Games to play while waiting for this one to come out (or for the beta if you are lucky enough)

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by MrMojoRisin, Sep 25, 2012.

  1. Ponyboy

    Ponyboy Orc Soldier

    Can you play as the DM in single player? Or only MP?
  2. IshidaTsuki

    IshidaTsuki Orc Soldier

    Another game i TOTALLY forgot, but seems very similar to Card Hunter (as I imagine it): Metal Gear Ac!d 1 and 2.

    Those are two regularly obscure titles for the PSP which combines CCG and Turn Based Strategy, everthing in the crackpot world that is the Metal Gear Universe. If you are one of those 10 people who still play on their PSP, try to find it. I got mine as an import from the USA, dont know if its avaliable in EU per se.... Check it out.

    Also, Legend of Grimrock. Old School Dungeoncrawling with HD Graphics. The main campaign is nice, but the real reason you'd want to get this game (and where you get the most replay value) is the Dungeon Editor. You can fully create your own dungeons and, of course, get other custom dungeons from the Steam Workshop where you can find some real Gems.
  3. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    You can only play as DM vs other players unless I'm missing something. There's 3 player coop vs dm ai (3 maps) and 3 coop vs human player.
  4. Ponyboy

    Ponyboy Orc Soldier

    I played Grimrock and got stuck early in the campaign, where there were a few locked doors, but no key to be found anywhere. And for the custom dungeons, is Steam the only place to get them, and if so, do you have to pay for them? Also, it would be cool if someone made a random dungeon generator for it.

    As for MG Ac!d, those games were great. I wish there was an emulator for PSP. There are alot of games I'd love to play on it. Another great one is the PSP version of Eye of Judgement, because you get to play the game without having to buy the physical cards (which you have to for the PS3 version, as well as have the camera for it), and the game itself is reall fun and cool. PSP also has a bunch of other card games and tactical RPG's as well, like D&D Tactics and the Marvel Trading Card game.
  5. IshidaTsuki

    IshidaTsuki Orc Soldier

    Not to forget Tactics Ogres: let us cling together (although that orinially came out for the PS), FFT: Lion Wars, The whole Disgaea Ports, persona 3 Portable and of course Monster Hunter Freedom Unite :D (yes, i played a LOT of PSP)
  6. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    Correction re this: You CAN play as DM vs bots. I just did - I can just imagine how fun it will be beating my mates using voice chat :D
    Red Eye Ragnarok likes this.
  7. Ponyboy

    Ponyboy Orc Soldier

    Awesome! Thanks for the info.
  8. This just made me log into steam and buy it.
  9. Ponyboy

    Ponyboy Orc Soldier

    They owe me commission for that sale, lol.
  10. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    All mine, all mine! Laugh button is intense, sadly it doesn't work to psyche bots out... ;)
  11. Jesus669

    Jesus669 Orc Soldier

    Night Watch is indeed a great movie. Day Watch, it's sequel, is alright too.
  12. MrMojoRisin

    MrMojoRisin Goblin Champion

    I think there is a Day Watch game as well, and don't forget Night Watch Racing!
  13. Jesus669

    Jesus669 Orc Soldier

    Heh, looked like any other racing game with speed power ups.
  14. Sharien

    Sharien Mushroom Warrior

    you know...i heard the movies were kinda so so...but the books seem to be really really good...friend of mine is really addicted to them...and considering how much reading i still have ahead of me i kinda fear to strart them now^^
  15. Ponyboy

    Ponyboy Orc Soldier

    Didn't know there were books.... *adds to list of stuff to read before I die*
  16. Sharien

    Sharien Mushroom Warrior

    btw another game to bridge the gap just came out....but be careful it might just break your mind... antichamber
  17. Ponyboy

    Ponyboy Orc Soldier

    Not sure if I have enough mind to break... :eek:
  18. Ryuuji

    Ryuuji Orc Soldier

    The Avatar tells us all we need to know so go no further ;)
  19. Jesus669

    Jesus669 Orc Soldier

    Antichamber looks awesome. TB finally showed off his video and it looks like a ton of fun for many types of puzzle people out there.
  20. Zeetoois

    Zeetoois Mushroom Warrior

    Two words: Dungeon. Rampage. Someone described it as "It's like Castle Crashers and Diablo got together and had a beautiful baby." I agree completely. DR's on Kongregate, Facebook, and their own website. Highly enjoyable. Grinding to get new heroes can be a chore, but each class is balanced, so don't worry about being stuck with the Berserker for a while. Each dungeon is randomized, and you play with up to 3 other people (you can make it friends only or team up with random people). It makes for hilarity. Heck, I've even got my wife hooked on it. :)

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