I never tried to upload a steam created screenshot before, so I hope this works. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=487857023 short description in case I screwed the screenshot up for some reason: Im in a shop and swapped out items to free up tokens for a newly bought weapon. While equipping armor I was pretty sure that I had a better no-token armor than the ones shown, so I invstigated and found out that yes, indeed I had.....but it disappeared when sorting for tokens-needed. The no-token armor I my warriror wears should exist 5 times as shown by the mouse hoover, yet is not visible in the inventory despite having scrolled down as far as possible. It reappears when I sort for highest price, but that sorting method kinda sucks for equipping your characters.
Interesting. I've had two other players mention having this problem [assuming you're not one of them]; and it's not Steam-exclusive, one said they were playing on Kongregate. I couldn't repro it myself, but apparently you're not alone in the issue.
Known bug. The small UI (used by Kongregate and anyone with a small screen) won't show the last line of your inventory. Reverse sorting will find those items. Playing fullscreen might fix it too (you can tell small UI from large by whether you have a button to filter by set).
sorry, I searched for items vanish, disappear, lost and missing but missed that topic completely @ Dundundun: Now that I know what's going on I believe it happens because I have my screen on 150% size. That caused problems with other programms before, but I prefer to sit so far back that I cant read with a normal sized display.