No blocking for characters?

Discussion in 'Bugs' started by Hefemoto, Mar 22, 2013.

  1. Hefemoto

    Hefemoto Kobold

    OK, this is odd but the blocks and parrys for characters do not seem to work. It has been this way for a day or two but they do not even activate when you get hit by any valid attack. I just got hit with a spear and my cleric's parry did nothing at all. Anyone else have this issue? Thanks for the help!

  2. Phaselock

    Phaselock Bugblatter

    What type of spear ? Is it a projectile type of attack. Parry does not activate off projectiles...
  3. Wozarg

    Wozarg Thaumaturge

    both parried, blocked and been parried , blocked by enemies so its not a overall game problem.
  4. Zoorland

    Zoorland Goblin Champion

    Hefe, are you facing the Gnome Spearmen? Those little buggers throw out lots of Pinning Spears and Weak Javelins, which are both projectile attacks, not melee. Parry can't activate against them. Otherwise... could you be more specific?
  5. Hefemoto

    Hefemoto Kobold

    OK, I need to know why I can't block. I have a block any card and this is the message I got -

    BATTLE LOG: Scenario=Prison Warden,Room=RESC (hefemoto),RoomID=762,Msg=The active player is now Gary
    BATTLE LOG: Player=Gary,Scenario=Prison Warden,Room=RESC (hefemoto),RoomID=762,Event=PlayAction,Action=Bludgeon,Instigator=Warden Gorald,Targets=Hala
    BATTLE LOG: Scenario=Prison Warden,Room=RESC (hefemoto),RoomID=762,Msg=Hala took 4 damage
    BATTLE LOG: Scenario=Prison Warden,Room=RESC (hefemoto),RoomID=762,Msg=The active player is now hefemoto

    Are bludgeon cards immune to blocks, because I see no reason why this didn't block. I was facing him, btw.
  6. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    What blocks did you have? That matters, as some only block missile, some block damage below a certain amount - others above.
  7. Hefemoto

    Hefemoto Kobold

    It was a standard block - says blocks any.
  8. skip_intro

    skip_intro Ogre

    Could be a facing issue?

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