Chilling Rime failed to stop Penetrating Lunge until it was too late

Discussion in 'Bugs' started by Sir Knight, Jan 18, 2013.

  1. Sir Knight

    Sir Knight Sir-ulean Dragon

    There was this posted recently:
    I wasn't halted, but this is relevant, as it shows me that Penetrating Lunge is supposed to be counted as a Move card. Chilling Rime was to give me Encumber 1 and affect such cards, but I had it on me and played the lunge without impact on the move: I got the full 1 square movement.

    Then, when I was inflicting the damage from the attack, the Chilling Rime card suddenly appeared as though it were affecting play. It appeared in the normal slightly-down-and-to-the-right position that you get when, say, a Frenzy effect is impacting play. It did not really do anything, though.

    Edit: Same with Lunging Strike and Cold Snap. In fact, I had both Cold Snap and Chilling Rime appear in sequence during the damage phase, as though they both did something. They did not.
  2. Jon

    Jon Blue Manchu Staff Member

    Yeah, I need to review the issues with Step cards, halt and encumber.

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