Time for a new Beta Key Contest!

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Megadestructo, Mar 4, 2013.

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  1. Wozarg

    Wozarg Thaumaturge

    Gartok the kobold matron or the reality of diamonds of the kobolds
    It was a normal day and Gartok was rummaging through the caverns that he had been given by the goblin king to care for the orphans of war. He found a big sparkling stone in the rubble and held it up to the flickering torchlight. He could see that it was of the valuable kind. "This will buy us food for the winter children!" He shouted happily as he held the stone out for all to see and the children cheered happily before returning to there play fighting with sticks. Then without warning three stout dwarfs bearing axes and heavy armors appeared and started hacking through the terrified children that made futile attempts at protecting them self. The dwarfs walked up to Gartok who was protecting the last four of the kobold orphans as they cowered in fear behind his back. He held the stone up to the dwarfs with shaking hands and said in broken common with a pleading voice. "Y-you can have it just please spare the young." The dwarfs looked at the kobold with sinister grins on their faces and in unison spoke. "Loot comes after the map is cleared" As they raised their axes and brought them down on Gartok and the orphans.

    I know its too long but hopefully it can stay as i found it fun to let my artistic mind free for a moment. If it is disqualified that is more than fine as long as it can stay thanks!
  2. brolatypus

    brolatypus Kobold

    i posted this on facebook as well(michael garti)

    grug the goblin

    Born in small hut me grow up nice gurg, me fetch rodents for mother to cook and me compliment her horrid cooking. One day twins from hut next door drag me on adventure. me think bad idea but mother say go play with friends. On adventure we find strange thing with shiny metal skin, it chase us with sword and try cut off my head, me run away but it friend with stick thrower shoot me in back.
    Twilight Sparkle likes this.
  3. Wytefang

    Wytefang Kobold

    Viridian the Green Dragon

    Lookie here, see? The name’s Viridian but my friends call me Virgil. Youse may be thinking that I’m some kinda tough guy, right? But that’s where youse is wrong, see? Me? I’m just a hard-working dragon trying to make a living in an Adventurer’s world. Sure, sometimes I gotta run on da outside a da law from time to time but that doesn’t mean I’m not a decent joe, ya hear me? And anyone who says differently will be sleepin’ with da fishes, if ya know what I mean.
    Twilight Sparkle and skip_intro like this.
  4. Galvayra

    Galvayra Kobold

    Oh woe is me, the end is near, must i repent my sins before the jaws of death close down on me once more? If so what sins am i guilty of? Why do they hound me day after day, hunt me in my home, haunt me in my dreams. All i do is sleep and eat.

    A peek into the mind of Sebastian the overly dramatic Black Ooze
  5. Haratu

    Haratu Kobold

    The 70 word version (I wrote a 130 word one)
    Sally was the skeleton of the woods and could see everything from her tower. One day she saw an adventurer and shot her bow. The man survived. She shot again, and again. Eventually, running out of arrows she grabbed her own bones, finally spitting the finger bones down. 'Sally the Skull' still waits, and the adventurer still teases, the adventurer made of wood, the stump where someone left their hat.
    Twilight Sparkle likes this.
  6. VexingVision

    VexingVision Kobold

    My name is Shaman Bigfeet of the Pogswamp tribe. For ages, the sole purpose of the Goblin-kin has been to be slaughtered by wandering "heroes". No more shall they soil our land with our blood. No more shall our mother-breeders weep tears for their fallen offspring. No more shall we run from armored warriors. Today, we will fight. For our blood, our land, and the tears of our mother-breeders.
  7. AcidLies

    AcidLies Kobold

    I also posted on Facebook under the name Forrest Henderson
    A way out of this demonic hell! My friends and I just have to step through that portal and we are free from everlasting servitude! No more "Freddy fetch my underwear or Freddy test this potion." I can see having that family I always wanted. Here we go!
    As I stepped though the portal I heard a man shout. "Imps are trying to invade our lands! Kill them all and drive them back to which they came!"
    Twilight Sparkle likes this.
  8. Oink, The Armored Pig.
    I was happy to finally get out of the cramped pens, only to find out the filthy kobolds were putting this metal case on me.
    I had heard from rumors that all good pork ends up in a can, but I did not expect anything like this.
    What is worse they just dropped me off in a field, pointed at some lovely looking folk, then smacked my behind to make me run at them!

