and also the separate multiplayer party (either active or sitting quietly in the multiplayer roster). In single-player, you go to sell an item, and a pop-up says:

    Super Axe of Killing is in use on the following builds:
    Awesome Axe-Wielders
    Anti-Goblin Deck
    [[Active Multiplayer Party]]
    Sell anyway?


    Super Axe of Killing is in use on the following builds:
    Awesome Axe-Wielders
    Anti-Goblin Deck
    [[Inactive Multiplayer Character]]
    Sell anyway?

    How's this?
    skip_intro and Zalminen like this.
  10. Sir Knight

    Sir Knight Sir-ulean Dragon

    Woo, go Card Hunter!

    Also, as applicable, go Card Hunter tablet version! Hopefully this highly-deserving game will get the funding it needs to expand and reach yet more audiences.
  11. HorseCanon

    HorseCanon Kobold

    [Super Axe of Killing is in use on the following builds:
    Awesome Axe-Wielders
    Anti-Goblin Deck
    [[Active Multiplayer Party]]
    Sell anyway?


    Super Axe of Killing is in use on the following builds:
    Awesome Axe-Wielders
    Anti-Goblin Deck
    [[Inactive Multiplayer Character]]
    Sell anyway?

    How's this?[/quote]

    That would work. Another thought I had after posting is to highlight or color differently the items equipped elsewhere so there is a visual cue beforehand. And add another filter, maybe
  12. hcamacho1

    hcamacho1 Kobold

    Great Game!! I have only been playing this game for a couple of days, but I cant stop. Great concept, great artwork, great game play. There are frequent connection problems when trying to log in to server, but once I manage to connect there are no interruptions. When playing in full screen mode there is a black box that frequently pops up in center of screen telling me I am in full screen mode(kind of annoying). Awesome game, thanks for allowing me to play the beta. How about some free pizza? lol j/k
  13. DragonMind

    DragonMind Mushroom Warrior

    You actually do get some free pizza during the tutorial,
    The 1st time to buy a chest.
    The 2nd time to buy an outfit ...used mines on chests instead :D
  14. The_Mormegil

