Time for a new Beta Key Contest!

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Megadestructo, Mar 4, 2013.

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  1. kushite

    kushite Kobold

    "Cursssse you, foul creaturessse. What crime hasss my kin commited to dessserve thissss fate, to drown in their own blood? ssssss. Issss it the color of our sssscalesss, or the meager thhhingssss we have gathered to ssssurvive? Thhhhough my magicsss and the netsss of my people have failed, I hope that you move no further"
    "Oy, Bran. That ones moving. Its making hissing sounds again".
    "Damn lizardmen. Stab it then help sort this garbage"
    (ssssarc, deceased lizardman cleric)
    VexingVision likes this.
  2. Jesus669

    Jesus669 Orc Soldier

    • Monster Type: Magical Fighting Boots
    • Biter Boots
    • Long have been the days when wizards would be cornered by the one critter that got past all their traps and spells. One kobold would finally make it past the countless dead bodies that tired before and get it's dirty little dagger through the magical defenses causing a mortal wound. Biter Boots and other magical boots were designed with specific effects to help their master in a variety of fashions in and out of combat. These guys were made just for those sneaky monsters that manage to get close. When a creature gets within striking distance these boots would activate, kicking out at the last moment to stop anyone from landing a hit. On a command, the boots could also jump off the feet of their master and attack, or they could be instructed to guard and patrol a part of the wizard's tower. These boots are usually found still protecting a long forget dungeon or tower by the command last given to them, unaware their master is no longer alive. While there are a few common types of Magical Fighting Boots in the world, many unique types are made all the time to fill odd roles within a wizard fortress.
  3. codefly

    codefly Kobold

    Magnus the Orc

    All he wanted to do was collect some shiny rocks and bring them back to his family. On his way home a group of adventures mistook him for a theft. They followed him home and destroyed his home leaving him with no home and no family. He now sits quietly in the caves carving his family into the shiny rocks on the ground.
  4. Noelle

    Noelle Kobold

    Gizmo the Goblin
    Man all of these gadgets laying around and no one wants to put them together and see what they can do. Maybe I can fling a short sword with a short bow instead of an arrow, will that do more damage than an arrow or just the same. Hmm I guess I'll try it out sometime, what about other things. I can't see why all of these humans think we goblins are gross, I kinda see ourselves as kind of cute. Sure we may wreak havoc and make alot of noise but we just do that cause we're party animals. You can join the fun too sometimes, we may even be your friend. We only retaliate cause you attack us we are just curious and find some new ways to be inventive with your stuff, its not our fault if it gets damaged. Let's just be friends.
  5. moloney

    moloney Kobold

    Muiceoil the dread pig

    Muiceoil was never the most competent of dread knights. Often his deeds of evil went unnoticed and was only know as an incompetent fool by the other dread knights. Muiceoil summoned all his dark magic in the hopes of turning himself into an Arch fiend but roast pork clouded his mind and he was transformed into a dread pig. Distraught with his new form he vowed to take revenge on those who mocked him but first truffles.
    (Tried to cut it down to 70 words but could only get it down to 77 and make it still sound coherent :p hope it wasn't to little to late)
  6. MrChristo

    MrChristo Kobold

    "It" the bronze Golem

    I opened my eyes to my father turning his back on me, his robes concealing his figure as the iron gates shut me into the dark of my cold prison. "It will suffice" I heard him say. My name? "it" suits me I suppose. The walls of my home are covered with drawings, pictures of a massive being laying waste to those small and inferior. If this is my purpose I will carry this out and guard this chamber, if only to finally see my father return through the iron gates with a smile.
    ColdChaos, skip_intro and Thirandras like this.
  7. Bumble Ben

    Bumble Ben Kobold

    Attar the War Monkey (inspired by Planet of the Apes '01)

    More than anything I am... protective. As the leader of my tribe, I am the largest and most feared. Fear is respect and anyone that does not fear me will be cowed. Our lands are vast as we are a strong tribe. We war when we see fit to do so and I, alone, destroy all champions. Every adventurer fears me and my tribe, some just don't know it yet.
  8. reset

    reset Kobold

    Rustbeard the Gnome Berzerker

    The other gnomes were always more clever than Rustbeard. They had their clever magics, their clever artifacts, and their clever mustaches. And this made Rustbeard sad. But then one day he realized that cutting with two axes at once was better than using only one. And that not bothering to watch where you were cutting meant more and faster cuts. At last he could be proud of his own cleverness.
  9. schulterblatt

    schulterblatt Kobold

    George the Yellow Pudding

    George was an...unusual yellow pudding. He was most unlike the rest of his kind. While his gelatinous compatriots were off protecting the spawning grounds by attempting to dissolve the invading adventurers he was busy watching, wondering, "What are these...things that come to kill us? What did we do to deserve such hatred?" So he decided to set off on a quest to end the violence, to bring peace to the Viscous Tombs.

