Zero Token Racials... AKA How humans are screwed over

Discussion in 'Deck Building' started by doog37, Feb 17, 2015.

  1. Sir Veza

    Sir Veza Farming Deity

    We still need to think of a human trait. Here are two examples:

    Lawyer - Black, D3 - At the start of each round steal one random card from your opponent's hand.
    Note: Quality is black because lawyers make their victims pay their expenses. They can do this because all judges and most politicians are also lawyers.

    A more OP version is:
    Tax Man - Black, D4 : Confiscate your opponent's decks without cause or due process. (Each gets only a racial move.)

    I would prefer something from the better side of human nature (Lynch Mob is an improvement, but still too low), which pretty much rules out anything political. Flash Mob might work because no self-respecting dwarf or elf would do such a silly thing, but it's probably too trendy even if someone thinks up a game-usable effect.

    I suspect everyone here knows at least one human. What is a usable trait for them?
  2. Jarmo

    Jarmo Snow Griffin

    Selfishness. Discard a random card from your own hand and replace it with a random card from one of the other characters in the party.
    Hubris. Next attack card you play becomes non-damaging.
    Envy. Replace a random card in your hand with a paper quality card of the same category than the card last played by an opponent.
    Humility. Next attack played by you does +1 damage or next heal played by you heals +1.

    Don't know about the "usable" part with these, though.

    EDIT: I nerfed Humility, it was way too good at +2/+2 and probably is still OP.
    Last edited: Feb 21, 2015
    Pawndawan, doog37, PDXTai and 2 others like this.
  3. Kalin

    Kalin Begat G'zok

    Flash Mob
    Utility, Magic, Arcane
    You and all allies are Teleported to random, Open, unoccupied tiles within 2 of each other.

    Next time you fail a die roll, draw a card.
    "I meant to do that."

    Trait, Attach to self, Duration 2.
    Take 2 unpreventable damage every time you draw a card.
    UpstartPuppet, Sir Veza and PDXTai like this.
  4. New idea for a human skill:

    Strategist: discard a card, then draw a card. Discard that card unless it is the same type of the discarded card. Repeat until you have drawn 2 cards or your deck is empty. Cantrip.
    (golden quality)

    Is similar to Pathfinding, but within the extra card. To compensate the card advantage, this card is more versatile and it have cantrip: if you discard a move card, you can draw 2 move cards, if you discard a step atack, you can draw 2 step attacks, if you discard a block you can draw 2 blocks.
    timeracers and Sir Veza like this.
  5. Jarmo

    Jarmo Snow Griffin

    New human skill:

    Superhero: Your next attack does 100 damage, unblockable, unpurgeable, penetrating.
    Fifjunior7, timeracers and Flaxative like this.
  6. Scarponi

    Scarponi Moderator

    Gary: "I have Superhero, you're going down!" :D

    Melvin: "Toughness. Your overconfidence is your undoing."
    Gary: "Ohhhhhhhhh" :confused:
    timeracers, CT5, Jarmo and 2 others like this.
  7. Jarmo

    Jarmo Snow Griffin

    Melvin's Kryptonite is way OP.
  8. Robauke

    Robauke Guild Leader

    Well this wild spree shows just how endless the options for new fun mechanics are, so whats the hold-up.

    I dig 'selfishness', can picture it as a more playable fumble.
    Last edited: Feb 22, 2015
  9. Sir Veza

    Sir Veza Farming Deity

    Wild sprees can be their own reward, but I really hope something comes of this because the OP has a valid point.

    Another thing human skills are missing is a card that affects all humans on the board in a positive way. Dwarves get a card draw, and elves get a free move. As a human I'd be playing the race card here, but there isn't one.
    CT5, Accent, doog37 and 3 others like this.
  10. gulo gulo

    gulo gulo Guild Leader

    Maybe a Block or Attack Soldier that gives all humans a block or attack? Perhaps that still isn't enough, but I think it's along the right path. Maybe an Advanced Battlefield Tactics, where you can trade one (or two cards) between all humans you have, and a cantrip? Move your linear attacks or step moves to who needs them most, when you need them? It fits with all the 'tactics' theme that humans have with their racials.
    Sir Veza likes this.
  11. doog37

    doog37 Hydra

    Well to add to the silliness that this tread has become here is a semi-serious idea.
    Hope: Trait - Duration 3, at the beginning of each turn roll 6 draw 1 additional card. Discard Hope if card is drawn in this manner.
    So for understanding this must be at least Duration 3 as the first turn it is drawn it has no effect. I would make it a bronze rare since the roll is so tough to make but it clearly unconventional.

    Meditative Thinker: Hope, Loner, Inspirational Thinking

    Not sure what level the item would be since I forgot how to do item math...
    EDIT Item math would have this as a level 12 Human Skill.
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2015
  12. Scarponi

    Scarponi Moderator

    It's in the FAQ and Glossary under Items > Item levels :)
  13. doog37

    doog37 Hydra

    Thanks although this made me slightly more confused... Not because I can't follow the formula, but it seems like there are more factors in play since by the strict math my chosen example Maquah of the Ancient Blood should be level 9.
    2 silver + 3 Bronze + 1 Tar = 6+6+3+3+3+(-3) = 18
    6/3 = 2
    18/2= 9

    I am guessing trained Bludgeon doesn't count for the full 3 or something.
  14. Scarponi

    Scarponi Moderator

    Trained Bludgeon is a bronze (-), or only valued at 2 points. But there's no way to know that without looking at the actual card data sheet.
  15. Sir Veza

    Sir Veza Farming Deity

    It may be silly, but I think some good ideas are in the mix. As far as an "All Humans [do X]", "draw a card" is much more thematic for humans than dwarves. Humans should have one. If there can only be one, steal theirs for the humans and revamp Dwarven Battle Cry. Dwarves already have the undervalued Blind Rage as their racial trait, for goodness sake.
    Bandreus and gulo gulo like this.
  16. Kalin

    Kalin Begat G'zok

    Agreed. We could make the Battle Cry into "Frenzy 2, Duration 1" for all dwarves or something.
    timeracers, Sir Veza and gulo gulo like this.
  17. Sir Veza

    Sir Veza Farming Deity

    Or give a copy of Blind Rage to all dwarves. They'd all get the same thing, but the weal or woe factor could be huge in the proper circumstances.
  18. doog37

    doog37 Hydra

    2nd thought and something that would fit the 0 token idea. Almost serious... understanding that BM is NOT looking for new card suggestions.

    Hopeful Command: Hope, Hope, Attack, Soldier Level 6 (Rare or Epic?)

    This doesn't provide much help other than deck thinning with 2 traits and a low-level assist, but would be a go-to 0 token for anyone seeking to avoid Vulnerable.
    Sir Veza likes this.
  19. PDXTai

    PDXTai Ogre

    This is fantastic. Finally a reason to have Unreliable block! If this is a trait, you could potentially get several cards out of it.

    For my own crazy contribution I offer:
    New card - Good luck (Magic, Holy)
    Range 6
    Duration 2
    Attach to target. Whenever target rolls a die, add one to it.
    Good luck replaces bad luck and vice versa.
    "I've got a really positive attitude about this." - Cardhuntrian battle cry.

    New Human skill - Tactics Schmacktics!:
    Good luck, Good luck, Bad Luck.
    "Sometimes it's better to be lucky than good." - Cardhuntrian proverb.
  20. Sir Veza

    Sir Veza Farming Deity

    A quality of leadership is getting more out of people than they believe they're capable of, and I think Good Luck represents this. Confidence or positive thinking are other ways to express it. IMO, it's always better to get lucky than to be good.
    PDXTai likes this.

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