Co-op: See all players their cursors

Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by Vincent Goeminne, Jan 21, 2016.

  1. - Make the cursors of all players visible for all players, so they can show what they are talking about.
    - Enable the players to choose which characters turn it is. This is a huge disadvantage, not being able to choose which character goes first. So enable the option to vote which character goes first, or give this power to the host?

    - Some more improvements can be made, but these 2 are the most important ones I think.
  2. Kalin

    Kalin Begat G'zok

    If you want someone else to go before you, just click Pass.
    ParodyKnaveBob, timeracers and DupleX like this.
  3. No, because then an enemy goes in between.

    - or am I mistaken?
  4. Kalin

    Kalin Begat G'zok

    No, enemy only goes if you play a card (non-cantrip) or the whole team passes. Maybe this needs to be explained better in game?
  5. K, so if (in co-op) players simple pass, it first goes over the complete roster of players, before it PASS passes?
  6. The cursor thing is really needed. Because I'm sick of talking to my friends like this: The square behind, like the visually behind of the character, of my character, but 1 diagonally right, right of my character, its 2 squares further than the goblin, no not that goblin, the 5 hp goblin, he's called Snick. Behind the pillar, out of line of sight. Goddammit, not that pillar.
  7. Robauke

    Robauke Guild Leader

    About communication, every monster got indeed an indivdual name. Yes, often its faster to go by HP. "Attack the 8", usally its clear what monster is meant in the current situation.

    With more experienced players, i navigate points of interest on the board with the cardinal directions - "i'll go 3 squares north" and so on.


    Some sort of "ping" would be nice2have (so its doomed, folks). My first thought to realize it within the game mechanics would be as some sort of phantom tile, that anyone can place anytime and that vanishes once the next action ist taken.

    Edit: My 1000th Message! ٩(-̮̮̃- ̃)۶
    Last edited: Jan 22, 2016
    Sir Veza, ParodyKnaveBob and billiska like this.
  8. Sir Veza

    Sir Veza Farming Deity

    Ping would be great. Voip can help a lot.
    Co-op definitely gets easier if you play with the same players, develop your communication, and learn each other's styles and builds.
    Playing with new partners can be a hoot, but is usually slow and prone to errors. Maintaining your sense of humor, or at least perspective, can sometimes be challenging.
    ParodyKnaveBob likes this.

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