I'm not losing. It's just annoying. My warrior walks all the way over to chop this stupid wizards head off, and she gets pushed through a wall which should not be possible with TK. Then she has to walk all the way over there and she already has such a difficult life and it's just like...pfft I mean come on? Can't he just die the first round so we both save time and effort?
Man, don't you hate it when the wizards you're steamrolling actually have a fighting chance against your elf warriors?
The Single Player Perspective: TK isn't in any way overpowered in PvE, and its versatility makes it reasonable to put into the more straight-damage-focused PvE campaign. Limiting that versatility would diminish the desire to put it in single player decks. Moreover, while it may [or may not] be imbalanced in some manner, none of the serious comments in this thread past the OP have legitimately addressed that, focusing instead on the name of the card not matching expected effects, or how OTHER cards are imbalanced. If you ignore the card being called Telekinesis, and how slide back cards are generally not very useful, and focus on the card on its own merits, TK seems well balanced. Of course, I can't address PvP elements. Just please, when discussing potentially making a well-balanced PvE card less fun and functional, make sure your arguments to that effect are based on legitimate reasons. For example, if the argument is in the name, then rename the card to 'Astral Shift' and then add a slide card called Telekinesis to better match expectations. If the argument is specific PvP maps- versus PvP on the whole- then that's also not legitimate, since that's either a flaw in the map or not properly adjusting tactics to that map. That's similar to saying you should nerf high damage cards in small maps because it's too easy to use them on people. :holds up hand: I'm not saying you all don't have valid considerations, just that they seem to be kind of mixed together at the moment. And as I said, TK is in that state right now in PvE where I consider it a strictly balanced card that neither detriments nor greatly enhances my deck, offering me versatility, rather than power or handicap. Seeing as gust cards are often nearly useless in PvE, it's nice having some sort of move-enemy card that you can really work with. While changing it to Fly won't affect the majority of times I use it, it will affect its overall versatility enough that I'll be a fair bit less inclined to put it in deck. Of course, PvE is focused more around large, open, combat maps, while PvP seems to be more small, defensive-oriented maps. So if it ends up being too imbalanced for PvP, that's fine; just don't assume it's innately imbalanced, especially not due to considerations that have nothing to do with the card's balance itself. Thanks!
Also, I'm totally depressed this thread had nothing to do with nerfing moisture farmers making insane shots into exhaust ports. I mean, what the heck: When will we address the important issues?
Telekinesis is pretty good - and it would still be good if it was 'fly' instead of 'teleport'. In my view it should be changed to 'fly' for flavour reasons. But I think balance differences would be marginal and not particularly important. (On some maps in some situations, teleport can be pretty useful - but in most cases it makes no difference.)