    The_Mormegil Mushroom Warrior

    P.S: No more that 10000 characters? I'm going to post twice. :p

    I’m writing this chronologically as I go into the Beta. I won’t filter or format anything for your reading. I think it will be more useful that way.
    Volume too high at start of game, it startled me.
    Tunnels into Darkness - explanation of behind and front is behind the card image and can’t be seen.
    It feels a bit restrictive to not be able to build the party I want. Perhaps later I can customize more, but I wanted to see what it was like to play 3 Wizards. :(
    Penetrating Zap doesn’t autotarget Golem in level 2 mission. Autotarget in general is pretty glitchy IME.
    Love the modules. It’s crazy cool.
    It seems I can only buy Fighters in the tavern. Would be nice to know why.
    The text on the load screen - tips I guess - is WAY TOO FAST to be read. I guess I should be happy about that, but I’d like to actually read that stuff. Am too lazy to find it though, I wouldn’t bother looking it up into a book / manual thingie.
    It is unclear whether or not the mule can hold anything and everything indefinitely forever or has a limit on the number of equipment it can hold. Perhaps a comment on how he can or cannot hold everything the first time you take loot might come in handy.
    Nobody tells anything about whether or not the items (not equipment) are anything more than a stack of gold you can trade in and out of shops. Do they serve a purpose? Treasure is the term.
    The items need to have the option to sort based on the cards properties. For now, I have just a few items I want to use, and generally I don’t change tactics much. However I can see holding onto multiple sets of equipment and mix and match them to suit my needs as best as possible. Searching for “Penetrating” attacks, or for “Heal” effects, is a feature that is going to be needed sooner or later. Also, if I start PvPing, I guess having a way to save “char sheets” with already-loaded and ready to go item sets will be invaluable. At the very least there needs to be a way to import and export sets in text-based form, or save them as cookies, although I can see you making a profit on this and selling extra “char sheets” for Pizza.
    I want to be able to click on cards then go back before acting. It’s too punishing and restricting, also because the only way to see where you can go is to click on a move card. You can also hover over it but apart from being counterintuitive and strange it is also not practical, especially if you have a small screen: the card covers part of where you want to go and you can’t click to move around the camera while maintaining the blue arrows on the field.
    The fact that Righteous Frenzy is not cumulable is not really explicit. Also, Duration 1 is a bit counterintuitive as it won’t (apparently) work on your next turn...
    It is a bit frustrating not being able to deckbuild as usual. I hate being stuck with drawback cards or cards I don’t want to play with. I dislike the human skill slot for instance because I spent like three modules having three Walks in every deck, which led me to think “I wish I hadn’t levelled”, which usually means something is wrong. I also strongly dislike looting, and would rather have the possibility to buy singles from a list. Having a list of all possible loot to look at could help because I could at least figure out what I need to farm to get the deck I want. Also, is it just me or are the shops disproportionately expensive and rather useless? I did all the adventures in the intended order (I think) up until level 7 adventures and I never had enough money to buy anything, even selling most of the loot I found. I mean, after a while I gained enough money to buy the thing I wanted back when I was 2 levels lower, but by the time I got the money I needed that thing sucked and I hadn’t got enough money for the thing I wanted now. Also, first Human Skill is 75 gold, wtf? Are we supposed to be stuck with three Walks until level 17 or something?
    The actual fight system is cooler than expected. Also a lot more difficult than it first appears. I love goal squares (or whatever they’re called).
    With the way selling works I guess the best bet is to just loot loot loot and never sell anything in the offchance it comes in handy (1 gold for each item? Really?); however that in turn leads to quite a bit of analysis paralysis while you read all your loot searching for something useful.
    It seems the shops are actually random. Which... keeps the theme I guess. :-/ That’s the kindest way to put it. Also I found out how to get other characters and the “more character sheets” option is built in, apparently. Which is good. I’m going to leave the above comments untouched because maybe you can find some use for first impressions.
    Multiplayer is cool. I’m induced to believe that Hot Spot is broken. I’m running 3 mage elves with plenty of terrain creation, and Hot Spot basically says “deal 10 damage to target enemy without move actions”. And they waste move actions to get to me, or to the goals, so it’s basically “deal 10 damage”. Of course this is probably pointless or meaningless, but hey, this is feedback and I was told to say whatever I think when giving feedback. You’ll sort out the rest.
    The kitchen level is VERY hard. But in hindsight I had the wrong approach: you have to slaughter those dogs as fast as possible and ignore the rest of the guys. If you can kill the dogs in a couple rounds you can win even with just one character, you just need to outmaneuver the soldiers and hit them from behind.
    Around level 7-8 the difficulty ramps up a bit too harshly. Perhaps the problem is that I should farm a bit the old adventures, but they are closed. The only open ones don’t yield xp.
    First Gladiatorial Arena, level 9 adventure, second round (vs Plog Kneechopper. Starting position is a little strange. We’re in an arena but 2 of my guys start right in front of Plog, in the middle of the enemy lines, with their back turned away? Plus, another one is across the whole map. If I had to guess I would say the priest and Plog were exchanged.
    Also same encounter... extreme kiting is possible. Is there a way to speed it up? If there is literally no chance to lose I’d like to win before going to round 99... I won on round 60. I had one warrior with a couple reach 2 attacks and I was up vs the two zombies. Loooong fight, but no way I could lose it.
  15. The_Mormegil

