Beta Keys coming here!

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Jon, Jan 10, 2013.

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  1. Naraxis

    Naraxis Mushroom Warrior

    Competition is getting tough on that reddit competition for beta keys, a couple of those stories are really quite good. Though most of them are predictable repetitive snore-fests... "MY GUY IZ DA BADDEZT AZZ AROND! HE HAZ DA DARKNEZZ ND STUFF!"
  2. Dhramund

    Dhramund Mushroom Warrior

    Yeah, there are some good ones on there. However, I am pretty proud of mine. :cool:
  3. Naraxis

    Naraxis Mushroom Warrior

    I'd like to read yours, which one is it? mine is under the same name as on these forums. Thought i'd take a unique spin on it instead of going with the norm.
  4. Dhramund

    Dhramund Mushroom Warrior

    Same here, search for dhramund. I really liked yours, you really took a different spin.
  5. Naraxis

    Naraxis Mushroom Warrior

    Well yours was perhaps the most sedate one i've read on there, was a great change of pace from all of the testosterone soup "my char's dong is bigger than your char's dong" stuff that was going on. :D
  6. Kahar

    Kahar Mushroom Warrior

    Very nicely written both of you! I wrote mine up today. Came out a little on the long side, but I was happy with it. I wish we could all win (or at least those that tried)!
  7. Naraxis

    Naraxis Mushroom Warrior

    You wrote the Runemage Groln one? I read that earlier and really enjoyed it, was a cut above the rest that were there; nice job!
  8. Brian Leybourne

    Brian Leybourne Mushroom Warrior


    I'm the mod of the Reddit forum, and I have only deleted one story, because it was obscene. If yours isn't showing up, something may have hiccupped when you posted it, please post it again.

  9. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    Think he found it in a later post, probably just got confused by the random listing - I know I was :)
  10. Naraxis

    Naraxis Mushroom Warrior

    I did find it. I was just confused at the whole random list thing. Thanks for checking though, appreciate it!
  11. tangmcgame

    tangmcgame Mushroom Warrior

    Brian, since you're here, I was wondering how strictly you guys are enforcing the one paragraph rule. I'd like to add more if it won't disqualify me.
  12. Naraxis

    Naraxis Mushroom Warrior

    I hope they aren't too strict, I felt like I couldn't accurately portray my character's unique background within a measly 4-6 sentences so mine kinda went 12-15 sentences...
  13. tangmcgame

    tangmcgame Mushroom Warrior

    Yeah, I've got no problem with it either way. I think a paragraph is plenty, but two is more interesting. Of course, I'm assuming a short poem/song doesn't count as a second paragraph since it's technically part of the first...hmm, maybe I'm wrong about that, though.

    Anyway, I'd just like to know. Sometimes they're very strict about things like this and sometimes they aren't. It looks like many people are assuming they won't enforce the rule, but I'd like to know for sure before expanding my entry.
  14. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    Tbh, I hope they ARE strict as that's the only reason I kept mine a paragraph rather than a story. Would kinda suck for us that tried staying within the rules - and keeping it short is an art in itself, I'd say. But yeah, would be good to know since so many seems to have not bothered with the guidelines...
  15. Infinite

    Infinite Kobold

    Indeed. I don't think it's fair on those who did follow the rules as they were set out.

    I limited mine and of course it suffered greatly for it, I put a lot of effort into making it short and concise, as to meet the rules.

    I read some of the other entries before writing mine and was well aware people weren't abiding by the rules. Just because lots of people are doing it, doesn't mean it's any more acceptable, after a few I just didn't even bother reading those which were too long.

    Ignorance and cheating should not be acceptable. It's just not fair on the honest folk.
  16. Thirandras

    Thirandras Kobold

    I suffered from the same thing... I limited my story greatly but I´m proud of it. I hope everyone likes it
  17. Naraxis

    Naraxis Mushroom Warrior

    I think you're being a little harsh. My story came out to be very long without me intending it to be. If it bothers you that much, I was going to shorten mine down today just to fit the guidelines.
  18. Thirandras

    Thirandras Kobold

    Another thing that should be considered. I actually spaced my lines after each sentence. The reading can get confused while putting everything together in a single paragraph. In the end, the creation process would be compromised it we just kept the writing going and tried to squeeze everything.
  19. Insolentius

    Insolentius Kobold

    Even if the entries that end up winning the contest are longer than a single paragraph, it won't mean the end of the world. Personally, I couldn't care less. If I win, cool, if not, I'll live to fight another day. :cool:
    Necrometzer likes this.
  20. tangmcgame

    tangmcgame Mushroom Warrior

    I don't think anyone is saying it'll be the end of the world. At least, I know I'm not. But I do like knowing the rules of a contest, including whether or not they're hard or soft. That's all I'm asking.
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