Your ideas for tweaking/nerfing some cards?

Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by Lucky Dice, Oct 23, 2015.

  1. Stexe

    Stexe #2 in Spring PvP Season

    It would be awesome for Elves, but weaker for everyone else. Generally moving after using it is a bit stronger because you can use it to disengage at far range. Good suggestion though, I don't see any problems with having it changed.
    gulo gulo likes this.
  2. gulo gulo

    gulo gulo Guild Leader

    True, but it's no good when a block negates the discard and the move. I'd be fine with the order staying the way it was if the move was not blocked. And maybe it needs to be a Blue/Red card then, if the move cannot be negated?
    Pawndawan likes this.
  3. Stexe

    Stexe #2 in Spring PvP Season

    If that's possible (I think it is) then it would probably be the best. Having it a hybrid move card that steps after the move. Same functionality, but can be drawn with Elven move cards and gets the move even if blocked. Unless they think it would make the card OP or something?
    gulo gulo likes this.
  4. Pawndawan

    Pawndawan Champion of Cardhuntria

    gulo gulo and seth arue like this.
  5. Stexe

    Stexe #2 in Spring PvP Season

    Yes, now just get it into the game like that. :-P
    gulo gulo likes this.
  6. gulo gulo

    gulo gulo Guild Leader

    Well, at worst, it's going to be used as an extra move card, which is what Vicious Thrusts basically are these days anyway. Both the attack and the discard could be blocked in this situation, so I don't see how they are that dissimilar.
  7. Flaxative

    Flaxative Party Leader

    We considered making SPR step 1 when we changed it. Making it move-after-discard seemed sweeter. I personally would like to see it be Step 1, discard 1 @ random, then move 1. Maybe someday =)
    Lord Feleran and gulo gulo like this.
  8. gulo gulo

    gulo gulo Guild Leader

    Moving after discard is fine; the problem is that a block blocks the move as well. So it becomes pretty non-viable with all the Defender's Blocks around, haha.
    Robauke likes this.
  9. Stexe

    Stexe #2 in Spring PvP Season

    If it had both move before and after I'd hope it would be reduced to range 3 or something.
  10. Lucky Dice

    Lucky Dice Thaumaturge

    Battlefield Training and Advanced Battlefield Training are kind of cool, but VERY situational. You can give anything you want, sure, but the fact you NEED to have a vision on a hero in order to do so, it has a restricted range and on close-quarters maps it's either you can't use it or you get smashed by burst.

    What if we allowed it to be used during "Trait" part of the turn, before all the traits happen, to possibly allow the user to move a harmful handicap? You can have 4 of ABTs tops on the warrior and 2 tops on anything else, I don't think it would cause too much harm, and instead would kind of make playing it less of a miserable experience.

    Either that, or remove the "vision necessary" part and reduce range by 1.
  11. Killer74

    Killer74 Hydra

    Seems a bit of a overly complicated mechanic for just two cards. What I'd really like to see is being able Battlefield Training and Advanced Battlefield Training on enemies, then you'd be able to dump your bad cards on your opponents, which'd make for interesting deck-building ideas.
    ParodyKnaveBob and Stexe like this.
  12. Robauke

    Robauke Guild Leader

    The value of BT lies in the suprise element, and for that to work, youll have to be able to choose freely when to transfer cards to another character. It needs a setup, yes, and an experienced opponent might even recognize the signs of an impending BT. I think those subtelties are worth being kept and add to the game.

    Reworking it to a def-block like "transfer freely to allies within X" is the more interesting option, but i value the range of BT and would rather keep that then get the no-LOS bonus.

