Rocket Knights.

Discussion in 'Deck Building' started by Lucky Dice, Sep 14, 2015.

  1. Lucky Dice

    Lucky Dice Thaumaturge

    Level 8 Human Warrior

    Chaos Knight
    Level 1 Human Warrior

    Level 18 Elf Warrior

    I have no idea what makes this deck so successful. I really don't. But I'm scoring some good results, so... hey, why not.

    This is my first self-made deck that scores me some solid wins. How it works? Well...

    Both humans are initiators, but there are differences between the two. First one is more durable to be able to survive attacks on him. Second one is more mobile to be able to quickly support the first one in fight. I built both of them on a simple base: Boots. Sky Traveler are some next level things - You can go through walls on Heart of the Mountain, you can scare your opponent on Deep Forge. The only map where the Rocket Charge isn't useful as much is the Barrels map, but even there it can be kind of useful when you want to shoot mages, as they need some vision and you can punish them.

    Somebody on chat once said "Nobody expects the Telepod Jaunt". Yeah, I think people just don't. On the rare chance it appears on the first turn (especially on Heart of the Mountain) you can pull off some amazing things, like T1 Victory Tile in 1 move. In case you get moved in opposite direction, you can still Dancing Cut or Nimble Strike to the tile. Or, you know, move.

    Weapons are pretty standard. Nothing unfamiliar. DES for penetrating damage and mobility, Blazing Shortsword for DoT, Lochaber for mobility and rare chance of Unreliable Block procing. You can deal less damage with the guy because he's the stronger, tankier guy. The second one offers more damage with BS and Strongarm. Both have Aegis because... why not, blocks are good. Leaderships for shuffling cards and Novice Impaling because there's yet to be a better tokenless martial skill.

    Now for the Elf... VP and Cautious Mobility are OP currently, so yeah, let's move on... Flashing Longspears. 5 penetrating attacks to add to the Focused Impaling? Yes please. Blind Rage? Holy crap sign me in! The other things are pretty usual. Crusty Helm does no harm and gives you 2 good armors, Dependable Mail is Perilous Ringmail without something that hurts your Elf, Buckwell's are there for an extra armor, but mouse boots are okay too, as long as you have some good movement cards you're okay. Also, parries because Parries are OP as hell too.

    So... yeah. That's it. Feel free to rate and comment and stuff.
  2. Magic Elves

    Magic Elves Thaumaturge

    The thing I noticed immediately about this deck is that it has possibly the one time I'd want to use Flashing Longspear over Double-Edged Sword, namely when you already have a lot of moves available to you. The only thing I can see as an immediate improvement would be Xander's Mail over Dependable Mail, but that's a rather minor change, not to mention an expensive item. It seems like a solid deck all around!
  3. Lucky Dice

    Lucky Dice Thaumaturge

    Eh. I don't know about you, but when I have VP and Flanking Moves, I almost always end up getting a move after Elven Maneuvers. So the mobility is all here.

    Besides, unless you have Rocket Charge in your hand anywhere, it's wise for the elf to move last. And screw everybody with or without armor with +3 dmg penetrating attacks.

    it's also less meta this way, I'm sick of having overdose of DES in decks.
  4. Pyrogoth

    Pyrogoth Mushroom Warrior

    It's not surprising your deck is succesfull. Highly mobile warriors are very strong right now. Flashing Longspear or Double-Edged Sword, and Vibrant Pain is a strong and reliable equipment for any warrior. But the question is : are Sky Traveler's Boots better than... lets say Diamond Moccasins or Sliding Boots ?

    And my answer would be that it isnt. You are ultimatly giving up movement point and adding a very bad card in Cloth Armor.
    I had a lots of fun with Rocket Charge and please keep having fun too, but I really believe this card and the telepod are not strong enough tu justify giving up on cards as powerfull as Team walk or sparkling armor, if you want high ranking.
  5. slowreflex

    slowreflex Goblin Champion

  6. Lucky Dice

    Lucky Dice Thaumaturge

    I've yet to get these boots.

    As of Blind Rage, that's exactly what happens. Either I'm in range or I delete cards.

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