Change "Allow GM Opponents" to "Allow A.I. Opponents"

Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by Stexe, Sep 21, 2014.

  1. Stexe

    Stexe #2 in Spring PvP Season


    Reduces confusion for new players who don't understand GM = Game Master = AI.
    convolute, Ineptie, Sir Veza and 3 others like this.
  2. Jade303

    Jade303 Thaumaturge

    Yes. This. Please.

    ...although it's hard to call them "A.I." when they have no discernible intelligence; but at least it gets the point across.
  3. The Final Doorman

    The Final Doorman Orc Soldier

    When I first started playing I thought GM opponent meant Blue Manchu employees. Think WOW. I would greatly appreciate this change. I think it makes a lot of sense and will be much more intuitive to new players.
  4. Robauke

    Robauke Guild Leader

    also give those guys some automated answers, taunts and catchphrases for the chatbox.
    Kornl, convolute and Fifjunior7 like this.
  5. Stexe

    Stexe #2 in Spring PvP Season

    Pretty sure that would just confuse new players even more. I see them respond to the A.I. like they are people often.

    I'd also suggest changing their names to Gary (A.I.) and Amy (A.I.) and Mom (A.I.) etc.
  6. Jade303

    Jade303 Thaumaturge

    Aww but that's ruining the CH experience! Nothing like playing a real board game simulator with simulated friends.
  7. Stexe

    Stexe #2 in Spring PvP Season

    Bumping this because I just saw some more new players confused.
  8. Robauke

    Robauke Guild Leader

    I'm still bumping to give them some backtalk and while we are at it, why not make them pass the turing test.
    Kornl and doog37 like this.
  9. Lord Feleran

    Lord Feleran Guild Leader

    +1 to 1st post.
  10. doog37

    doog37 Hydra

    While we are at it is there a only play AI opponents option? Most of the time I enjoy the challenge of playing against an unpredictable human with a mostly unknown build. But sometimes I just want to kick back and play the mentally challenged destructor known as CardoTron. Sure Cardotron's build is totally OP and all the characters having 4 extra HPs is odd. But if you can avoid letting an Almighty or 2 tearing you to shreds it is easy pickings once you deal with the OP blocks, super team heal and what ever other gems I am forgetting about.
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2014
  11. Jarmo

    Jarmo Snow Griffin

    You can play against the AI in casual (custom) games. It wouldn't be fair to allow AI-only matches in ranked play. A high ranking achieved solely against AI is in no way comparable to one gained against humans. At the very least, AI Only would require its own ranking list.
    Stexe likes this.
  12. doog37

    doog37 Hydra

    DUH Really?
    If I could earn chests by beating Cardotron over and over and over again, I would build an anti-tron set-up heavy in Impen nimbus and War Cry and grab the Purple daily.
    I know I know the noobs couldn't know i was kidding. But really C-o-Tron unloading against a nimbused character is always great for a laugh.
  13. doog37

    doog37 Hydra

    So does that mean that technically Card-o-tron is a Game Master? I think CoT should get to be the GM for the next expansion...Flee from the OP overlords.
    Instead of well thought out themed boards just level after level of overpowered Mobs.
    Imagine... Sprinting Dragons that with Super Force Cannons, Ogres with Perfect Blocks, Slimes that get healed from magic attacks, and war dogs with barbed platemails and Super Nimble Strikes that are step 4 fly 9 damage. It would be a Card-o-Tron paradise even if you could use level 21 characters.
  14. Stexe

    Stexe #2 in Spring PvP Season

    You can always fight him in a custom game if you have the map files. It would be nice if you could simply select "fight GM" in the custom game screen without having to load a map and select the exact enemies to fight.

    And yes, Cardotron is a "Game Master."

    Having overpowered things that are completely ridiculous was pretty much already explored with the later Tezkal missions and challenges.
  15. doog37

    doog37 Hydra

    I disagree... There was a theme and narative element. I mean just straight up overpowered mobs that already exist.
    If you were referring to the difficult trio of:
    There was a whole story of the artifacts which were not nearly as OPed as they could have been.
    I mean seriously the last time the Loot Fairy was at Black Plume Mountain I beat it first try... I didn't do so well the first time around, but come on something that can be overcome by "strategy" and "tactics" is not in the spirit of the GM Cardotron!
  16. Stexe

    Stexe #2 in Spring PvP Season

    There's no reason why things can't be OP but also have a story. And yes, the levels could have been even greater, but it seems unlikely that people would be able to complete it. That's what the challenges / quests are for.

    And simply beating something due to luck isn't as rewarding as being able to plan and win.

    Either way, this is completely off topic. Make a new thread for it if you wish to discuss it further.
  17. doog37

    doog37 Hydra

    I didn't want to discuss further... I made a snarky comment and then people felt the NEED to respond to it and I felt the NEED to explain further.
    I just realized the incongruity of considering Cardotron a GM since it never actually shows up in the campaign. Then I was just Trollin' ya.
  18. Stexe

    Stexe #2 in Spring PvP Season

    Amy never shows up in the campaign. Mom as an opponent never shows up either.

    That is why it is pretty confusing to new players when they face these. I rarely see a newbie saying "good game Gary" or "good game Melvin" or whatever. It is always Amy or Mom.
  19. Sir Veza

    Sir Veza Farming Deity

    That sounds like a good idea. A separate "AI Only" division for those who prefer not playing against humans, and don't care about rankings or guilds.
  20. Stexe

    Stexe #2 in Spring PvP Season

    Eh... they'd need to revamp a lot of stuff to make it work since the AI doesn't adapt its build and is very static. I remember coming up with a way to game the system by making a build specifically designed to beat the AI. You could play super late at night when few people were on and almost guarantee fighting bots with almost a 100% win rate.

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