This game is great but i bored of using and seeing same cards. I have designed a game: 2damage 1hit 1flee 2armor 10hp 1hpr 30mp 3mpr move range 1level=10points=1skill points Why dont we lose mana when we use basic attack? In real life when you punch someone you get tired right? There is latest and last and most perfect game idea of yuno44907. If you attack you will lose mp equal to hit and damage you used. If you try to dodge you will lose mp equal to your flee. If you get hit use armor and hpr for destroy damage, they are consume mp too. Everything consumes mp so you have to be careful about that. Note: everybody has 1 move and range on basic but this move and range is invisible. If you have 1 range that means you attacking from 2 tiles away. If someone dont have move than its a turret and turrets have 2 times more points bcause they cant move; which one means they may have more range than you. Skills consumes even more mp. Stronger skills consumes extremely more mp. Normal attack consumes 2 mp. %200 consumes 6mp, %300 12mp, %400 20mp, %500 30mp. %500 damage means one shoot kill. Even with %300 damage you can one shoot kill enemy if you roll highest damage possible. In board game version damages against armored targets are random for destroying armor more easily but non armored targets always get same amount of damage. If you dont use skill your mana will end in 20 turns. Your hp will end in 20 turns(2damage in 4 turns). So game is extremely perfectly balanced. If your HP reachs 0 your mana will take damage but it take 9 times more damage. When both is 0, you will die. You can use hp instead of mana but 1hp=1mp which one means you will kill yourself quickly. So %33hp=%100mp and %33mp=%100hp BALANCE TEST Attacker 4damage 1hit, defender 1flee 2armor 1hpr. 8 0 0 0 damage dealt. 2 damage took by armor remain 6. 4 damage took by hpr remain 2. 2 damage took in 4 turns. Balance confirmed! This game extreme realistic bcause your enemy my get tired of beating you and after that you finish him of. There is no other system which one you can beat your enemy by unduring his blows and making him tired. Bcause of attacking is very fatiguing, most of battles may end with retreat. Even moving consumes mp and it consumes with triangular numbers. 1st tile is 1mp, 2nd tile is 2mp, 3rd tile is 3mp; in total 1+2+3=6mp if you move 3 tiles in 1 turn if your base speed is 3. If you have a skill makes you run %200 faster that causes 1 2 3 basic movespeed 4X2 5X2 6X2 running active skill=6+15X2=36. As you can see moving is very expensive bcause everybody must move slow and map must be very big, which one means you have to move slow! Ranged attacks consumes mana with same way and same amount. Basic attacks are melee but you can use a basic ranged attack which one consumes mana as basic movement. Area effect spells have radius based on your range and they consume 2 times more mana than ranged attacks so area skills and ranged skills are cheap but if you waste your mana too much, you cant even move. You will also use mana for breaking ice, tearing wines, shattaring floor. So if your enemy uses an debuff root skill on you, you can roll dice for getting rid of it or you consume 3 times more mana for getting free instantly. So you can kill debuffs by using mana. Mana is your energy and if you are energic nothing can stop you. Can you understand how realistic and balanced this game? As a board game this game is pretty annoying. You need random number generator software for random damage and dodge calculation. You have to track cooldowns, hpr, mpr each turn which one makes low memory people crazy! But this is the best fighting system and most realistic one. You can do all anime characters in this system. Also as you level up nothing changes. You always may one hit kill someone by using half of your mp(roll highest damage, dont miss), nothing is changing. So level 1 vs level 1 is same thing with level 999 vs level 999; they will use same skills and tactics; you dont get op or your skills dont get op as you level up. There is no problem in this game but if everything will stay same than why do you want to level up? There is seriously no difference between level 1 and 100. Also bcause of horrible mana costs you can use all skills you want and skills will have really low cooldowns, after all you will get run out of mana really quickly. In other games as you level up your mana getting higher and its becoming infinite. In this game when you increase something, its mana cost will increase with same amount so there is no curval increase arc, there is only linear line.. In other games you have armor for dividing incoming damage but in this game your armor decreases and even kills incoming damage by subtraction. Nothing is getting multiplied, everything is linear and same; always. BUFFS Buffs for get rid of triangular increase penalty. If you are buffed and you use an active skill it is 2 3 from buff 2 3 from active skill and 1 from basic attribute makes %500 in total but its mana cost is like %300+%300-%100; so its mana cost will be less if you can understand triangular numbers. So we use buffs for using our mana more effectively. That also means if some one uses damage buff and than goes near to you and uses damage active skill it can kill you easily by using low amount of mana. In board game version everything is