Rate my Randimar's Rarities

Discussion in 'Card Hunter General Chat' started by Will-, Sep 22, 2013.

  1. Stexe

    Stexe #2 in Spring PvP Season

    I've had Sander's Force Mirror in my Randimar for 4 weeks in a row now... I think it wants me to buy it.

    I mean, it is a good item -- I just feel like Force Cone really needs to be nerfed once Team Run gets gutted and it might be a risky purchase.... but four weeks in a ROW...?
  2. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    You get 6 attacks, one of each has very good damage (13), and the others combine decent damage with the cool tech. Have you ever played a warrior with range 1 attacks versus a warrior full of bashes? That's no fun at all. Now if you combine two Lunginators with Shieldripper and Advanced Crushing, you will get an ultimate crushing warrior.
    It's a pity to see people having such treasures and not understanding their value...
  3. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    That's the most stupid, most harmful advice one could ever give to a new player.
    The whole game is all about collecting items for some build you dream about - that's why it's called "Cardhunter".
    If you skip a good legendary, you may never see it for months and even years! Some people are playing from the very beginning, but still don't have some key items. I've never seen The Lunginator at my Randi at all.
  4. Melancthon

    Melancthon Ogre

    Figures that both Reaper's Scythe and St. Portia's Maul show up right before they get nerfed. I've wanted the Maul forever, but I don't think it will be worth the 2500 as an MP weapon after the spears become chops. Anyone disagree?

    An off-topic language question: Should it be an MP weapon or a Mp weapon? If I spelled out multiplayer it would definitely be a, but since the abbreviation starts with a vowel sound, I feel like it should be an. Anyone disagree?

    Also, as a note to Ector, calling someone's advice stupid is a great way to start a three-page debate. Better off stating that you disagree with it and giving your reasons than to imply that another person is stupid. In my opinion, of course.
    Jarmo likes this.
  5. Flaxative

    Flaxative Party Leader

    Definitely an, because you pronounce the initialism empee. :)

    Very good point.
    Melancthon likes this.
  6. Bandreus

    Bandreus Thaumaturge

    Melancthon likes this.
  7. Melancthon

    Melancthon Ogre

    Sweet, thanks guys! Think I'll pick up that Maul after all!
  8. Scarponi

    Scarponi Moderator

    Actually its very wise advice for anyone who plays CH with a restriction on how much real money they can spend on the game regardless if that amount is a large sum or even zero.

    Let's say the goal is to get at least one of every item in the game (or one of every "best item" however one defines that if you prefer). Now obviously the items that will be gained in this goal will come from a combination of loot drops and shop purchases. And, because over time the items dropped from loot will on average follow the rarity distribution pattern, one can count on getting low rarity items from drops while the highest rarity items will be less likely to drop and more likely need to be purchased at shops. This may lead one to initially assess that shop purchases should be only for the highest rarity items and lower rarity items should be ignored. However, this would not actually be the case.

    The problem is that early on in collection building the biggest obstacle to growing a collection is having the items needed to increase one's speed and win percentage to up the volume of loot gain through game play. Therefore buying a single legendary that can be added to one's collection but one knows he will not use it, does nothing but increases his collection only by 1 item, however, spending that same amount of gold on a combination of epics and rares (or saving it for a legendary that will get immediate use) will have a "compound interest" effect where these items will boost a player's loot gain and gold gain over time and allow for faster overall collection gain. This "compound interest" effect has it's largest influence early in collection growth and more so for those who spend less real life money than for those who spend more as increasing one's loot gain rate also increases one's gold income rate through duplicate item sales.

    It's only when one reaches the upper levels of loot gain rate that it then becomes strategically advantageous to spend gold on only the highest rarity items and leave lower rarity items to loot drops only as the lower rarity items are much more likely to drop before a legendary would (personally at this point I won't even bother to buy anything but legendaries).