    The_Mormegil Mushroom Warrior

    P.P.S.: Make it thrice.
    The Dripping Cave: game freezes and lots of weird wheels pop up instead of images. A couple writings on the background: MISSING. I think my connection died a bit around here. However it keeps loading badly. Also I can’t restart the adventure, even if I get out to the map then in again (is that intended?). And even when I restarted the adventure, the MISSING writings still came up. Graphic bug?
    Morvin the Malodorous should probably stay put on the victory goal, at least at first.
    What happens if you hit the door with a force bolt and push it before the enemy acts? I didn’t try but I guess it would move away, keep the hps and be useless for the rest of the fight. Which is kinda cool, but possibly not intended.
    Fire magic sucks (Hot Spot excluded). I tried vs cockroaches as it is practically INTENDED to be AoE oriented (the only advantage it has, Burning sucks as it is delayed), and they were conveniently immune to it. :-/ Meh.
    Fiery Fists card is all grey... why? Also it doesn’t work... why? It seems broken... Maybe that’s why...?
    Goblins in the Woods: the text for Karen covers the module after the second battle.
    Suddently 200 gold treasure appears. Now I think I can afford something at the shop.
    The storyline is getting a bit ridiculous. Which is fun. The idea behind it is cool. But the bit about losing your pizza job to play Card Hunter is quite ridiculous.
    I can’t wait to see the endgame content for this. It seems pretty deep as a game, I’m sure there’s lots of fun to be had.
    There are fewer and fewer campaigns. I feel the need for a map editor. It would be the coolest thing ever. We should have a place to submit maps for PvP and campaigns for PvE, so that the best ones can be implemented! Maybe even equipment... Implementing stuff requires probably just art and balancing, without lots of code (I might be wrong, but the framework seems to be strong enough to handle updates). So having updates based on community content now and then could be very interesting.
    Suddently, 13 campaigns appear. This is a bit random... Shouldn’t they be introduced in a little more organically? There seemed to be a big stumbling block (probably plot-related) that halted the campaigns’ progression.
    Using a ranged attack at range 1 activates Blind Fury (+3 damage). Actually, no, it’s activated on range 2 too with the same attack (Hand of Whatever, Unholy Priest Draining Range 2 Strength 3).
    First battle of the Tree Forts of the Goblin King has too many stars. Extends to other battles in the module, did you take out some enemies?
    Shrine of the Astral Guardian typo in Aftermath: “solve it this riddle”.
    Counterspell countered but didn’t counter Whirlwind. Roll was ok, line of sight was ok, animation was ok... but Whirlwind worked anyway. Counterspell was discarded too. PvP.
    Encumber doesn’t work with Step but it triggers anyway...
    I greatly enjoy Victory locations. Missions with “slaughter everyone” as a basis are nice, but the game assumes a whole new level with Goals. I would also love to see even more victory conditions, perhaps in expansions. The star-based framework is solid, you could run with it in many directions.
    I’m still a bit... unhappy with deckbuilding. It feels restrictive compared to what I’m used (fine-tuning card per card). I reached the conclusion that I don’t mind fine-tuning gear piece per gear piece instead, but I miss the fine-tuning (perhaps due to my lack of gear options, or at least a lack of a collection of gear pieces to know what are the restrictions), and I think the interface doesn’t really help. When I build an MtG deck I take the cards I want to consider and lay them out in front of me in groups, in order to get a proper feel for the whole deck. The interface doesn’t let me see the whole deck properly (organizing the cards in columns instead of rows can help, perhaps, as I would be able to see the titles. Also I want the option to organize the cards by type instead of by gear, so that I can count the number and type of move cards, the number and type of attacks and properly build the proportions). Also there is very little customization in the above-mentioned proportions: boots always grant move options, weapons always grant attack options... It makes sense, but I can’t run a crazy 40% move cards deck for isntance, and I can’t run a deck without defense and with crazy offense ‘cause I’m stuck with moves and armor and stupid racial garbage. Mind that I actually like using some of the racial garbage, but the fact that I need to have that and that I can’t just fill it with attacks feels a bit restrictive. Perhaps more gear options will alleviate that feel, I’m still halfway through the campaign (I think). However I played quite a few hours and I’m still stuck in a situation where I can’t properly build the deck I want, either for multiplayer or for the campaign. I don’t even know if it’s possible to build that deck, ‘cause I have no idea what gear there is in this game, I need a wikia or something. Bah. It’s a bit frustrating.
    Fire Magic... kind of has a purpose now that I found a staff with multiple Sizzling Rays. Coupling it with the Pyromancer Training cards they can lead to more damage than Shocks, it’s the first time that happens. Also the fighters are a lot stronger than they first appeared, now that I have some high-damage attacks. Still, I miss the option to equip them with bows. The added range would be good (and quite possibly broken). I still can’t find a proper use for the cleric, he seems a jack of all trades but the only thing he’s actually good at is supporting kiting with heals and armor-tanking. Why would I want to have one (apart from the fact that my only properly-levelled characters are the starting ones)? Also, why dwarves? The added hp is way less relevant than the move options in a game where standing on one place for too long can deal 10 ranged fire damage (Hot Spot broken).
    Now I kind of want a way to sell or get rid of characters. Or organize them (that would be better). I would like a way to, say, storage character sheets based on class and race, instead of sifting through multiple pages in order to find the ones I want.
  16. The_Mormegil

