
Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by DunDunDun, Jul 14, 2015.

  1. DunDunDun

    DunDunDun Thaumaturge

    One, have an in-game FAQ reference.

    Two, have a LFG/LFM tab in addition to the standard World tab, or implement an auto-matching mechanic.

    Three, let us manipulate chatbox size in matches/multiplayer-screen, where it's altogether too small.

    Four, maybe give some of us 10-minute temp ban powers for all the spammers, or something.

    Gotta cut down all that flood somehow :D
  2. DunDunDun

    DunDunDun Thaumaturge

    Oops, musta misclicked when selecting forum, sorry :X
  3. Flaxative

    Flaxative Party Leader

    Isn't it linked from the in-game menu now?
  4. DunDunDun

    DunDunDun Thaumaturge

    I meant specifically an in-game pop-up they can peruse without having to swap to browser. We certainly link the FAQs enough in chat for that purpose.

    I'd double-check the state of the menu-linked FAQ, but I can't log in again :p
  5. Pawndawan

    Pawndawan Champion of Cardhuntria

    Yeah sticky world chat header with a link to newbie FAQ or similar would be nice.
    DunDunDun likes this.
  6. DunDunDun

    DunDunDun Thaumaturge

    OH! And another suggestion:
    Have it so instead of a straight Block on Party Request [thanks for that feature!], that there's an option in the menu to Not Allow Party Requests From Non-Friends, requiring you to [click on name, click Friend] on people before they can invite you.

    I ALMOST feel bad portraying myself as a helpful sort in chat and then outright blocking people* when they blind-invite me.


    Then I remember that blind-inviters are gnome-spawned minions of darkness, and I get over it.


    *Who I've never seen speak in chat, I'd never be so crass as to block someone who might have made an honest misunderstanding of intent while we were chatting. :X

    It looks like a lot of new players are just going down the player list in multiplayer and inviting one by one till they get a full party.

    As an alternative, could simply cap number of invites per minute to 5, that should clear it up without being too cumbersome on legit parties.

    My first suggestion seems simpler though :D
  7. Sir Veza

    Sir Veza Farming Deity

    Accept their invitation. That'll teach 'em. :D
  8. DunDunDun

    DunDunDun Thaumaturge

    It sure would!
    But I thought we were trying to convince the new players to stay? :rolleyes:
  9. Sir Veza

    Sir Veza Farming Deity

    Well, to stay and to learn proper manners.
  10. istenszek

    istenszek Kobold

    or close it.

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