What CCG/TCG and Tabletop games do you play?

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Parid, Jul 20, 2011.

  1. Benhell

    Benhell Kobold

    Kvothe_Rocks! - I bought small world but never figured out how to play it. Me and my mate sat their and read the book but never understood how it went. Really want to play it.

    Might look for a digital tutorial. I know its on the ipad but im not going to buy one to learn how to play small world lol.
  2. Piratecat

    Piratecat Blue Manchu

    For what it's worth, the iOS app for Small World is superb. It's a really nice implementation of a 2 player game on the iPad, and the AI routinely kicks my butt. Their fast-play instructions make it really clear how to play. The best card-based iOS game I've seen is Ascension.

    I'm a great big game slut. I've run every edition of D&D since 1e, and am currently playing in a 3.5e campaign and GMing two 4e games. At gaming conventions I run one-shot games: Dread (the horror game that uses Jenga blocks for its mechanics instead of dice), Ashen Stars (space opera), Paranoia, Call of Cthulhu, Mutants & Masterminds (superheroes), Feng Shui (Hong Kong action RPG), and maybe a dozen or so more. I also love board games, although I don't have as big an opportunity to play them as I did when I worked for THQ. We used to play a different card or board game each day during lunch. Good times.
    Benhell likes this.
  3. Benhell

    Benhell Kobold

    Thanks for that. I might borrow a friends ipad and give it ago. Hopefully pick up the game so i can go play on the board.
  4. Sir Knight

    Sir Knight Sir-ulean Dragon

    You are very close, but you are not yet ready to stand amongst the true gamers. As your Spiritual Gaming Advisor, I order you to visit your local gaming store and request to see the "polyhedral dice." As soon as possible, Higginjoe. This can't wait.

    It doesn't matter. Hence why it could cause "the most horrifying flame war this forum has seen." You know how people work.

    And it turns out there are alternatives on the internet I hadn't included. This whole "How do you make a four-side die someone can read?" question is a tricky one. Other possibilities:



    When you get such a variety, it says something about the initial question.
  5. sokolov

    sokolov Mushroom Warrior

    I would HIGHLY recommend Claustrophobia.

    It's my wife's favorite board game and she isn't too into them. She mostly plays them to make me happy, but Claustrophobia is one she really likes to play.

    It's primarily a 2 player experience where one player plays humans using typical dungeon crawler rules, but the demon player has an interesting dice mechanic where you assign dice to "powers" based on your dice rolls. So, for example, one power requires 2 "odd" dice assigned to activate on a given round, while another one requires the dice to add up to a specific number. This makes the game a fresh experience from each perspective. The game also comes with large, beautiful tiles that the layout is created from.

    There are all kinds of scenarios included (in the package and on their website) as well that makes replaying more interesting - most of them feature random/semi-random layouts, though some are heavily scripted.

    Games also don't take too long, we can usually play in about an hour - which is rare for this type of game.
  6. RFHolloway

    RFHolloway Kobold

    I would highly recommend - www.boardgamegeek.com - just about everything a hard core gamer needs to pick thier next fix, or to spread the news to a new players.
  7. Higginjoe

    Higginjoe Kobold

    I wouldn't expect to be at my peak yet. I haven't even been playing Magic seriously for a year yet. I am familiar with d10s and d20s, though. I don't think my local game shop has any interesting varieties of die, but my old shop did, if I recall correctly. Unfortunately, I was never that interested in the die. Maybe I will be if I decide to hunt down a D&D group in my area.
  8. Sir Knight

    Sir Knight Sir-ulean Dragon

    Well that's interesting. I'm used to game shops having plastic brick-sized bins full of dice, like stacks of sorted gems and jewels. Sometimes tacky plastic gems and jewels, sometimes (hopefully) not.

    Or like this, though not nearly as massive.
  9. Higginjoe

    Higginjoe Kobold

    Yeah, my old shop had something more like that. My current one just seems to sell these blocks full of little d6s. They're useful for counters and tokens and whatnot. The current shop seems to specialize more in cards and miniature stuff, like Warhammer. I think there are other stores a bit further away that have regular tabletop games, though.
  10. SurgeonFish

    SurgeonFish Automaton Moderator Staff Member

    Ive been playing Shadow Era last few months, and i just cant stop. Its not fantastic but its pretty good CCG for the phone/tablet/PC flash game

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