    The_Mormegil Mushroom Warrior

    Visual bug: drawn a card (Reliable Mail) from Talented Healer after I played Misguided Heal on myself. The card immediately triggered, prevented damage, and stayed in my hand at approximatively 85% the normal size. No idea why.
    AI is dumb. It has absolutely no idea what Victory squares are, it doesn’t take into consideration if passing would cause it to lose, or if passing without moving towards its target would cause it to win.
    Talents are randomly assigned. If I level up with white talents allocated, it (randomly?) determines one of them and turns it into a brown talent. However, If I try to place a piece of equipment requiring a brown talent into a square occupied by a white talent equipment while another white talent equip has one of its white talents turned into brown, I can’t. Example: I have already used all talents. I level up the priest, gain a brown talent instead of a white one. Pious Healer requires one white talent and it turns brown into the UI. I try to put Onyx Healing Token (brown) in place of Healing Ring (white) and I can’t. I have to unequip Pious Healer, switch Ring with Token, then equip Pious Healer back.
    Attack of the War Monkeys introduction typo: “hour is APON us”.
    Talented Healer doesn’t trigger more than once per target per round. Not sure if intended.
    Force Blast slides back 1 instead of 2 around a corner (the angle was correct, perfect diagonal). Happened in PvP..
    I hate monkeys. I hate ****ing monkeys.
    Visual bug happened again. Simian Agility drew an armor that was immediately triggered - smaller card in opponent’s hand.
    The game repeatedly pushes me out because “connection failed”. So I played a bit of League of Legends instead. There might be an issue here.
    Tooltip over Multiplayer shows bonus chest even on the second match. It shouldn’t.
    Black Oaken Heart typo: encounter 2 description “up ahead your hear”.
    Noooooo more monkeys!
    Cave of the Wisps: too many stars.
    So the endgame content is replaying old content with twists. Ok, I can get behind that. Some of the twists seem pretty hard (party has one Health?). Good. Multiplayer is nice but I kind of fear that it has a rock-paper-scissor metagame. Outplaying and outmaneuvering your opponents is a pretty real possibility, which is nice, but there are comps that you simply can’t beat with your comp. For instance, I ran into a 3 clerics team that just stood there and took my (low) damage while getting points off of victory squares and I just couldn’t win. I found a comp with low mobility with my 3 wizards party and slaughtered them without leaving them a chance to retaliate. I still have to figure out what beats what, and that’s fun and will last for a while, but I fear the multiplayer game will become stale after a bit. Please make plans to avoid that, because this game is awesome.
    And that’s it. For now.
  17. Silverwave

    Silverwave Kobold

    Yay! I finally got in the beta!

    My first impression : The game design is VERY strong. The mix of old-school table-top role playing game with a card game is working so much! I really dig the feel of old-school pnp rpg, it is very well done!
    Good work Blue Manchu!
  18. Zalminen

    Zalminen Hydra

    You can buy other classes as well:
    Just click on corner to access the next tab.

    There should probably be a little arrow or something, it's a bit easy to miss currently.
    You can type anything in the search field and it will show just the items that have cards with that keyword or text.
    There's several threads discussing this already.
    All item shop prices depend on rarity and relative level. So buying rare/epic/legendary items above your level cost a lot.

    This can been suggested, the devs have said it's already on their wish list.

    The starting positions are randomized on this level.

    Grey card means it's still at least partially unimplemented. There were a lot more of those earlier in the beta.
  19. Juriel

    Juriel Kobold

    Just got in, was right away very impressed.

    The pizza price ratio does seem to be off..
  20. Brikabrak

    Brikabrak Kobold

    First Impression - Ok, so I'm a total newbie to the game and have been playing the beta for maybe a week or so. I'm enjoying the game even if I find it a little "too challenging" at times.

    I like the humorous lighthearted tone even if it does get a little repetitive after a while. The game seems very stable, and what technical issues I do have, I believe are local to Flash on IE9 for the computer I'm using.

    Room for improvement - I'm not liking the Inventory UI. It's way too hard to go through one's items, and I am confused as to when you can use an item or not. Guess I have some reading to do! Also there's something about traits or skills or something?

    I think I'd like more low level quests. Occasionally, I'll get "stuck" having to grind out the same three lvl 9 quests in order to level up. Either that or give a token small amount of xp for doing an "easy mode" quest? I dunno if I'd like that, however.

    I do find the price point for pizza to seem to be a bit high? Maybe that's just me. Maybe a better alternative is to let us buy a particular item for cash? Or maybe that's already there but I haven't figured it out yet.

    Also, my initial impression is that "epic" loot isn't that much better from some of the higher level common loot? Or maybe that'll change once I play more.

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