Game Freeze after Fireball.

Discussion in 'Bugs' started by Jayce, Jan 27, 2013.

  1. Jayce

    Jayce Hydra


    This could potentially be tacked on to an existing thread.

    Battle: ROSE 101

    I've just hit both "Crung" and "The Flattener" with a fireball, you can see the Fireball card attaching itself to "The Flattener", but the game then froze and "Crunk" has yet to be damaged.

    Game log:
    Gary passed.
    Zelph detonates a fireball. Sic transit eyebrows.
    Zelph moved.
    "The Flattener" took 2 Fire damage.

    BATTLE LOG: AdventureName=Lair of the Rose Dragon,Scenario=Rose Dragon Ogre Sentries,Msg=Gary passed.
    BATTLE LOG: AdventureName=Lair of the Rose Dragon,Scenario=Rose Dragon Ogre Sentries,Msg=The active player is now Jayce
    BATTLE LOG: AdventureName=Lair of the Rose Dragon,Scenario=Rose Dragon Ogre Sentries,Msg=Player,Jayce,Event,PlayAction,Action,Fireball
    BATTLE LOG: AdventureName=Lair of the Rose Dragon,Scenario=Rose Dragon Ogre Sentries,Msg="\"The Flattener\" took 4 damage"


    I've left it 5 or so minutes and it's still frozen. I'm probably guilty of rapidly clicking the Fireball card (odd force of habit from FPS games I assume), if at all relevant.

  2. Drendrar

    Drendrar Kobold

    Happens to me too.... any fix?
  3. Are there groups of enemies that draw more than 6 cards per round? That is the only situation where my game freezes. Then again it freezes when the cards are dealt so it's probably not related to your problem.
  4. Kalin

    Kalin Begat G'zok

    At first I wondered how in the world you could get Fireball in that level, then I noticed the date on Jayce's post. (During beta, Fireball was removed from all items and replaced with Ember Burst.)

    @Drendrar: What problem are you seeing? Which module? What cards were played?

    @SLG: Jayce's screenshot is from the first battle of Yellow Dragon, which has 3 ogres in separate groups, so only 2 cards drawn each. I don't think any group in the campaign draws more than 5 cards.
  5. Ah.. that explains it. I just saw "Fireball" and assumed this was a custom scenario.

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