Just to see...was suprised on the number of "young" peoples who were playing and loving "Legend of Grimrock"...that goes, Dungeon Master can rise again....
Am 29 (30 this year... eek). I play pretty much every game under the sun, have just ran through NWN's again
34 Here. Thanks for this poll. My gf was like: "Hey what is this Childish stuff you are looking at..." Now i can tell her to go make me a sandwich!
sudo make me a sandwich XD anyway i love this poll...i actually feel young when i see that i am one of the youngest here (23 almost 24) =D
Whoa, whoa whoa! Why is the age 25-30 bracket associated with the "W": wife and work? I've got the double S issue: school and single
Well now, I know plenty of "wives" that would fit into the RPGer category. Not all fans of RPGs and computer games are dudes.
Let me tell you a story: A friend of mine played a game with 4 girls. He was the only man. They all played men, so he thought it would be funny when he played a woman. Not only was it decided by the women that his female char had giant breasts, he also got **** from them for playing her to intelligent. My moral... Women are men. In roleplaying at least. That is all
Well, I was more referring to the fact that I neither have a wife (hint, hint, ladies ) or "real" work, but I suppose we can discuss the perceived lack of women in this field