Rate my Randimar's Rarities

Discussion in 'Card Hunter General Chat' started by Will-, Sep 22, 2013.

  1. Ector

    Ector Hydra

  2. Gygu

    Gygu Kobold

  3. Sir Veza

    Sir Veza Farming Deity

  4. Mr. Magnifico

    Mr. Magnifico Thaumaturge

    I just started playing this game fairly recently, and only more recently still have I felt like I have enough of a handle on which items are worth the gold to make major purchases from the Daily Deal or Randimar's. I finally took the plunge yesterday and splashed out 500 each for a Flaming Shortsword. Maybe I'm overrating some items, but this week my Randimar's looks like an embarrassment of riches -- it's even got another Flaming Shortsword in it. Here are the highlights:

    Captain Cedric's Boots
    Darkblood Glaive
    Hylithia's Robes
    Kelharin's Clogs
    Staff Of Embers
    Sliding Boots

    That's a lot of Officer's Harness on offer, which I had been coveting since I took a run at the Secret of the Elder Mind. That's why I was overjoyed yesterday to find a pair of Argo's Boots. Otherwise, my go-to boots have been Naugus Hide Boots, for the Violent Spin.

    The Darkblood Glaive seems like it could be a good weapon for a support priest backing up two wizards, but doesn't seem as essential as the other stuff. Staff of Embers is nice and all, but I should probably hold out for a Staff Of The Fire God, right?

    I have one pair of Rockshard Robes and a couple of other tokenless robes with Resistant Hide that my wizards normally wear.

    I don't quite have 2.5k gold yet, but I have a week to farm. What should my priorities be?
    Last edited: Nov 2, 2014
  5. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    IMHO, it's the clear #1 in your assortment. It's great both in MP and SP, and there are no other weapons with three Savage Curses for (minortoken)(minortoken). You don't even need the legendary items to build the effective party with it; there are lot of Firestorm items in the game. Your #2 is Staff Of Embers, it's very good for its cost - and makes a great combo with the Glaive! Your #3 is Captain Cedric's Boots, but you can use Sliding Boots if you can afford a yellow token. They are close in power/tokens level.

    Staff of Embers is much better for consistency. But I guess you can live without it for some time, if you can't afford it.

    I seriously recommend you to grab the Glaive and Staff of Embers at all costs (spend some money if you won't farm enough gold). They will seriously improve your high-level farming, and possibly even your MP rating.
    Last edited: Nov 2, 2014
    Mr. Magnifico likes this.
  6. Scarponi

    Scarponi Moderator

    Part of how you prioritize this list would depend on your play style (do you prefer melee or wizardry, control or damage, etc.) and whether you focus on SP or MP. This will greatly affect the priority you should give to different items. If I didn't have any of these I'd go in this order:

    Sliding Boots - Team Run is huge for MP as is Sparkling cloth armor, its rare for me to have a build without at least one copy of these.
    Staff of Embers - In the right build this is a wonderful item though obviously Staff of a Million Embers one ups it.
    Kelharin's/Cpt. Cedrics - It's just a question of whether the build benefits more from Officer's Harnesses or Flanking Moves.
    The rest can be skipped.

    Again that would be my ranking for my style of play (I generally hate the card loss of Savage Curse enough that I avoid it hence there'd be no reason for me to buy the Glaive and therefore I rank it as the lowest item on your list). Ultimately you have to figure out what fits your preferences - it doesn't matter how good an item is, if you'd never equip it there's no point in buying it.
    Mr. Magnifico likes this.
  7. Mr. Magnifico

    Mr. Magnifico Thaumaturge

    I am mostly an SP guy. I finished the campaign with a balanced party and am now running through it with some different kinds of groups so I have more party options for high-level maps and just to try out different strategies. Since I'm still exploring the game, I'm not really sure what kind of combat build is my favorite yet. I'm also slowly working my way through quests. I do try and win one MP fight a day for the gold chest. (I could probably stretch for that second one each day, but I am being a wimp and not trying to run my ranking up too high.)

    I managed to find 2x Staff Of The Inferno, which have been my source for Ember Burst so far. Combustible is a definite drawback, but at least it's a trait. And the tokenlessness is handy. It seems like there's a bit of diminishing returns on Ember Burst, because once the card is attached to a character hitting them again doesn't stack as far as the Burning effect goes. But maybe this is like complaining about being too rich or too thin. (This week's my Randimar's also has Staff Of Freezing Fire and Fireblinker Initiate as alternative sources of Ember Burst.)

