What Is the Best RPG game you ever played!

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Deadless78, Feb 27, 2013.

  1. Dervill

    Dervill Mushroom Warrior

    Wasteland...the inspiration of the Fallout series. Zork 1...text based that has a flavor of the DM/Player interactive relationship. Time warp to today, I would say Skyrim. Open world and highly customizable. WOW is addictive too. Wanna give GW2 and try.
  2. irongamer

    irongamer Orc Soldier

    GW2 is great. Much better with friends. If you know where to find players that are active in pve it becomes a big monster bashing party. Good times. Wish they would add "hot spots" on the map so you could see where there were high densities of players. Love the jumping puzzles (everyone did this in previous mmos while waiting on logistics, they finally made it part of the game) and the randomized fractal dungeons are interesting. No pressure to play, as there is no subscription. In my book it is really the first new feeling game in the 3d mmo fantasy genre since EQ1.
    Dervill likes this.
  3. Fizbin

    Fizbin Mushroom Warrior

    It was excellent till I hit max level, but after that I haven't had the urge to go back and play it again.
  4. RoflCat

    RoflCat Goblin Champion

    I'm sad nobody mentioned Tales series yet D:

    The one I first played was Eternia (Destiny 2 in US, ironically missing the real Destiny 2) back in PS1 era.

    Then I play Abyss (which out of all the Tales games I've played have the most coherent character development, a few 'wait what just happened' sections aside)
    Then Symphonia

    and the latest one I played was Graces F with friends....I love instant-casting Indignation....

    Anyway, in term of overall story they're pretty cliche (start from small thing, escalate to world-saving), but the combat is fun so :3
  5. Sharien

    Sharien Mushroom Warrior

    well i was going to say gothic...partly because of the great atmosphere and characters...and partly because i am viewing it through the retro glasses which cover any flaws...but then someone mentioned deus ex...that game is so great for the same reasons i loved gothic and some more
    oh and something i came to really like about baldurs gate (apart the game itself) were the books...there are so many stories and legends you can find and read...none of them are of any importance to the game...but a lot of them are a great read (oh and item stories...i still love the genderchanging belt XD)
  6. Daryl Tay

    Daryl Tay Kobold

    Ahh I missed that out. I've played Tales of Graces F and Tales of Vesperia and greatly enjoyed both! Waiting for Xillia this year.
  7. mervyn

    mervyn Kobold

    i would have to say some of my most fond memories of rpgs would be system shock series, fountain of dreams (the supposed sequel to wasteland), dragon warrior series, ultima series, shadowrun (the old console ones, not that crappy fps xbox360 one)
  8. Hessian

    Hessian Orc Soldier

    Does DragonAge count? I wanted to marry whoever voice acted Liliana. OMG hotness. Sizzle.
  9. irongamer

    irongamer Orc Soldier

    Corinne Kempa
  10. Hessian

    Hessian Orc Soldier

    The attractiveness ends at her voice :(
  11. Deadless78

    Deadless78 Mushroom Warrior

    yes and i agree great voice
  12. Deadless78

    Deadless78 Mushroom Warrior

    Lol :p
  13. Hessian

    Hessian Orc Soldier

    I think I played as a female mage in the first one. I was trying to get some three way action with Leliana (hotness) and Alistar (central to plot and needed to keep him around and happy), unfortunately I had to leave Leliana as I wanted the story to end happily and ended up with Alistar - no homo lol. Enchantment? Enchantment!
  14. Fizbin

    Fizbin Mushroom Warrior

    Sadly, I didn't play either system shock game till long after it's release, but both were great fun. I still have the Sega Genesis cartridge for Shadowrun in my sock drawer (yes I couldn't give it up even after I lost my Genesis), it holds a fond spot in my heart even now. I've not played much of the Ultima series, nor the Dragon Quest (as I never owned a Nintendo growing up).
  15. Wozarg

    Wozarg Thaumaturge

    Not to be a ass but cardhunter i think :p
  16. Womble

    Womble Mushroom Warrior

    Hey Dervill - check it out.....remember!! 1982 I think - before most people on here were even born.

  17. Dugrim

    Dugrim Orc Soldier

    1. Planescape: Torment
    2. Baldur's Gate Series
    3. Fallout Series
  18. It's a tie between Star Wars - Knights of the Old Republic and Dragon Age 1.
  19. DukeMyers

    DukeMyers Orc Soldier

    Wasteland and the fallout series. Although new Vegas didn't really do it for me.
  20. Terry West

    Terry West Kobold

    Liked the Ultima series and wasted countless amount of time on it. But the best RPG I ever played was Dungeon Master on my Atari ST. Breakthrough game, and for me it was and remains the best. Dated, but the best. I was glad to see it was now on the iPad

    Dungeon Masters

    If anyone has something good, I'm aways looking.

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