Aloyzo's Arsenal Discussion Thread

Discussion in 'Card Hunter General Chat' started by Flaxative, Jul 29, 2015.

  1. Lucky Dice

    Lucky Dice Thaumaturge

    Uh oh, I think we have a small problem with Reinforced Doorf.

    There's been an user of the name Xaryn who submitted Reinforced Dooris back at AA #3 with identical cards.

    You can check it yourselves, the only thing I see however are the mentions. But Flax's video should be a proof, I remember it being there.

    Unless it's the same person and I'm stupid.
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2016
  2. Rohndil

    Rohndil Hydra

    Yeah, but those were boots.
    timeracers likes this.
  3. j3st3ri

    j3st3ri Thaumaturge

    And as such, they would never be allowed in the game; boots have to have at least one movement card. So yeah, there definitely isn't any problems.
  4. Maniafig

    Maniafig Thaumaturge

    Whoo, I got mentioned in the video! I laughed when you pointed out that Boppsy's Bopper sounds like the name Mom would give to the weapon, that's something I'd not even considered. :p

    And congratulations to the winner this year! There's some very interesting picks, I'm curious how these cards will shift the meta. I'm looking forward to seeing some of these items used!

    And here's hoping someone'll be able to get use out of Vanity Mirror once it's released. A victory with Vanity Mirror is a Victory with style!
    Flaxative likes this.
  5. Flaxative

    Flaxative Party Leader

    If xayrn were active and had a problem with his design being improved by someone else we could work it out. But last year I think I explicitly said I would put that item in as a skill but not a boot.

    @j3st3ri - we don't have time to mention all the good submissions :p anyway, your item was a tight design but there dev team isn't ready to put acid pool on player items yet.
    seth arue and Lucky Dice like this.
  6. seth arue

    seth arue Thaumaturge

    And Flax had a community poll then. He added the item as a Skill at first, but Xaryn explicitly stated he didn't want it as a Skill.
    Yes, I took the submission for myself, but it's because I really wanted Doorf in the game. It was actually one of the few times I bothered to vote in a community poll >.>
    Lucky Dice likes this.
  7. Shocked that Everlasting Ground and Unstoppable Chop made into into the game, but my acid mage will be happy! :p And so will be my Advanced Battlefield Training Mage when he gives Everlasting Ground to my Bless Terrain Cleric. :p
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2016
  8. Also good to see Massive Chop get a playable item!
    Flaxative likes this.
  9. Btw the those boots could do more if the stars align and if the player has a move booster like Quickness Aura. Which no good charger should leave home without
  10. Flaxative

    Flaxative Party Leader

    I will eat my hat the day charges become a reliable threat in competitive play :)
    BlackVoidDeath and Pyrious like this.
  11. Happenstance

    Happenstance Thaumaturge

    Saved. Challenge accepted. Nacho hats don't count.
    Reint and Lucky Dice like this.
  12. hello world

    hello world Hydra

    Wait, you mean that the tokenless charge/parry dwarf skill and the tokenless double charge dwarf skill aren't competitive? I like my mages to both tank and be able to exit the starting area quickly.
    I think rocket charge is decent on the ai maps since it gives you fly, but still allows you to use the major token to increase your damage output.

    Obviously the new boots are still the weakest rocket charge item, since for a major token you can get better positioning than charge, but rocket charges feel more niche than terrible.
    Last edited: Oct 19, 2016
  13. DunDunDun

    DunDunDun Thaumaturge

    So, hey, when is Aloyzo #15 being launched? Are you going to announce it soon or not? It feels like it has been weeks, not days!



    Thanks for deciding to include the Geomancy robes- I'm looking forward to seeing how well they synergize with things like bacon and Hex of Dissolution. ^.^
    Or if it can help support rad priest runs on core maps, for maximum rad bloom spam. >=D
    Really looking forward to being able to run proper acid mages- I've always leaned toward acid as my favorite CH element, to begin with. :D

    On another note, maybe an upcoming Aloyzo can focus on handicap warrior skills..
    Been running handicap quests again, and was reminded again of how disappointing the lack of any handicap warrior skills was. ..also noted that yellow pip wizard and priest items tend to be short on a good selection, as well. :X
    Last edited: Oct 19, 2016
  14. Flaxative

    Flaxative Party Leader

    I didn't say that boots with rocket charge can't be competitive. I said that I doubt charges will become reliable major damage dealers in competitive play :p
  15. Reint

    Reint Ogre anyone else at least partially intrigued by the idea of a nacho hat?
    Happenstance, seth arue and Flaxative like this.
  16. Fry_The_Guy

    Fry_The_Guy Lizardman Priest

    Was this the first time it was announced that the Nimble Nibbler was not getting chosen? What was the point of putting it in the poll if it never had a chance to make it into the game in the first place?
  17. Flaxative

    Flaxative Party Leader

    In the poll thread I clarified that Blue Manchu is taking the top two.
  18. Fry_The_Guy

    Fry_The_Guy Lizardman Priest

    I see it now, thanks.

    I must have just checked the poll until it was closed and did not check the comments.
  19. tolkien

    tolkien Thaumaturge

    That being said, some were already shaking in their boots at the prospect of it being included in the game. @Robauke
  20. Robauke

    Robauke Guild Leader

    Yeah i thought it was in for a while.
    Elections are bad, they can burden you with unreasonable outcomes.
    seth arue likes this.

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