    @Killer74, that and more was initially possible, it was patched out since it caused a heavy, heavy bug. That was also the end to my "give the halted enemy raging strikes" build.
  13. Stexe

    Stexe #2 in Spring PvP Season

    Yeah, I wish they fixed it and brought it back. That was one of the changes I suggested to BT/ABT a while ago. Throw them Raging Strikes and hit the with Punishing Attacks was a hilarious build.
    Lord Feleran and ParodyKnaveBob like this.
  14. Robauke

    Robauke Guild Leader

  15. Stexe

    Stexe #2 in Spring PvP Season

    In the current state. I would suggest Raging Strike get buffed to something like "+2 damage to all melee attacks" or something. Then you'd have the choice of playing it for the damage or keeping it for the bonus damage dealt / taken.
  16. gulo gulo

    gulo gulo Guild Leader

    Defenders Block working while the person holding the block is in smoke is a little silly.
    timeracers likes this.
  17. Stexe

    Stexe #2 in Spring PvP Season

    It should just be range 1. You know, like they are defending them and not throwing the shield itself to intercept an attack or whatever.
  18. Sir Veza

    Sir Veza Farming Deity

    But then it wouldn't be as silly. Silly blocks are traditional. Perfect Block, Icy Block, and Disorienting Block can all do nasty things to a burst wizard at range 8. Defender's Block barely touches the edge of silly, and it wouldn't take much of a nerf to reduce it to mundane and logical.
  19. Deepweed

    Deepweed Thaumaturge

    Perplexing Ray is so bad that all the items with it are not viable in competitive play. I have a suggestion for it - and I think this will work in the context of the game.
    Old effect: Target discards a random card.
    New effect: Target discards a random card and all other copies of it in his hand.
    (It could be phrased better.)

    Basically, the idea is you get a chance to discard more than one card if the opponent's build is very homogeneous. Say, the opponent has 2 Nimble Strikes, Mighty Hack, and Lunging Thrust in his hand. You cast Perplexing Ray, and it goes through. Under the old effect you would discard one random card, so you would be hoping to discard Mighty Hack, and that leaves you at a 1/4 probability of getting an advantage out of the card (which is puny). Under the new effect, the probability of card selection is determined as follows:

    1. List all cards in the hand of the opponent, and list all types of cards in the hand of the opponent with a corresponding defined event space
    2. Read the cards from newest to oldest, and add +1 to its corresponding event space and add +1 to the sample space

    In other words, each individual card has a chance of being selected (multiple cards of the same kind count individually) and then the 'discard all of this type' effect occurs. So the probabilities in the example would be 2/4 for Nimble Strike, 1/4 for Mighty Hack, and 1/4 for Lunging Thrust. If Nimble Strike is selected, BOTH Nimble Strike cards will be discarded.

    Overpowered, it seems? I think not. The chance of getting a high card discarded still remains the same, and the idea is that if you have many of a card it's likely of lower quality, and thus less value overall. If you do get to discard two of the same kind of gold card, that hand was at the upper end of draw variance anyway. It helps against homogeneous card builds such as Vibrant Pain-, Searing Pain-, Blue Destruction-, Staff Of A Million Embers-, and Bejeweled Shortsword-based builds which dominate the meta. That's an incredibly huge plus considering how you can improve this card and improve counterplay to major dominating builds at the same time. Additionally, the card would net you some info about the opponent's hand - the opponent has no more of that card you just discarded.

    The card in itself would fulfill its function of being a counterplay card, but even counterplay cards should have counterplay. And it does have. Once you know your opponent runs Perplexing Rays you can always choose to reduce the number of card duplicates you have, or just not care (since it's not always an issue). The only real issue you would have against it is if you had 2 copies each of 2 kinds of cards, which is unlikely; and at the same time, your opponent still does not know your hand.

    I know it's a technical solution, but it really strikes me as a strong, clear, innovative, and impactful one.

    Silver quality cards should always be able to produce a clear advantage with a fair degree of reliability when used right, in my opinion. This should be an example of that.
    tolkien likes this.
  20. Kalin

    Kalin Begat G'zok

    This would be really powerful against certain monsters. Some only have one distinct card in their decks.
    Stexe and Sir Veza like this.

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