less detailed and less realistic. In PC game version we have 12 damage elements and 12 hit rate elements. So there is 12 attack styles and 12 attack types in this game. You can burn or freeze your enemy but you also can do that with a melee skill or magic or ranged or plasma skill so there is 12X12 combination. Also you can use coldXcold skill which one means extreme cold and if enemy have cold resist it will take no damage bcause coldXcold means it is %200 cold element which one means %200 less effective if enemy has resistance against it. Example You have base 10 damage enemy is +%50 weak. You will have 15 base damage but if you use a %200 skill you will have 15+10 damage so resistances doesnt affects base. And it will consume 15+10X2=35mp. If enemy is fully resistant against your element than you will deal 0 damage but if you use %200 skill you will deal 10 damage but you will lose 20mp bcause of using skill. So enemy is gave you +5 at first example and at second you lost -10, which one also means +%50 and -%100. So nothing is divided or multiplied we add and subtract things. Other Stupid Random Ideas Best games are Hearthstone, LOL, Archeage, Trove, Robocraft, Supermechs. We dont want click or make vegetable farms bcause this is not a game or playing. We need a perfect balance most of games are completely unbalanced. We hate team based games bcause we hate 10 years olds(we are 20 years olds). Openworld pvp must be between 2 factions bcause its getting too much if everybody kills each other. We want to speak with our enemies. Leveling up getting extremely harder but in my game it is like that 1 1X1 2 2X2 3 3X3, first number level second number mobs level third number how many mobs we have to kill. So leveling up is really easy and not getting %10 harder each level. We want to kill higher level players and in my game this is completely possible but in other games you dealing 1 damage to higher levels and they 1 shoot killing you, and you cant dodge. We hate snowball and in my game there will be reverse snowball which one means as you lose you get amazing buffs and minnions. There is no team or party, you getting exp by yourself you dont need teamplay just stay near to your friends. We hate last hit mechanics and we hate DPS builds. In my game tanks are too OP and first attacker will get highest exp and each attackers will get exp too. In my game if you die you lose 1 level and you spawn at level 1 map and if you free player you cant play the game until tomorrow which one means you have to be an immortal tank. Also isnt annoying items and gold? Why we are collecting things? Why we are getting gold? Why we wasting time on economy? It is boring. There is no drops or items in my game, just build your character and fight. Board FRP is annoying. You have d20 which one means you may deal 1 damage or 20 damage randomly and there is a dragon with 40 armor which one means only 20 with critical may deal damage. So just roll dice and menace the DM, and keep saying how cool and perfect you are; bull****. Also strangely in FRP you have str, agi, dex, int which one indirectly affects your hit rate and damage. You can gain exp by speaking and solving puzzles. Why do you playing DnD? Do you think WOW is the best game? In real fight you mostly resist against enemy attacks but in WOW you mostly get hit and take damage. A giant puching you and you shooting a fireball to it, how realistic. I think Ragnarök Online was have best mechanics. 10 armor was meaning reduce damage by %10 while 99 armor causing the taking 1 damage from everything so strangly 99 armor was acting like 100 armor. We was building our own characters and every character was unique. Cards was dropping from every 10.000 monster and some cards wasnt even dropped, think about it there is an item but noone have it bcause you have to kill 10.000 OP monsters. And that takes years; that really really takes years bcause a year is 365 days. I miss Ragnaröks old days from 2003 before getting raped by patches patches and even more patches. At this days all games are too easy and all games are for kids so thats why we hate every game including hearthstone. I have all cards and i am still losing bcause players using quick kill decks and they are have lucky draws. Everybody using same, stupid, old, ugly cards. I hate OP cards of hearthstone.
Your post is a bit hard to follow, but the gist of it seems to be this: You don't like seeing some particular cards used in Card Hunter. You don't like Hearthstone. You've got some ideas for a complete different game. If the main point of the post is about your ideas for a different game, I think you might need to explain it a bit more carefully. There's a lot of missing information. For example, how does one recover MP? And if everything is so 'balanced', what meaningful decisions is the player making? (ie. what makes one move better than another?)
You regain mp every turn amount of your mpr. Somebody have to code this game. I dont want to play paper pen games in space age.
OK game is complete, now one of you have to code it. Do you have any question? Guys all games are stupid. Money is fake and losing its value. Aliens made computers and money and governaments. Some infinitely rich people ruling the earth and they are too lazy and too prideful. I dont want to live anymore, code this game. Good luck.
