Confirmed. This is actually legit true. You can test with Browser CH if you wanna try it for yourself. :O
Yeah, Chrome is the worst one. I'm using Edge [easiest to use of all of the current browsers, in my experience]. It certainly works, there.
there is a reason why they are stopping flash security risk ;_;
This worked for me for a while, though I found that setting the time to certain dates in December 2020 would always result in the message 'Card Hunter is currently down for maintenance. Please try again in a few minutes.'. Fiddling with the date would make it work again. However, for the last few months it hasn't mattered what date I use, I always get the maintenance error. If anyone has any ideas I'd love to hear them, because Steam isn't really an option for me. Help me, Workaround Kenobi. You're my only hope!
Hopefully Steam won't be the only way forever (we've said in a few places that we're working on some stuff that might change this, though we haven't promised any specific results by any specific times as we're still investigating our options) but yeah, unlikely to return to browser with the Flash client in any real capacity.
Flash was always problematic. I'd like to see a browser version again, but I don't know how good the possible options are. I trust the knights to do their best.