4 Turns without attack cards... A serious unluck problem

Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by MrKaralis, Feb 3, 2013.

  1. Ponyboy

    Ponyboy Orc Soldier

    That's the CCG element of the game. Sometimes you get card screwed. It happens. But the chances of it happenening on every attempt of a given battle probably aren't that high, and they are probably rather extremely low.
  2. MrKaralis

    MrKaralis Mushroom Warrior

    I played Magic for many years and a well constructed deck has not many hands without playable cards. And that's even a strategy game.
  3. TheRev

    TheRev Orc Soldier

    Never tell me the odds! lol j/k :p

    You can give me .0000000001% to just get the worst hand ever.. and I will some how get it. :p But seriously, the odds change every card you draw.. for my fighter I have 37 cards (So card count will vary depending on equipment), but out of those 37 cards, 17 of them are attack cards 17:37 (of course it would end up being a prime number.. darn math).. lets just say it is around 46% chance that first card will be a combat card. If it isn't then the chances go up to around 47%.. etc etc.. (Less cards.. more chance obviously right). Now that sounds like good odds, and it is because I stacked as much attack as I could.

    So lets look at something less obvious.. My priest has 37 cards also.. (Humm.. didn't expect it to be the same).. anyway he has only 8 attack cards. that means the chance for his first draw to be an attack card (8:37) is about 22%.. if it isn't it doesn't even go up a whole 1% if that first card isn't an attack, and to get the same odds (47%) you would have to have gone through about 20 cards without drawing one attack card (8:17). That is a bit, but my priest isn't near as stacked for attack cards. So the chances vary depending on who your talking about, and how your deck is setup. If you want decent odds you have to add a lot of attack's, and on some you just can't do that.
  4. Ponyboy

    Ponyboy Orc Soldier

    That's where your definition of a "well constructed deck" might not be the same as everyone's. Some very effective decks in MTG take a while to "gather steam", but when they do, watch out!
  5. MrKaralis

    MrKaralis Mushroom Warrior

    well on card hunter on some battle a turn without attack cards can ruin the battle.
    On magic you can wait some turn waiting the right card scheme.
  6. SurgeonFish

    SurgeonFish Automaton Moderator Staff Member

    what level are your characters? Do you have 3 weapon slots for your warrior yet?
  7. MrKaralis

    MrKaralis Mushroom Warrior

    i had just two slot when i opened the topic, now three and two weapon slot on cleric and mage.
    now if the warrior is alive it happened no more than one turn without attack cards.
    Without the warrior had the unluck to have three turns without attack cards.
  8. SurgeonFish

    SurgeonFish Automaton Moderator Staff Member

    Ya, low levels are painful till you unlock all the slots as they are not balanced correctly.
  9. MrKaralis

    MrKaralis Mushroom Warrior

    maybe would help to have all item slots from the starts but barred from equipping item until the level that now unlock them
    So just basic cards from them until you can equip item.
    So we can get familiarity with full deck just from the scratch
  10. Donnola

    Donnola Mushroom Warrior

    I think that would make the game even more difficult, considering unequipped slots give pretty bad cards to start with.
    In my opinion, keeping few "good" items is better.
  11. Wozarg

    Wozarg Thaumaturge

    I agree having slots with no items in them is actually worse
  12. MrKaralis

    MrKaralis Mushroom Warrior

    or leaving the things as they're now maybe they can add some simple damage card to weapons for level 4/6 to decrease the odds to draw no attack cards.
  13. jjfoley

    jjfoley Mushroom Warrior

    When I first played the game I would walk up to bad guys and be mad that I didn't draw my attack cards in time. As I played the game more, I began to understand better that I shouldn't be cursing my cards, I should be working with them. Too many move cards? Play rope-a-dope, and move intelligently to prevent them from following you. Block cards and no attacks? Sucker some folks into attacking you to burn their attack cards. Sure, in some boards your options are limited -- that's when it may be time to sideboard in some move-attack cards on your boots instead of all movement, or to make your mage an area of attack pyromaniac vs a long-range bomber, so that you can deal with close quarters.

    I also didn't realize how valuable even the trait cards can be (even the cursed ones!), because they're one less card in your deck... so you can get to the cards you want faster. I laughed at how useless Spin Around was when I first saw it. Now I'm trying to sneak some into my decks.

    Like backgammon, the point is to maximize your odds of being in a good situation. You may still get a bad roll/draw, but you can take steps to minimize its impact.
    iorath likes this.
  14. Molotova

    Molotova Mushroom Warrior

    I suggested somewhere else the option of chosing to mulligan (discard 3, draw 2 if no attack cards drawn on a toon).
    (At least) another Beta tester raised the issue.
  15. MrKaralis

    MrKaralis Mushroom Warrior

    was me :)

    @jjfoley i was talking about bad luck and maybe a bit shortage of attack cards on early levels not about how to play (i know that)
  16. Molotova

    Molotova Mushroom Warrior

    No was taggart 6 from the first impression thread:
  17. jjfoley

    jjfoley Mushroom Warrior

    @MrKaralis sorry, didn't mean to imply that you didn't know how to play. I guess I never had enough strings of turns without attack cards to feel that the game was broken. Even well-constructed Magic decks can still occasionally sink you with land after land being drawn in mid- to late game, and a mulligan won't help you with a string of 4 turns in a row. I think this is just the nature of the beast, with a card-based game mechanic.
  18. Ez2bBad

    Ez2bBad Kobold

    It happens just like in MTG if you build wrong your mana curve will be all jacked up and you wont get those lands when you need them. Its just like getting mana flooded. I could see it being a problem if it was happening multiple times but also deck building is part of the strategy. Also dont quit just b/c you get a bad deal just go with the flow sometimes it happens just reevaluate what is happening and see if you can turn it into your favor.

    Woops didnt mean to bite off what you said jjfoley didnt even see your post till i got done writing mine :)
  19. Wozarg

    Wozarg Thaumaturge

    Never forget that for there to be a chance at your dream sequence of draws there also has to be the counter balance of the nightmare draws its just how chance games are.

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