Counterspell vs Forgetfulness

Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by Wozarg, Mar 2, 2013.

  1. Wozarg

    Wozarg Thaumaturge

    Counterspell is a uncommon card but if you ask me its far superior to the in my opinion terrible card Forgetfulness which happens to be rare i would gladly take comments and opionions on this.
  2. Gabbek

    Gabbek Orc Soldier

    Range 8 vs range 6 - counterspell is clearly superior in any shape or form :)
  3. Shinigami

    Shinigami Kobold

    i don't get the purpose of linking cards\items that don't exist on wiki. :confused:
  4. Wozarg

    Wozarg Thaumaturge

    For at two major reasons one of them being the fact that they will be added to the wiki at some point and the other that its easy as hell to link them through forum code so i always do it for all items and cards. Besides if you are at a point in the beta where your input on the matter is highly relevant you either know what the cards do or can look them up in your inventory.
  5. LightPhoenix

    LightPhoenix Orc Soldier

    I thought that rarity was supposed to be a measure of card complexity versus banner color for card strength.
  6. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    Yup, that's what I was about to answer as well. Quality is power and colour bar, rarity is just... rarity.
  7. Gabbek

    Gabbek Orc Soldier

    Banner color represents the 'tier' (power) of the card - while rarity is used mainly for itemization. There are currently two wizard spells which seem to have their rarity set too high: forgetfulness & telekinesis.
  8. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    Not so sure I agree with this Gabbek - how do you rate rarity when it's not the same as power...? Kinda subjective.
  9. Gabbek

    Gabbek Orc Soldier

    Well - if you have two silver cards and one is uncommon compared to rare - and rare is weaker... then you know something is wrong.
    Edit: Rarity is like 2nd 'tier' inside card's 'tier' - you measure card's power by it's color - the higher color (tier), the better the card is. Rarity shows you how 'good' that card of the same tier is. I'm sorry - my english sucks! Can't explain this properly... ;(
  10. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    To get back to the op, Forgetfullness has the benefit of not leaving your hand if someone casts a spell on you, I struggled to think why desperate block was a higher power than block - but then it all becomes clear - BM rates controlability of cards as power.
  11. Gabbek

    Gabbek Orc Soldier

    Because it will block any attack dealing more than 5 damage - it won't 'waste' itself against cards like bad luck, heal 2 (cast by enemy), and tons of other similar cards.
    Edit: sorry, I think I missunderstood and written too quickly, but the point stands :)
  12. Wozarg

    Wozarg Thaumaturge

    If this is correct then its still wrong as a card you have to make sure you don't get hit while holding is pretty easily more complex than a card that does the same thing but cant be accidentally wasted. The way rarity works and the reason i care is a rare item can have one rare card on it a epic 2 and a legendary 3.

    Here is the thing you draw 2 cards a turn if you get hit by a spell that gets countered you at most have one spell that didn't hit you and possibly a walk or a armor in their hand meaning you just got the same effect even if you didn't take the first turn. The fact that its range 6 instead of 8 means that most spells will hit you if you walk in range to use it and then you at most get 1 spell out of their hand so the counter is just better almost every time.

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