    ~On a side note, I just want to say it was rather frustrating trying to limit what I had in mind to roughly 70 words, as I've thought of a whole plot that could easily take a few thousand. This is what it must be like to write "teasers" for novels.
  10. SurgeonFish

    SurgeonFish Automaton Moderator Staff Member

    George Turner a.k.a. the pit zombie

    George was a happy man with a wife and two kids when his home was invaded by zombies and he was turned into one. Even after the attack and the violent turning he retained his intelligence and so did his family so life went on for them until one day he was approached with a business opportunity. A shady man knocks on their door and says "Ive seen you around Mr. Turner, i would like to offer you a job!" Having no job at the moment he accepts and now when adventurers go to the gladiator arena and are dropped into the pit, they can visit ol' George Turner while his family cheers for him on the side lines.
  11. Divinenemisis

    Divinenemisis Kobold

    One day as Urg the bronze golem was standing outside waiting for his next challenger he began to think about life. he turned to Zed the zombie his long and dear friend and asked "how long have we been friends Zed?" Zed replies "easily over thousand..." As a Elven arrow pierces Zed's head killing him instantly! Urg is very upset,begins to look around and sees no one. he stands there for another week and realizes that his friend is gone. Urg buries Zed in the ground. As Urg looks over his friends grave he says"I will avenge you Zed,I will find this Elven archer and I will make him pay"
  12. Lashrac Sigil

    Lashrac Sigil Kobold

    Boris the Borzai is a malicious, four-armed humanoids with black antlers and skin that constantly shifts in color. Its touch drains the life energy of their opponents and when struck the Borzai can sometimes unconsciously discharge electricity back at the attacker. They are exclusively nocturnal and move about in groups by surfing on a wave of temporarily liquefied earth. Borzai explode upon death causing massive electrical damage to all within range.
  13. Mance

    Mance Kobold

    A temporal sequence of informal haikus about the tale of Grakbar the Kobold:

    They call me Grakbar.
    I hunt for the family.
    They will know of peace.

    This land all we have.
    They were never welcome here.
    I will defend home.

    Once again they come.
    Pointed ears and pointed sticks.
    A long deep silence.

    skip_intro likes this.
  14. TheChad5347

    TheChad5347 Kobold

    Barz the Orc

    As a young Orc Barz was driven from his homeland by a motley group of adventures. Ever since that traumatizing day, he has never been able to feel safe or secure staying in one place for more than a fortnight. Barz has reluctantly taken up arms hoping that through the act of fighting today’s adventurers he will be able to wash away his recurring visions of that night so long ago…
  15. Drek Monger

    Drek Monger Kobold

    Penelope the Armored Pig

    Penelope bubbles with boundless enthusiasm. She always tries her best, because she wants to impress a ranger and be adopted as an animal companion. Penny has a secret: she was once a unhappy princess who bribed a witch into polymorphing her into her favorite kind of animal. Though the peril arises only rarely, Penny shies away from any offered kisses, for fear of being transformed back.
    Belkra and VexingVision like this.
  16. Archalon21

    Archalon21 Kobold

    Dimscale the Kobold Miner

    For longer than Dimscale can remember, he has been a wart on his clans backside. His father, the clan chief, cast him aside, merely because his hide was an undesirable shade of green. Ever in his nest brother, Crestedtails, shadow, Dimscale was doomed to creep among the clans labor class. Though not all is lost. A treasure laden group of adventurers, ripe for the mugging, heads his way now.
  17. Jhon

    Jhon Kobold

    From the lore of the old world Cardhuntria :p : "Spells had little more effect than lighting a fireplace or scaring recalcitrant goats" so I assume goats is a thing ;)
    • A goat
    • James, the father of revelations
    • As the goat tribes all around the world were bullied by the weak wizardry only one goat was brave enough to rise and stand for his people. James was his name and he brought the goat society to ask the simple questions like why they have to withstand the oppression of others. He left his tribe to seek the power to help his people. He returned with enchanted horns his tribe later called "The horns of freedom" and led his tribe to the dark woods to live freely and fight whoever threatens their freedom again.
    Lance likes this.
  18. Deadless78

    Deadless78 Mushroom Warrior

    Troglodyte Wizard
    Muck Whisp
    The adults would scold and attack the youngling. Not Knowing they would unleash his hidden ablilties. When he wouldn't back down he was taken before the Clan Leader to prove his self in a final showdown. Muck was beaten to a pulp but survied through the onslaught. Not before he unleashes a paralyzing spell by accident on himself rewarding him the highest rank Wizard; and soon the next Clan Leader!!!
  19. isriel

    isriel Kobold

    -kobold the pacifist
    I am just a pacifist protecting my little plot of land and most especially my lovely bff oinky; my pig. But the time has come to protect oinky and my land from these bullies.
    I know my piggy will not like this armor but I must protect him, he is my world. As the saying goes “all is acceptable when you love your pig”. To arms oinky!!!
  20. Oiendor

    Oiendor Kobold

    Gary I. Joe, Skeleton Warrior
    Sign here, they said. "Sign here and you will get a full purse to spend on women and ale. Your spirit will ascend to the here-after and your mindless body will be used to make the world a better place." Hah, never trust a necromancer. Mindless, my behind! A shame I cannot speak without my "masters" consent. Writing however...
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