Beta Key holder handicap.

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by TokyoDan, Jan 22, 2013.

  1. TokyoDan

    TokyoDan Mushroom Warrior

    @Wozarg. if you had been level-headed and had pointed out to me in your first post that the elo system would even things out, then I would have been set straight and this discussion would have ended then and there. Instead you took a very defensive position as if I was attacking beta testers, and you took it personally and and criticized my statements. Why? Sounds like you got some kind of problem. A persecution complex wrapped around a massive ego.
  2. RoflCat

    RoflCat Goblin Champion

    The OP reminds me of this guy .- .

    Well, Zoorland already cover the talking.

    In term of cards, it's pretty likely that we'll have a database reset once the game goes into open beta/live so everyone should have an equal start then.
    Yes beta testers will have knowledge of certain loot dropping for certain class/certain tactic against certain dungeons, but that's something you can also learn/look up when the wiki is updated in time.
  3. Wozarg

    Wozarg Thaumaturge

    Considering you could have asked or done any research what so ever to find out if there would be a system for pvp pairing instead of making this thread, trying to take the high ground with that statement is futile.
    I don't think i even have to point out that the personal attack is ill fitting for a discussion forum but i will, to make sure you get the point. Have a nice day!
  4. Scyrax

    Scyrax Mushroom Warrior

    My Dark Magician is always directly on top of my deck exactly when I need it.
  5. Megadestructo

    Megadestructo Shark Card

    There is likely to be a reset at the end of the beta so everyone is on even footing. I use the term likely because I am only relaying it, not deciding it. :)
  6. skip_intro

    skip_intro Ogre

    Of course all of the first wave beta testers will be given a Legendary Dragonslayer and unlimited Guardian Angel cards gratis when the wipe happens. Is that a big enough spoon to stir up trouble? :eek:
  7. Wozarg

    Wozarg Thaumaturge

    Psst dont tell anyone but i made a deal so only the beta testers are going to get the rogue class that deal dubble damage from the back with all attacks and the kobold race that has free move 5 and dwarf hp but keep it quiet its a secret.
  8. Ryuuji

    Ryuuji Orc Soldier

    LIES !!!! ALL LIES !!!!
  9. Rum Runner

    Rum Runner Kobold

    It's a great sign that some people are already thinking of CH as a truly competitive game.
  10. FalconGK81

    FalconGK81 Orc Soldier

    A wipe doesn't achieve the OP's purpose, because it's the "experience" that the beta testers will gain that he's concerned about.

    **Please note I don't share this opinion, just pointing out that saying there will be a beta wipe isn't quite on point**
  11. MrMojoRisin

    MrMojoRisin Goblin Champion

    I think I can assuage those kind of fears, as given my unique situation, I have had the opportunity to play with cards WAY beyond what I have "earned" in my playthrough of the game so far, and I can attest from direct experience that once you get the higher level characters and loot to make them even mightier, the knowledge of how to play them comes VERY quickly, almost intuitively. I attribute this to the awesome desing work done on this game, btw, and not a lack of depth or options. This game has all that in SPADES.

    So Tess is right. As long as it takes you to level up your characters will be the time it takes to become "competitive" in this game, and for most people, that won't be very long at all.
  12. Wozarg

    Wozarg Thaumaturge

    I timed my self something like 5 hours to level 17 assuming fair drops :3
  13. MrMojoRisin

    MrMojoRisin Goblin Champion

    It's taken me longer than that to get to level 3, lol. Not straight playing, of course. :D
  14. Megadestructo

    Megadestructo Shark Card

    I think you guys are way better than I am. I just made level 5.
  15. Ryuuji

    Ryuuji Orc Soldier

    Wah ! He got a key ! Grab him ! I call dibs !

    Damn should have applied for Community Manager myself.....
  16. Donnola

    Donnola Mushroom Warrior

    If i had been told you *just* need to work for them to get a key i would have already done that :p
    Megadestructo likes this.
  17. Infinite

    Infinite Kobold

    I think we need to be more concerned about people getting a unfair advantage due to those who buy pizza, then use it for the premium dungeons to get the elite items/cards quicker, then steamrolling and snowballing everyone else who doesn't. Pay to win at it's finest; sugar coating paying for rare cards with a 'premium dungeon' sticker.

    More on topic, beta players will never get penalized for having experience. In general with 'mmo' games and such, beta players usually get rewarded with cosmetic items as thanks.
  18. MrMojoRisin

    MrMojoRisin Goblin Champion

    I consider getting to play the game as reward enough. But to your point, once everyone gets to play and can spend the same amount of money that any beta players spent on pizza, it won't be long at all before they have as much stuff AND experience as those that were in the beta. But I'm not even sure that they will be selling pizza in the closed beta at all. But they might. Either way, this is a brilliantly designed game and I know they care what the gaming public at large, and not just the relatively few closed beta testers, thinks of their game, so I'm sure they'll do the right thing, whatever that may be for this game.
    Megadestructo likes this.
  19. Wozarg

    Wozarg Thaumaturge

    I'm just guessing here but i think Infinite was reffering to pizza in general no on the beta. Tho i wouldn't concern my self i haven't seen a single item from premium dungeons that is just straight up better then everything else i have found. The dragon slayer sword comes closest but that one has the highest talent cost of all the items i have found 2 brown talents.
  20. Megadestructo

    Megadestructo Shark Card

    I'm going to go ahead and say it: I've had my fair share of pizza and more of it makes me a less-able player of any game!

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