Note: This Is A Map 4 Mauve Manticore After Wood-Home In game Username - Same as here: BlackVoidDeath There are 3 Maps in on this thread because it makes more sense So Blue Manchu made what happens in Wood-Home and what happens after but what was in between that? Story/Part 1 Story: After you have gotten out of Wood-Home, you go out and make a camp until the plague ends... but the Darkness can follow you anywhere... After about five hours after you finish setting up camp, as though by a command most of your friends and people you knew turn into terrible monsters! Spoiler: Screen-Shot Part 1 Epilogue: You manage to escape the camp but now you must lay low until the elite guards arrive to check that everything is "ok"... Part 2 Story: After finding you the guards decide that going back to their master & his castle is the best solution - but you must fight through the endless hoards of zombies before that and to add to that its at night when you cant see anything... Spoiler: Screen-Shot Part 2 Epilogue: You manage to fight through the first hoard but there are many to come... Part 3 Story: Finaly you reach the master's castle, the sun has just started to rise over the horizon, the guards have left you saying that they must visit other camps but as you see the castle your heart sinks... its overrun!!! Spoiler: Screen-Shot Part 3 Epilogue: You manage to stay alive long enough to wait for the Elite Guards to arrive, and for them to clear the rest of the zombie crowd... it is certain that unless you find who/or what is commanding this hoard so you must go back into Wood-home! "call the Guardians again, tell them that we are going back...." Also thanks to: Alcibiade_2nd for suggesting idea of "After Wood-Home" Please give productive feedback & how I can improve this thank you