Hello, this is my first post and I really enjoy your game. When picking out my items from the item list, (which has gotten quite large by this point), I find the best way to narrow down my choices is to look at the rarity of the item as well as the amount of power tokens it uses. I realize more serious players will pick their items based on card text, but for casual players like me it is easier this way to pick out the 'better' cards from the mountains of commons one might accumulate. One addition I would like to see, more than any other, is for the 5 filters on the top right (cost, rarity, name, level and power requirements) to no longer be mutually exclusive. Currently, if you sort by power tokens, within the power token groups, the levels and rarities will be randomized, which I feel makes it harder to sift through for what you might want. With the change, you could sort by power tokens and then rarity, for example, and all items within a power token group will be sorted from most to least rare. Again, I realize this is a minor change that may not affect everyone, because most serious players will be using the keyword filters, but I hope you will consider it. Thanks for your time.
For what it's worth, the items are sorted alphabetically. This isn't to counter your suggestion, just to point it out in case it helps you find things.
Oh, I see. Since there is already sorting going on then apparently, could you simply change it from alphabetical by default to rarity or level? This is probably more useful in my opinion, maybe not so much in others.