Newb Questions

Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by whitelotus66, Mar 15, 2013.

  1. whitelotus66

    whitelotus66 Kobold

    Hey all, just started playing the beta yesterday and had a few easy questions.

    1) If I remove a character from a party is he gone forever or can i put him back in later and he'll be the same level?
    2) Does it actually cost money to buy more pizza or are you not charged because it is in beta?
    3) At the bottom of the battle screen where it shows your party next to their health it says Draws 2 for each character. What does that mean?
    4) Do you get experience re-doing adventures you have already completed?
    5) What happens if you run out of cards in a character's deck?

    Sorry if any of these were explained in the Tutorial, I kinda skipped that by accident. Thanks for any help.

  2. RoflCat

    RoflCat Goblin Champion

    1. You can find him later, I believe the extra characters will be in the Keep.

    3. Draw 2 card each round, +1 default move card so effectively 3 (that number matters more on enemies, where for groups they can draw a lot and as you kill them it drops down)
    4. So long as you're not too far over the level
    5. Reshuffle the discard and reuse em.
  3. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    1. RoflCat is correct. You will find the character in the keep at the level/xp you left it.
    2. Pizza will cost money, beta pizza is beta pizza - until BM lets us know they're ready for pay-pizza (which might come during beta and be refunded for live).
    3-5 RoflCat is spot on.
  4. whitelotus66

    whitelotus66 Kobold

    Cool, thanks both of you. I'm sure ill have a few more soon though.
  5. D.R. Monkey

    D.R. Monkey Kobold

    I have a newb question. I see a leader board for Multiplayer (finally got it work lol) Is there a reward for placing in like the 20, 10, top 3 kinda thing when it resets? Or is currently more of a tracking thing just for personally glory. I thought i read something about prize brackets for it, but cant find it again. Thanks
  6. Sir Knight

    Sir Knight Sir-ulean Dragon

    You get prizes for winning matches, and the quality of your rewards varies by the number you've won THAT DAY. Your ranking only determines which folks you fight in a ranked match.

    However, the "prize brackets" (telling you how many you've completed that day and what to expect) are only visible upon completing a match, so that's hard to see. Hopefully Blue Manchu will make this more clear in the future.
  7. Wozarg

    Wozarg Thaumaturge

    Don't get hung up on rankings it will only give you misery and unneeded expectations looming over your head...
  8. whitelotus66

    whitelotus66 Kobold

    I've been playing Multiplayer but I think I've only been able to play against the computer so far. Is it just because no one else was playing at the time? The most I have seen is one person in the lobby and I tried to chat but my chatbox got messed up. Also a lot of times when I click to go somewhere in Multiplayer my whole screen goes white, anyone else get that?
  9. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    You get matched vs ai - even if there are other players in the lobby, if the ai is much closer to your mp rating than the players. Also, that white screen thing seems to be happening for some people. Don't have that issue myself.
  10. whitelotus66

    whitelotus66 Kobold

    I played a match vs the AI about and hour ago. Strange thing happened where the time always went down on my clock even when it wasn't my turn. Won the match with 2 seconds left on my clock, other players still said 20:00.
  11. SurgeonFish

    SurgeonFish Automaton Moderator Staff Member

    This coming from the #1 guy on the leaderboard =P

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