There was this posted recently: I wasn't halted, but this is relevant, as it shows me that Penetrating Lunge is supposed to be counted as a Move card. Chilling Rime was to give me Encumber 1 and affect such cards, but I had it on me and played the lunge without impact on the move: I got the full 1 square movement. Then, when I was inflicting the damage from the attack, the Chilling Rime card suddenly appeared as though it were affecting play. It appeared in the normal slightly-down-and-to-the-right position that you get when, say, a Frenzy effect is impacting play. It did not really do anything, though. Edit: Same with Lunging Strike and Cold Snap. In fact, I had both Cold Snap and Chilling Rime appear in sequence during the damage phase, as though they both did something. They did not.