servant themed scenario

Discussion in 'Custom Scenarios and Boards' started by Username2Taken, Jan 9, 2016.

  1. today i made 2 scenarios where you are playing servants and a frenzing priest that can't move or hit himself
    they both need some improvement so ideas and comments are welcome!

    this one is the easiest, even too easy to be fun: your 4 servants respawn every turn
    motivation speech screenshot.gif
    maybe i should transform the open terrain into victory p1, make a bigger delay between each respawn or replace scuttlers by warriors (no armor but more one-shot-kill attacks)?

    here is the second one, harder but still easy: here you have 6 servants that do not respawn
    marketplace trouble.gif
    maybe remove a servant or add a scuttler?

    Attached Files:

    Happenstance likes this.
  2. BlackVoidDeath

    BlackVoidDeath Guild Leader

    So whats the point here? - is there invisible VP terrain or are the servants supposed to weakstrike the trogs to death?
  3. Weak strike to death with the help of unholy wellsprings
  4. Cooldood

    Cooldood Kobold

    If the priest is giving a leech I'd love to see mass frenzy in there- suits the flavor and art perfectly.
  5. Yea mass ftenzy would be awesome but the problem is only mp priests have it, and the only one to have a decent ammount of frenzy (n3 melborg) has flight aura and can get thtough the impassable terrain and crush the trogs.
  6. seth arue

    seth arue Thaumaturge

    guess I just suck :(
    already died twice on the Marketplace....maybe i'm just no good at strategy *sighs*
  7. Maybe, or maybe this scenario is ****
    seth arue likes this.

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