    Obviously if one's goal is to gain all of a specific and small set of items then the approach should just be buy each of those items whenever they're seen, but assuming the overall desired set is large then being judicious early on will pay off greater results faster in the long run.
    Jarmo, CT5, Sir Veza and 2 others like this.
  9. Melancthon

    Melancthon Ogre

    I love you Scarponi. I envy such precise, mathematical logic.
    Scarponi likes this.
  10. Scarponi

    Scarponi Moderator

    :) Well if you ever have a numbers question feel free to search me out, I'll help if I can.
    FDrybob likes this.
  11. Melancthon

    Melancthon Ogre

    I'm tellin' you man, your numbers, my words, we'll rule the world! Er, save the world. Yeah, that's the ticket. We'll save the world....

  12. FDrybob

    FDrybob Goblin Champion

    Ector likes this.
  13. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    I'd buy The Lunginator, and if I'd make enough gold, then Phantom Pain, but that's your choice. And if you wouldn't manage to collect the gold, think than 2500 gold = 250 pizza = $7.58. I've played the games where the players had to pay hundreds of dollars to be competitive, and $7.58 is just a breakfast in McDonalds...
  14. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    All this is true only for the items that require a serious setup to be effective, like Mordecai's Staff Of Magma, but not for the items that can be just equipped and played with almost any other items like The Lunginator. It will really increase the winning percentage at low levels of the PvP and can be used in SP too (bashing the giant monster away can be a life-saver).
    Why do you think these people are asking for the advices here? Do you really think that they are asking for the ton of cheap items that would increase their winning percentage? No, they want to know whether do they have something really precious! That's why they're listing all their Legendaries and epics, but skipping their rares. And if they really do have something very good, Drakkan tells them not to bother buying it, as they are going to get another chance later blah-blah-blah. First of all, that isn't true: they may never have another chance. Next, that isn't what they want: nobody needs an advice like "don't bother about the legendaries yet", everybody wants the best. The most newbish players that don't have gold to buy anything simply don't ask to rate their rarities here.
  15. Sir Veza

    Sir Veza Farming Deity

    I think they ask because they want to hear other player's evaluations of the items.
    I don't think they want to hear one player's opinion repeated ad nauseam.
    - Stating an opinion once makes it a matter of record.
    - Stating an opinion again with additional supporting rationale can be reasonable.
    - Stating an opinion on the same question more than twice is not debate, it's just repetitious and annoying. We already know the opinion by that point.
    - Rude or insulting statements to or about those who hold a differing opinion does more to damage your reputation than theirs.
  16. CT5

    CT5 Guild Leader

    Hmm, I have General... something's Helm (2x Enchanted Harness 1x Officer's Harness, major token helmet) in Randi's. Looks tempting, but I dunno, drawing a bunch of armor feels lame (I'd probably try to fit in more Officer's Harnesses elsewhere on the character).

    On a semi-related note, I thought this short vid on delayed gratification rather interesting (complete with adorable children trying not to eat a marshmallow!):
    Last edited: Dec 1, 2014
  17. Bandreus

    Bandreus Thaumaturge

    It's General Jelom's Helm, it's pretty good. But yeah, a lot of people would argue whether spending major tokens on stocking armor is a good idea or not. That's a very reasonable and interesting deck-building dilemma.
    FDrybob, Sir Veza and CT5 like this.
  18. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    OK, I guess I should ask what do they hope of? And the answer is simple: they hope that some of their items are real treasures and should improve their chances of building the good characters.

    Personally I am always ready to risk my reputation to help the new players not to skip the game treasures. This is much more important in my eyes than my reputation. As a Russian proverb says: "I'm not a rouble to be liked by everybody" :) As for the rude or insulting behaviour... yes, I'm guilty, but what would you do if you would see somebody cheating the kids?

    If you mean that I recommend the children to eat the marshmallow, the analogy is wrong. They aren't going to get two Lunginators later if they skip this one now. They may get something else, of course, but nobody guarantees that "something" is going to be as good. That's the nature of the game. One great item is better than 1000 mediocre items.
  19. Bandreus

    Bandreus Thaumaturge

    This week, I'm actually very tempted by Dark Drewg's Mace. And even then, I still need to save up for the holiday items.

    I... Must... Resist... :confused:
  20. Sir Veza

    Sir Veza Farming Deity

    You can do it, Bandreus! Dark Drewg's Mace is very tempting, but is always available. You might even farm one in the next few days if you hit the 5-7 levels. ;)
    Bandreus likes this.

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