Was it intentional that blocks now stop burst from happening? I lost a league duel, because every time my Fireball was blocked by a Disorienting Block, it was canceled. With
Disorienting Block has strange effects on cards that target multiple character. I think the Fireball was cancelled when the caster was no longer in position to target the square he had chosen. It happenned to me once in CoC against an accorn blast from a tree (another character who would have been affected still turned to face the tree). I have not checked this behaviour yet. I do not know yet what the exact condition is needed for a hit to land, but I know this about Chops: if you chop two targets, if the first one blocks with a disorienting block and pushes you away from the second, the latter is not hit. If the first one does not block, it will be hit regardless whether the second pushes you away.
My Fireball got cancelled by Disorienting (not hitting the other chars in the area) even when I still had LoS and range to the center square.