So a video game that combines elements of pen and paper role-playing games, collectible card games and Dungeon! exists and none of you could be bothered to tell me about it? I don't live under a rock- somebody could have let me know! If it had not been for a little preview in this month's Game Informer I might have missed Card Hunter!! So mad!!! Anyway, I immediately applied for the beta and will be counting the days until I get a beta invite or the game launches, whichever comes first. And I wanted to introduce myself to the community I hope to be a part of for years to come. I am, of course, not talking to you guys right now... because of the anger thing. Just give me a few days...
Well, It's still in closed beta, and at the very early state of it. Your anger would be reasonable if the game is in open beta and anyone can join. But being angry about it at this time is equal to being angry at, let's say Valve, for not letting you play-test their alpha-state heroes for DotA2. .- . The wait will be a while, at least until they've reached a stable enough state that they give out a lot more keys.
Thanks, Megadestructo. I am glad to be here. I hope I am not the only person that GI article points towards this game!
You are not! I too found path to this gem in the same manner. In my excitement, I found it necessary to join this land to make such expression heard. Here now I sit, hoping to lay hands on keys - be them numerical or the physical ones of my keyboard on release.
If you guys want to make it worse on yourself, check Zalminen's beta diary and the video reddit thread. I bet you will be even further infuriated you almost missed this. Welcome!
I'm new to, and I found out about Card Hunter the same way with the new Game Informer. Can't wait to spend endless hours looting dungeons in the most glorious ways. Sorry my loved ones there's a dungeon with my name on it!
Glad you guys are here, be sure to looks around as we have lots of information and videos floating about to tie you over!