So this happened

Discussion in 'Bugs' started by Nonesuch, Mar 26, 2013.

  1. Nonesuch

    Nonesuch Kobold

    I was starting a multiplayer game against the AI and this happened.
    Here's the log too, well what I think the important part was.

    Attached Files:

  2. Lance

    Lance Goblin Champion

    I took some video footage and screen shots of the same occurrence.

    Will upload and add link posthaste.
  3. Nonesuch

    Nonesuch Kobold

    It's interesting to note, the came continued as normal, and all cards still functioned. So did all the terrain that didn't load. I also managed to win. Barely.
  4. Lance

    Lance Goblin Champion

    Yeah, the game is still functioning just not all the visual components. Here is a link to a video compilation of errors I found last night:
  5. Wozarg

    Wozarg Thaumaturge

    *takes notes on deck composition for further study*
  6. Lance

    Lance Goblin Champion

    Well, I can tell you exactly what my decks consist of, not that I think I would help. Also, I change my decks quite often. So, there is that. :p
  7. Jon

    Jon Blue Manchu Staff Member

    Wow, that's interesting. Looks like our CDN fell over and failed to deliver any game assets to you. Definitely let us know if you see this again.
  8. Lance

    Lance Goblin Champion

    Will do! It cleared up almost immediately after I posted.
  9. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    Might be related to this and this. Other reports of missing (but lesser amount) artwork that's supposed to be there.
  10. Phaselock

    Phaselock Bugblatter

    erm, you do know 1.22 has spectator mode...don't you ? :p
  11. Lance

    Lance Goblin Champion

    It does, but it doesn't give you a look into their hand to see what possible combinations, and play order a particular player may favor, etc.
  12. Phaselock

    Phaselock Bugblatter

    Well, I just see the card's origin to find the item and browse from the wiki :p
  13. j-wiz

    j-wiz Blue Manchu Staff Member

    If you run into this again, pull up your web browser's console and see if it's reporting any errors.
  14. brolatypus

    brolatypus Kobold

    the same rendering issue happened to me but i didnt report it, i assumed it was because the game isnt finished yet.

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