This is just a suggestion, more like a request, for @Farbs or @Jon to give an official word about people who still use the world chat for co-op seeking. The question: Should people use the world chat for "LFG" type things despite there being a co-op channel?
I've found that the only people who argue the point are the people who intend to troll world chat in the first place, and we're forced to end up reporting them for harassment or [non grouping-related] spam in the long run anyway. Everyone else I've managed to PM over the matter, and while some initially still felt singled out, they've all ended up being quite agreeable and friendly after we discussed the matter. As for the first set, if "Hey, this is Scarponi, he's an actual moderator, and he's asking you to stop spamming world chat" leads to "stfu n00b", I'm not sure it's worth the devs' time to jump in on it. All we really need is the in-game moderation tools to be finished so that people who, for whatever reason, can't manage basic respect for others without fear of punishment, have that element they need to behave. --- As for your question, I don't see any issue with it if it's an honest mistake, or even a prompt to people currently chatting on world chat [ie, "Oh, btw, KoboldButter, wanna go run Fairy?"]. There's no real harm in that. There's not even any real harm in making a single posting while knowing about where to properly post. It's the people that spam world chat- or both chats, or that spaz out and harass people when asked to use the other chat, that's the sole issue of concern. I love obedience to the rules at least as much as anyone else, and I'm certainly not going to stop joining you in pushing people toward the more appropriate chat, but the occasional passing world chat grouping comment doesn't hurt anyone [though you're entirely justified and probably fairly accurate in the opinion you've presented in chat that being overly permissible toward it does eventually encourage people to spam world chat more].
There's also the type of people who spend all their time nitpicking minute and irrelevant details in a conversation. A notable example was when some guy tried to argue that co-op didn't exist(before singleplayer co-op came into existence) despite the fact that there's an entire thread dedicated to co-op and that there have been official co-op tournaments. Rumor says it that this individual also posts on the forums quite frequently.
I don't mind it that badly, as I'll just respond with "Player_XXX, please use co-op chat for that". Most people take the hint and move there, but those who want to remain prickly in the world chat deserve the get moderated. Ran into such player last night, not fun at all and probably puts off potential new players who were considering CH as a good pastime.
It'd probably make sense to release a less formal list of chat rules along with the moderation tools. Currently all we have to go by is the legal jargon in the terms of service.
LFG in world chat should not lead to a report. LFG spamming in world chat should. Also maybe @Farbs can wave his magic wand and any message to world chat involving "LFG" could automatically open & send to the coop chat instead?
I thought about that, but then all the replies about taking LFG to the Co-op channel will also end up in the Co-op channel. Hilarious hilarity ensures.