Image of attachment removed by Antimagic Skin sticks around

Discussion in 'Bugs' started by Frostguard, Oct 31, 2016.

  1. Frostguard

    Frostguard Thaumaturge

    I haven't tried reproducing the issue yet. I had a Quick Draw match, I picked Antimagic Skin for my wizard, and he got hit by a Flame Jet and later an Instant Burn. He looked like this for the rest of the battle.

  2. Flaxative

    Flaxative Party Leader

    This smells related to some known issues with fast animation speed messing with card display. Please do let us know if it happens again!
  3. Frostguard

    Frostguard Thaumaturge

    I'll keep an eye out for it. My animation speed wasn't on maximum, by the way, but there are some issues with display even at that speed (when Unholy Energy draws a card that prevents its damage). I was probably clicking while the attachments resolved, though, so there's that. I was just trying to say that the game doesn't need to be set to ludicrously high speed for these things to happen.
    ParodyKnaveBob and Flaxative like this.
  4. uhlik

    uhlik Orc Soldier

    This happens to me all the time. Some card freezes on the screen. Sometimes when I play them, sometimes when they get trigered by some effect.
    Sometimes the cards get small when they are in a hand and stay like that.
    Also the "pause" sign in the middle of the screen stays there often.
    ParodyKnaveBob likes this.

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