How does Negative Energy Being work with armors? If a character with this card and 1 armor receives a Misguided Healing, what happens? He heals 1 then takes 3 damage? Heals 1 takes 4? Heals 2 takes 3? Heals 2 takes 4? Or does the whole universe collapse? Also comes the question about Gene Therapy: should it heal before or after turning handicaps to boosts? Since Negative Energy Being is of both types, it would have its pros and cons either way.
I'd imagine it works just the same as per usual, only damage and healing are reversed. Misguided Heal normally would do 1 damage followed by 4 heal in your scenario, and would do 1 heal followed by 4 damage with Negative Energy Being. "would take damage..." implies it happens after all damage has been resolved. Gene Therapy changes handicap cards before healing, so I guess it would change handicap cards before dealing damage. I can see it being a big game-changer, though shouldn't come up too often if it's emerald. Smacking your own guys and Impetuous Heal (and heals in general) might be more popular.
Looks like healers are going to come back into fashion then, especially if negative Energy Being is going to be showing up on armours. I'm in two minds about the respawning though. On one hand it's going to be fun to have to fight for survival instead of just mopping up all the enemies. On the other hand it comes across as a cheap way of boosting single player difficulty. Probably a sign that characters are a bit too powerful right now and that the game needs answers that come in the form of 50 damage cards. I don't know, I just want to wait and see.
BVD, purging what? You (currently) can't purge an enemy's handicap -- even if it's hybrid, such as Blind Rage! $:^ }
This reminds me of these two cards: Festering Guts and Mad Dog should definitely be boost cards, since they are not harmful to the wielder. At least BM should make them boost/handicap hybrids, just like NGB will be. Oh, and Anti-Radiation Hypo seems really good against NGB and has a really good synergy with Talented Healer . Ooh, this gave me an idea of a new trait for priests: every card with heal does damage instead! Edit: WexMajor already thought of this last year:
@DupleX: Oh, right, right, thank you for the reminder. $:^ ] Also, @j3st3ri: I know the MD/FG cards being boost+handicap hybrid types has been discussed before. I don't recall if BM weighed in on that topic. Pardon my lack of research; why am I even here right now?; I'm sick and need to go rest, bye, sorry.
You could at least try to write my username right... I have actually used Purging Strike to remove enemies handicaps. I was the one who put those handicaps on them, so I don't really know if this actually work.
Ready to begin playtesting? Also, it looks like only 3 modules so far, which makes it half the size of previous expansions.
In some ways it won't be the same as previous expansions. Citadel and AotA were incredibly similar in terms of adventures, items, etc.. AI doesn't follow the same formula. I can't comment on # of modules though =)
May I suggest putting a chubacabra somewhere in the adventures? The only canonical encounter with it has a real chance of ending without you actually sparring with it for more than 1 or 2 turns, due to the weak mobs and the conveniently placed vp.