VoT #1: URRRtRL(R) Jaguar Spirit Staff VoT #2: URRRtEE(L) Booming Ring, Rusty Healing Armor, (Chartwell's Ring)
Mind #1 URRRELt(Lt) Dorimer's Boots, 2 x Iron Crown Tezkal #1 UURRRL(E) Dangerous Club, Big Ash Shield
Tezkal #17: UURE(R) Bertha's Big Clogs Viscous #20: UtURR(R) + Cudgel Of Healing Light on second battle
Hey Kustaa, you're luck has changed for the better! Please tell me how to link my epic/legendary finds when I post them. As you see above, my item descriptions don't link to the wiki! Thanks, dan
You have to highlight the item name and then press the "ITEM" button. (it has the green orb as an icon)
Viscous #1: UURRtEEt(E) Manifold Medic, Black Pearl, Silver Fir Staff Tezkal #1: URtRtEEE(R) Ztoli Branch, 2x Tempered Flamestaff EDIT: Plus Kraktopus Oil after 2nd battle.