How much money you spend on this game?

Discussion in 'Card Hunter General Chat' started by jimmycwxx, Dec 31, 2015.

  1. jimmycwxx

    jimmycwxx Kobold

    How much money do you guys spend on this game?
  2. timeracers

    timeracers Guild Leader

    I think this game is super awesome so I spent about 32 dollars so far. (bought both main bundle and the citadel bundle and bought some pizza)
  3. Kalin

    Kalin Begat G'zok

    $23 so far, and I'm planning on buying the bundles for future expansions.
  4. jimmycwxx

    jimmycwxx Kobold

    em...i spent like 400-500 usd
    Krunail, karadoc, MathuranF and 2 others like this.
  5. Pawndawan

    Pawndawan Champion of Cardhuntria

    Basic + AotA bundles (pre-Steam prices), EttSC bundle & enough pizza for 6 months of club membership =
    25 $ + 15 $ + 12.99 $ + 49.99 $ =
    102.98 $
    timeracers likes this.
  6. Robauke

    Robauke Guild Leader

    Around 40 bucks. Really not much for what i got out of it.
  7. Maniafig

    Maniafig Thaumaturge

    I bought 150 Pizza to unlock the EttSC treasure hunts so that's just below 5 euros.
  8. Sir Veza

    Sir Veza Farming Deity

    Thanks for financially supporting the game! Players don't have to, but if not enough do it will have to close.
    I'm not sure how much I've spent. More than $100 by now, which is really pretty cheap of me considering how much/long I've played. Basically I've just bought treasure hunts for 3 accounts and occasional club memberships.
  9. chaosmagez

    chaosmagez Kobold

    20 for Pizza and the Citadel Bundle.
  10. Magic Elves

    Magic Elves Thaumaturge

    None, oddly. I still need to do that sometime.
    Sir Veza and seth arue like this.
  11. Happenstance

    Happenstance Thaumaturge

    Yeah probably the same as Veza between unlocking the expansions and two six month runs at club so far. I don't really need the items now, but the cost per day is less than the dissatisfaction I feel when something good is locked behind the glass.

    Might be worth mentioning that it's the first game with a variation on subscription membership that I've ever bothered paying for.
    timeracers likes this.
  12. hello world

    hello world Hydra

    15 € for basic treasure hunts+aota ones, will probably spend 5 more for ettsc some time later and for hypotetic new expansions.
  13. Christofff

    Christofff Guild Leader

    I've spent my last two years salary, or around 50 thousand, and Karen still hasn't given me her phone number, let alone invited me to Cardstock 3 :((
  14. j3st3ri

    j3st3ri Thaumaturge

    IMHO the best way to spend your money in this game is as follows:

    Try the game out and if you like it, create a new account and buy immediately "Basic Edition". Do not spend all the Pizza you get from Gary for the things Gary wants you to use them. (I used all the Pizza that I managed to get from the bundles and Gary to buy me 3 new adventure figures to personalize my groups even more)

    If you still like the game after the main campaign, you should consider buying AotA and Citadel Bundle.

    You should purchase the bundles when you have time to play the game, because all the bundles come with 30 day club membership. (that's 90 days total if you buy all the three bundles at the same time)

    I know many might disagree on this and rather just buy Pizza Slices, but I've never regretted buying the three bundles myself. (or using the little amount of Pizza that I got from them on three figures)
  15. gulo gulo

    gulo gulo Guild Leader

    I would estimate $400. That includes one treasure hunt. The rest has been on club memberships, treasure chests, and gifts of pizza to other players.
    Sir Veza, 40c_rudy and timeracers like this.
  16. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    I guess something like $500 or even more. I don't have time for gold farming, so I just buy pizza and convert it to gold when I see something good in the store.

    The game really needs a better monetization. I simply have no reasons for spending money, as ALL the reasons are tied to the time-spenders. Club membership is interesting only for the active players, costumes aren't interesting at all (are there girls among us?) and so on. I used to buy chests, but as long as I've got enough epics, I've stopped.
    A designer shouldn't hope that his players will spend both a lot of money and a lot of time on his game, especially on such intellect-demanding game as Cardhunter. Such players are very rare.
  17. Robauke

    Robauke Guild Leader

    Glad you spend that kind of cash, but that doesnt justify bashing everyone who appreciates skins, one of the few time-indifferent ways of monetization that doesnt feel like charity. It puzzles me that CH hasn't three times the number of currently available figures.
    I've thrown the semi-serious suggestion out there before of expanding that aspect by offering different voice packs, including unique lines you can use in PvP matches. "I'll never yield", "you've seen nothing yet", and so on, whatever. Of course i cant assess the potential revenue of such additions, but i am pretty sure that cosmetics are a promising direction.

    Farbs mentioned the concept of real ads directly on the board, and consequent next thought would be "no ads for club members". Two additional ways to make money i could tolerate.
    timeracers likes this.
  18. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    Was it really "bashing"? I doubt. I enjoy the skins myself and even bought a pair, but I am not going to collect them or pay a lot of money for them. I would be happy if the skins were different heroes with own abilities, that would make the game more rich and more strategic. But paying just for a picture?

    I would quit the game at all after that. Ads should be displayed only at the player's discretion.
  19. I bought EttSC. I'd buy more but... CAD:USD rate is pretty awful right now :(
    You and 10 others likes this.
  20. Obernoob

    Obernoob Hydra

    I would have enough Pizza from Guild and other events, but I like the idea of supporting the game by buying every extension which will come out. So the money I spend is the money you have to pay to unlock the new adventures. And I will do this also in the future.

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