BIG LIST OF NITPICKS: Unless you're saying that this should be the new Cardhunter, this belongs in the off-topic forum. What you're proposing seems to be Quick Kill: The Game. I would have thought most battles would end in everyone dying regardless of how still they stood? 1. If someone is getting tired of beating you up in real life, you're probably not doing too well. 2. Don't you lose stamina from defending as well? You'd be in no shape to finish him (and you'd both die of spontaneous HP loss in a few turns anyways). 3. I've won a lot of games in Cardhunter where I put a dwarf on the single VP and stood there with lots of armor. FUN FACT: People went to the moon before D&D was invented. It kind of seems like... ...wait never mind you answered my question already. Percentages ARE multiplication/division, unless you're using them as some strange substitutes for game concepts. Also, you messed up some of your math. Cardhunter as well as most other games are played by people of all ages, not just people in their 20's. Also, aren't factions just really big teams? Does that just mean more 10 years olds? Speaking as someone who's actually pretty good at Taekwondo, this only happens if you're not attacking yourself and putting your opponent on the defensive. Of course, in "realistic" fights both people die from HP loss anyways so it's a moot point. Stalemate is always a good place for a balanced game to be. OP and balance are kind of mutually exclusive. WHY THIS IS A BAD IDEA: A SHORT PLAY New player enters stage at level 1 area. NEW PLAYER: Wow, this game seems fun and balanced! I can't wait to play it! Veteran player enters stage. VETERAN: Darn, I died and lost a level and now I'm only level 998! I'm going to take out my anger on these hapless rookies! NEW PLAYER: Noooooooooo! Stagehands throw buckets of fake blood and rubber organs onto stage to simulate bloodbath as curtain drops. NEW PLAYER: I don't want to wait until tomorrow to start! I'm going to play Hearthstone. FIN Other than all of that, it seems like it has the making of an interesting game system. I, for one, look forwards to being an realistically OP immortal tank Naruto.
Do you really thing there is a way to help suicidal people without giving them money? And i will not even argue with other troll guy. He saying he didnt understood what i told; maybe i have to explain everything in 100.000 hits; 10.000 hits post wasnt enought explaining...
For testing game we will play zombie adventure mini game. One day, many or only one survivor or survivors escaped to same hospital from zombies. But inside of that hospital wasnt safe and you have to baricade windows and door before more of them come in. Is this hospital holding other survivors or even stronger zombies? Will you join or kill them? Do you want to climb second floor? Can you break the barricades before got eaten? Zombie survivor adventure: now! Flash, clink, whomps!! Lightnings, lightnings scary zombie noises and hot girl scream... Build your character by using 10 points. 2damage 1hit 1flee 2armor 10hp 1hpr 30mp 3mpr move range... You can use ranged attack but it consumes more mp. You have to have mp, mpr, damage, hit and if you have hp you have to got hpr too. 1 felee is required for being okay. Armor blocks enemy damage so you dont need it. Everything you do consumes mp, you have to get rest and heal sometimes. Other survivers can kill you and they are too much stronger than zombies. Dont go to second floor, it is a trap. As you get stronger zombies will become stronger, bcause of this is a DM controlled game game will be always challanging. If you have 0 move and range thats means you have 1 move and range so there is an invisible +1. NPCs never get tired so they dont have mp, so they are OP. If something is surrounded or cornered it can take damage from a higher range. List of zombies: 1Fresh Zombie1 4move 1dmg 1hit 25hp 2Death Zombie1 1move 1dmg 1hit 85hp 3Scared Zombie1 1move 1dmg 1hit 1flee 75hp 4Zombie Rusher2 6move 6dmg 1hit 1flee 5Zombie Runner2 5move 6dmg 1hit 1flee 50hp 6Zombie Insane2 4move 16dmg 1hit 50hp 7Zombie Fighter2 3move 15dmg 1hit 1flee 75hp 8Zombie Wall2 2move 1dmg 1hit 175hp 9Zombie Killer2 1move 10dmg 5hit 5flee 50hp 10Zombie Murderer3 5move 10dmg 5hit 5flee 50hp 11Zombie Jerk3 4move 14dmg 5hit 5flee 70hp 12Zombie Bulk3 3move 17dmg 5hit 5flee 85hp 13Zombie Tank3 2move 19dmg 5hit 5flee 95hp 14Zombie Graver3 1move 20dmg 5hit 5flee 100hp 15Zombie Old4 1move 30dmg 5hit 5flee 150hp 16Geared Zombie4 1move 20dmg 5hit 5flee 100hp 20armor 17Zombie Ninja5 1move 30dmg 10hit 10flee 150hp 18Zombie Samurai5 1move 20dmg 10hit 10flee 100hp 20armor 19Strange Zombie6 1move 20dmg 15hit 15flee 100hp 20armor 20Armored Zombie7 1move 26dmg 15hit 15flee 135hp 27armor 21Last Zombie8 1move 34dmg 15hit 15flee 165hp 33armor After i design the map, game will start.
This is my latest video and now i am teaching you this week "How to abuse a hamster" educate yourself by watching it I will not open a new thread, one thread is enought for me...