Everyone loves Nimbus

Discussion in 'Deck Building' started by Punf, Aug 6, 2015.

  1. Punf

    Punf Lizardman Priest

    Except your opponent I guess. Man, they're your opponent, you've got to do *something* to annoy them.

    Level 20 Human Priest

    Level 5 Human Priest

    Level 6 Elf Warrior

    The plan:
    1) Spam draw on the warrior.
    2) Nimbus the warrior.
    3) Rush at some guy.
    4) Whack some guy.
    5) If nimbus gets purged, go to step 2. If some guy runs away, go to step 3.
    6) If you don't draw enough moves, whine in chat about your "bad luck". If you get purged and don't have another nimbus, whine about your "bad luck". If you didn't draw nimbus in the first place, whine about your "bad luck". If your opponent rushes down your priest in the meantime, whine about your "bad luck". If you draw like four armors while your warrior is nimbused anyway...

    While we all know nimbus is strong, this is the first build (to my knowledge) which is built specifically around it. If your opponent can't reach any of your unnimbused characters, all his attacks are effectively wasted. Since he draws 6 cards a turn, that's a card advantage of 6 to 1. If you go down the classic route of "nimbus anyone about to die", that might let him live another turn while your other characters get whacked. He gets one more turn of cards, that's 2 to 1. Good but not that good, especially when you factor in the possibility of some other guy dying instead.

    If you want to push it to the point of abusiveness (and why not, maybe it'll convince the devs to finally nerf the damn thing), be that guy who sits on the other side of the map. None of this nonsense about one priest and two warriors: keep as many characters as you can out of the action. And if your opponent draws enough moves to get around your warrior, he lucked out anyway. Clearly.

    Btw flax, since this runs *two* vamp priests *and* a Vibrant Pain, is it too early to request a seal of approval?
    Xayrn likes this.
  2. Obernoob

    Obernoob Hydra

    The classical one priest two warriors build doesnt need to

    I have made good experience with two step warriors, which stay back until a good draw, than get a nimble strike and go in. This has worked more than fine and took me to a 1750+ rating.

    To your build: Would a Raging Dagger not be better? If you draw so many cards, you have no need for the big attacks and want to draw as many move cards as possible. I am not sure if 2 priest and 1 warrior is better. It seems more fragile, but may be I am wrong. Did you actually play some matches in ranked mp?
  3. Obernoob

    Obernoob Hydra

    I have thought about your build a little bit longer. I definitly would prefer Perfect Command on the priests. This gives you more mobility on the warrior, which is needed. And you can surprisingly go in with a priest or run away with the priests. Even the flanking move is nice on the priests. Perfect Tactics is more on theme and reduces varianz, which is great. But does Inspirational Thinking not count towards your draw limit? I would also run three Double-edged Swords on the warrior. They give you mobility, high damage attack, avoidCushioning Armor and Backbiting Strike is great with Nimbus. I like the Vampire's Blade for cycling purposes. I used the Sacrifical Axe, which is also fine and helps escaping warriors. Not sure which one is better.

    The real problem of my build were mages. I got to the high rating while the maps were close and mostly warriors were played. As soon as there were wizards flooting around, my build did not work anymore.
  4. PaladinGP

    PaladinGP #1 in Spring PvP Season

    There was a draw build waaay back, before the first draw nerf, that used a Demon Charm of the 2nd circle to stack a dwarf ninja with nimble strikes, frenzies, and nimbus. Purge and entangling roots were a bit of a nemesis, but ultimately a rebalancing put an end to it!
  5. Bandreus

    Bandreus Thaumaturge

    In all honesty, we did see nimbus builds along these lines, even after the nerfs.

    It's just that their popularity goes up and down, just like all other kinds of builds.

    Also, some people prefer more nimbuses over the draws, others prefer more buffs mixed in.

    That being said, this is a very decent build. Feel like the "whining about bad luck" is the most crucial and undervalued part of the strategy ;)
  6. Punf

    Punf Lizardman Priest

    Hmm. 3x Double-Edged does less overall damage (128 vs. 114, or 120 with Impaler) than Bejeweled+Vibrant Pain+Greatclub and has the same amount of mobility, but the range 2 attacks seem convenient. Maybe 2x Double-Edged and Bejeweled?

    I don't really like Perfect Command. It feels bad to have half of the move (usually) wasted, and I find usually I want more attacks or more nimbus rather than more movement. Though Perfect Tactics isn't the best draw item ever either. Maybe that 2x Leadership thing I can never remember the name of?

    Rageblood dagger seems like an interesting idea. Most of my plan on the warrior was "lol vibrant pain now I can ignore movement right?" but spreading the movement over the weapons seems overall more consistent than hoping one weapon can do all the work.
  7. Obernoob

    Obernoob Hydra

    I dont get that point. Since all cards are in the same deck it does not matter to which item a card belongs. So the VP BJ Greatclub plan seems fine. If you dont play against The Softener.

    I did some changes and it went quite well. My changes were Focused Healer on the priests, so they are basicly vamps and Rageblood Dagger + 2 Double-edged Swords on the warrior, which worked really fine. I alo changed the boots a little bit. The priests used Captain Celdric's Boots and the warrior Sliding Boots, which I like much more.
  8. Punf

    Punf Lizardman Priest

    Yeah, I probably didn't express that clearly. What I meant was, the way the weapons are designed, weapons which combine damage and mobility tend to be more overall efficient than weapons which specialise in either one, so it's usually better to have two weapons in the middle than one damage and one mobility. Or maybe it's just that Double-edged Sword is unusually good and versatile.
  9. Obernoob

    Obernoob Hydra

    I think it is. It is lvl 17 and has a black card on it. And the Impaling Stab is just so good in many situations. BJ and VP may be better, but they need 4 major token. I would give BJ, VP and Rageblood Dagger a try, if I had a VP.

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