Why the Whorl is one of the Best Staves in the Game

Discussion in 'Deck Building' started by RedPower, Jun 17, 2015.

  1. RedPower

    RedPower Kobold

    //Work in Progress

    Wizards are probably one of the most expensive characters to properly equip in a competitive setting. Of particular note, the best staves are all generally legendary. Searing Pain, Deadly Deadly Staff, Blue Destruction are all very popular (in a small segment of wizard users).

    I'm here to tell you that Whorl has them all beat.

    What? You don't believe me?

    Ok. Imagine a 1 on 1 duel: 2 wizards, one with double Whorl, one with double whatever staff. I would bet on the Whorl user 9 out of 10 times.

    1. It is not limited to one damage type (i.e. resistances/immunities)
    2. It has 2 recyclable cards (yes I'm looking at you Lifesaving)
    3. It has higher average DPS than most staves.

    Ok, so we've established that Whorl has high, if not highest dps of all the staves, in a 1 on 1. But CardHunter is a team game! What about 3 on 3? Doesn't Whorl hurt you more than your opponent?

    They are misconceptions and rumours. Again, let's put it to the test, specifically the Whorl trait:

    The max number of opponents it can hit: 3
    The max number of allies it can hit: 2

    So, in the ideal situation, it will always harm your opponent more than it will harm you. It is true that if you're winning, it is likely to hurt you more than your opponent. However the converse is true as well. It will help you more in a losing situation, especially in a 3 vs 1 situation.

    We can of course minimize the negatives of Whorl:

    1. Positioning: Try to keep your Whorl wizard out of LOS of your other members if possible.
    2. Healing: Non-LoS healing is great. Inspiring presence, team heal, heal weak, healing pulse, etc.
    3. Armor: Anything that absorbs reliably. Toughness, Reliable Mail, Heavy Armor. Heck, throw in Holy Armor, and it actually is a pseudo-heal.
    4. AOE heals. Normally useless since single-target heals are better when one character is being focused, it will give more bang for your buck.
    5. Keep you hands low/empty. Avoid officer harnesses if possible! Savage Curse is now a double blessing.
    6. Did I mention Toughness? It actually triggers 2 cycles!

    What other cards are useful with Whorl? Anything that triggers draws during the round. Here are some examples:

    • Escaping Run. Not only do you know when the Whorl comes up, but you can position accordingly for maximum value!
    • Martyr: Generally, getting hit (especially by melee) means that whatever is attacking you is in LoS.
    • Parry: Same as above
    • Lifesaving Block: Same as above
    • Toughness: Same as above
    • Duck (on the enemy) probably the card the enemy least wants to copy!

    So next time you go shopping for your next wizard ask yourself:

    • Do I need more ranged DPS?
    • Do I require more cyclable cards?
    • Do I want something that doesn't cost 2 major tokens?
    • Do I enjoy praying to RNG gods?
    If you answered Yes to any of the following, Whorl might be the solution!
  2. Wildarm

    Wildarm Ogre

    Sadly Imp Blast is much more likely to hit your own team vs opponents as in general your opponents are going to avoid LOS to any wizard on your team. End result you blast yourself much more often than your opponent. Forcing your own team out of position to avoid potentially shooting yourself is not a game winning strategy.

    Also LSB is a trap. A movement card would often be better. It's often obvious for a wizard that you're holding it(or toughness or some other block) and most experienced players will just hop around behind you for the final blow. If you're ever in a situation where your wizard needs LSB to live... You're likely dead anyway.
  3. timeracers

    timeracers Guild Leader

    I hate the Impetuous cards because they can activate round 1 which can be pretty bad. My suggestion is that the Impetuous cards have no effect on round 1 other then be a simple trait.
  4. Fifjunior7

    Fifjunior7 Hydra

    Double Whorl vs Double Illusion

    Still think the latter would win! ;)
  5. Flaxative

    Flaxative Party Leader


    Nice post, @RedPower!
  6. RedPower was paid off to make this thread.

    Actual photo from his room:
    Tyro, Maniafig, SlowComputer and 14 others like this.
  7. Sir Veza

    Sir Veza Farming Deity

    Everybody sing along!
    "What the Whorl needs now
    Is love, sweet love..."
  8. Janet

    Janet Guild Leader

    Foolish Mortal! Whorl Does not Pay! Whorl Controls your Brain!
  9. Janet

    Janet Guild Leader

    <--- This!

    It's playable, but I think it's a notch behind other staffs.
  10. DunDunDun

    DunDunDun Thaumaturge

    I refuse to give any credence or firm attention to any 'best of' commentary, that refuses to address how the item, ability, effect, or entity accentuates my fashionability.

    I mean, if it's going to clash with my shoes, what does all that other stuff you're mentioning even matter? :/
  11. Rebel7284

    Rebel7284 Ogre

    I played with Whorl in the past. It wasn't bad, and Imp. Blast very rarely killed my own guys.

    However, eventually I migrated to double Blue Destruction and never looked back.
  12. Pawndawan

    Pawndawan Champion of Cardhuntria

    Vote for your favourite combo!

    [​IMG] + [​IMG] / [​IMG] (Hexcoco Boots / Prickly Boots)

    [​IMG] + [​IMG] / [​IMG] (Mokk's Boots / Blue Suede Shoes)

    [​IMG] + [​IMG] / [​IMG] (Lizard Hide Boots / Patched Dashing Boots)

    [​IMG] + [​IMG] / [​IMG] (Werewolf Boots / Chainmail Socks)
  13. Sir Veza

    Sir Veza Farming Deity

    I'm holding out for Ruby Slippers. Ruby Slippers and a Whorl in each hand - representin' the Lollipop Guild!
  14. ParodyKnaveBob

    ParodyKnaveBob Thaumaturge

    @Sir Veza, why. Why? Why are you not already the principal of The Lollipop Guild?

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