dang you destructo

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Whiteowl, Mar 11, 2013.

  1. Umbra8

    Umbra8 Kobold

    Witness here my fellow giddy forum jockey, a man who wields his hidden knowledge with scathing precision and wicked intent, so callous is he with the hearts of men.

    For shame Megadestructo, for Shame.


    Unless I'm actually in, then please disregard :)
    skip_intro and irongamer like this.
  2. irongamer

    irongamer Orc Soldier

    skip_intro and Umbra8 like this.
  3. Hessian

    Hessian Orc Soldier

    Well played lol.
  4. Whiteowl

    Whiteowl Kobold

    i must say that was a very interesting back and forth. Although im hoping for all our sanity the list goes out soon and they fix whatever issue they are having
  5. Hessian

    Hessian Orc Soldier

    Well I hope I get one.

    /obvious post
  6. ChadTheRad

    ChadTheRad Mushroom Warrior

    Lance,see your getting lucky with the boss man ;D be sure to share the key with me if not i understand but still,it would be epic to experience it with a friend,the least i could do,would document my gameplay,post it on youtube,twitter,facebook,etc. get more people to learn about Blue Manchu,Lance we ought to play something while we wait
  7. Lance

    Lance Goblin Champion

    I think that was directed towards Umbra8. Either way, I eagerly await seeing you Chad and all the other once and future Cardhuntarians in our rightful place, in game!
  8. ChadTheRad

    ChadTheRad Mushroom Warrior

    To Cardhunaria! HOOOOO! ~charges at my computer flips over my table~ ~Concussion~........well worth a shot
  9. tha bug king

    tha bug king Kobold

    if the list was coming out in the afternoon what time are we going by exactly?
  10. Umbra8

    Umbra8 Kobold

    Let us rejoin there, a merry band of brothers all (or sisters too, shall there meet with us beyond the uncanny valley) and together we will lay such a swath of riot and joyous mayhem that the servers will smolder and the moderators weep for the task of retelling such tales of wonder, and all who could not gain beta would bear witness their meager lives of mediocrity, cursing gods and dev's alike for the cruel fate that denied them pass to paradise.

    I'm going to be so bummed if I don't get in.
    Lance likes this.
  11. ColdChaos

    ColdChaos Kobold

    Well at facebook they were talking about releasing the list tomorrow - I'd love to know, if the forum list will be released today. Well that was a looong weekend, I guess :p
  12. tha bug king

    tha bug king Kobold

    lol this is too lame. Good luck you guys. if u win play twice as long for me man.
  13. Assussanni

    Assussanni Ogre

    Hold tight guys, the latest Facebook post (from 2 hours ago) said that Megadestructo is reading and picking entries right now. Besides while 70 words may not sound like a lot (and it isn't, it took me forever to cut down my entry) if he has to read, and properly read not just skim, between 250 and 300 entries then that's about 20,000 words for him to get through. That's a lot of words! And after that there's the picking winners... it's really not surprising that it's taking a while.
  14. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    All good points Assussanni, and I'd also like to point out he mentioned technical issues - which could be anything from actually generating the codes to having to wait for the next update - in case they do a server reset et c, getting in just before that happens would kind of suck as a new user I guess? Hang in there, it's worth it.
  15. ColdChaos

    ColdChaos Kobold

    Yup, it's a whole load of text ..I'm glad that I'm not the one responsible for this contest :p

    Well! Time to go to bed and hopefully wake up with a key ;D
  16. Mustaphamondo

    Mustaphamondo Kobold

    He must be spending almost as much time reading entries as I am refreshing the forums page.
    ChadTheRad likes this.
  17. Lance

    Lance Goblin Champion

    Let us take these moments now, for in our angst our desires grow. I'll forge with you stories yet told. Tales to withstand all of time. Tales to be sung in bardic story rhyme. Our paths uncertain, yet the goal is clear. Let us join together here! As we seek out laurels lofty, let us raise together a tall and frothy!
    Umbra8 likes this.
  18. DeathofCaine

    DeathofCaine Kobold

    I see there are brethren of similar tongue amongst this villa.
  19. Lance

    Lance Goblin Champion

    Our villa is small, but legion we'll be. It's been said that, "we'll lay a swath." Cut them off at the knee! For now we are few and are trials be many. But for such a task, I assure you we're plenty!

    Waiting brings out the rhythm in me!;)
  20. Whiteowl

    Whiteowl Kobold

    yay finally! and now im finally in, so back to waiting for the key, this time knowing ones coming lol
    irongamer likes this.

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