    Ok so it's 78 words (including the name) close enough right?
    Twilight Sparkle likes this.
  9. Brian

    Brian Kobold

    Snazzle the goblin wishes the big ugly pink things would quit coming down his hole and killing him. His edges are starting to get frayed.
  10. HavokReaker

    HavokReaker Kobold

    Kobold Grunt

    Me keep tellin Chieftain Bluk to stop collecting shiny things and we won't keep getting woken up by venturers tryin to take it all away from us. But nooooo, every time we get smashed and lose everything, Bluk goes out and gathers more stuff! Don't he know venturers only care about loot? At this rate I won't ever finish my squashed bug collection!
    Twilight Sparkle likes this.
  11. Whiteowl

    Whiteowl Kobold

    * Monster type-Skeleton warrior
    * Name- Darryl

    * Story-
    Darryl worked his whole life. Worked his fingers to the bone and hid his wealth in a dark damp dungeon. After his untimely death, darryl wouldnt be seperated from his hard earned gold and jewels. He doesnt want to hurt anyone, but those pesky dwarves, elves, and greedy humans all keep trying to take his wealth.Stay out of his cave and you have nothing to fear.
  12. Megadestructo

    Megadestructo Shark Card

    To avoid having to root through 10 entries from one person (and only picking one), yeah. We can continue the thread after the contest for sure though. Just put your best foot forward on this :)
  13. Trial

    Trial Kobold

    Trial Nummese

    skeleton warrior

    allied with the venom mist a clan of undead, wants to revenge the murderer of his family in life. tortured for the vision of the past and the pain of last life he wants to destroy the clan, reclaim his bones and putrid flesh for revenge. If you see me, see my bones, see my pain, see my blade and see your doom.
  14. skip_intro

    skip_intro Ogre

    The Ogre

    I, the Abomination, waiting at the gate
    I, Monster, vile spawn of darkness
    You deluded heroes, come test my strength
    With blood-stained hands, grasping for my gold
    Your bones for my bread, blood for my soup
    Your shiny jewels gleam in my hoard
    Your sightless eyes and rictus grins
    Forever fixed in the torchlight
    Pale warnings, unheeded by the Upper World
  15. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    "These are not the monsters you're looking for", said the Arcane Sprite named Tobi-Wan and and cast Mind Drain on the brave warrior, sword in hand, that so rudely interuppted him and Frost Imp mates chillaxing in their Imp abode.

    "Urrrr. Monsters. Not looking. Drrrrl" Said the tin-can man with a blank look, and an empty hand...

    (also, for those wanting some cool monsters to write entries about, I give you a hint - there's some helpful information really, really close by).
    Twilight Sparkle likes this.
  16. liv2rec

    liv2rec Kobold

    Bah'cone - The Armored Pig
    I was once the runt of the litter. But thanks to an unscrupulous necromancer and some horse steroids - (Don’t ask!) I am now Bah'cone - The Armored Pig of Destruction. After being bullied by my siblings, I can now show the world that I am a force to be reckoned with. No longer will I be called cute or pushed away from the teat of life. I miss my Mom!
  17. irongamer

    irongamer Orc Soldier

    Calphorus the Burning Skeleton
    Monster Type: Burning Skeleton
    Name: Calphorus

    Sixty years a captive; a slave to muscle, ligament, and frail tissue... shackled by flesh. Regrown 6 times; strengthened by oppressive forces. We bide our time as the host toils and troubles. Finally, with an ending breath the shackled are freed. Revealed by Spark and Memory, others remain trapped within. With blade and flame we shall release them; for when you are burned away our brother will be free.

    [Edit: Added more specific identification of monster type and name. Fixed a typo. ]
  18. A88mph

    A88mph Mushroom Warrior

    Monster Type: Zombie
    Name: Leon the Livid

    Me once hate zombie. Killed many Zombie. Zombie ate family. Became Knight to kill Zombie. Killed many Zombie. One day, me bit by Zombie. But heart already stopped. Angry long time, because of Zombie. Do not hate Zombie. So you don’t be Zombie. Lest you be Zombie. Killed many people.
    Twilight Sparkle likes this.
  19. Kahar

    Kahar Mushroom Warrior

    Tim the Man at Arms of Lord Stafford

    Tim enjoyed guarding things, especially things belonging to kind, old noblemen with extensive art collections. While at times eccentric, Lord Stafford was a fair employer and eagerly shared stories of his adventures across the world in the pursuit of unusual artifacts. Unfortunately, one evening as Tim was sharing the history of a lacquered mask from the elusive swamp-folk of Thumballi with a fellow guard, he was cut down by band of adventurers.
  20. Saerin

    Saerin Kobold

    Monster Type: Lizardman Netter
    Name: Kraxiss

    I used to spend my days sleeping by the river using my net to catch dinner and then you "heroes" arrived. I never attacked you but still managed to earn the reputation of monster and eater of children. YOU invaded MY home and attempted to take my land and life and yet I am the monster. Perhaps if you were not so eager to be "famous" we could have been neighbors and friends....a pity!
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