    Going back to look, I also noticed that the Bleneth's Frenzy Charm in there is tokenless, so there's yet another thing to want.
  8. CT5

    CT5 Guild Leader

    Since you're new, I recommend purchasing powerful Epics, as 500 is a lot more manageable than 2500. Thanks to the new Randimar's system, you'll likely see the same Legendary come back soon enough! So don't fret too much about skipping Legendaries.

    Personally, I'd go for Sliding Boots, then ignore the rest. However, keep in mind I'm incredibly stingy, and that my bar for "must-get" is reallllllly high. Captain Cedric's Boots is also excellent, but up to you if it's worth 2500. I think saving the 2500 for a cooler/more unique legendary would be better.
    Mr. Magnifico likes this.
  9. Sir Veza

    Sir Veza Farming Deity

    With this in mind, I'll offer some advice that will differ somewhat from that previously offered. I'd pass on the glaive unless you're familiar with the trials, tribulations, and discards associated with Savage Curse. In general, any item with a gold token should be very good in both MP and SP, because it will only be usable in the top few levels of SP. Sliding boots are great in MP, but are of limited use in SP. Like CT5, I recommend focusing on epics (tokenless/minor token items, like another Blazing Shortsword if you don't have at least 4 to 6) unless you find really powerful legendary items (attack/buff/etc.) to pack the most power into your limited equipment slots. I'm one of those who prefers Bleneth's Frenzy Medallion to Bleneth's Skull, because you can start using the former at character level 5, and the latter at character level 16.
    Just another viewpoint to consider.
    Mr. Magnifico likes this.
  10. Drakkan

    Drakkan Ogre

    I agree with CT5.. I would stick to important rares/epics first ..

    Anyway, as much as SP is concerned, I wouldn't buy anything there.. Staff of Embers is ok for SP.. but on that level you have plenty of staffs to chose .. its not like any of those cards would imporove your SP play nearly as much as Staff of the Inferno did.. or Firehide Robes.

    For MP .. Sliding Boots definitely ..
    Mr. Magnifico likes this.
  11. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    The worst advice I've ever seen. Please tell me, why I've never seen The Lunginator or Raging Battler at my Randimar's? :) I would gladly buy them! Even two copies of each :)
    The legendaries are still rare, and they're meant to be rare. So if you see the poweful and unique item that has no good substitutes like Darkblood Glaive, don't skip it!
  12. Mr. Magnifico

    Mr. Magnifico Thaumaturge

    I'm not familiar with the Randimar's system. If it's not too much trouble, could you explain it?
  13. Melancthon

    Melancthon Ogre

    So after all of that discussion about should I buy this, or should I buy that, I missed the deadline and bought nothing >.<

    Probably pick up Xander's Mail this week. No more deciding between Perilous Ringmail and the Spiked Tsomething.
  14. Flaxative

    Flaxative Party Leader

    Ector likes this.
  15. Scarponi

    Scarponi Moderator

    I always buy on Fridays because Saturdays get away from me so easily. Xander's is worth the purchase.

    It used to be that Randimar gave 59 random rare or better items as an option to buy weekly and there was no Daily Deal shop. This usually resulted in seeing about 1 legendary a week for sale. So by the Randimar "system" CT5 is just referring to how the shops are now set up with Randimar offering 10 legendaries and 10 epics each week not to mention the Daily Deal with 7 legendaries weekly as well. So before if you saw a legendary you wanted you had to buy it if at all possible because you might not see it in the shops again for months or even years, but now the number of quality legendaries available for purchase are generally more plentiful then what can be bought, so if you skip something this week it's not the end of the world as you'll likely see it again soon enough.
    Mr. Magnifico likes this.
  16. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    Yes, Randimar now offers you 17 random legendaries per week instead of 1-2, but there are hundreds of legendaries in the game, so you still might "not see that legendary in the shops for month or even years". And there are no reliable way to get that legendary if you would skip it and then decide that you need it.
  17. Sir Veza

    Sir Veza Farming Deity

    Well, yeah. If Randi offered me what I wanted, I'd be broke by now.
  18. Rebel7284

    Rebel7284 Ogre

    Bloody Stoutness - I have all the other legendary dwarf skills besides the horrible Apprentice Stoutness. Not sure this is strictly better than any of the alternatives.
    Forval's Chain - Crap
    Holy Hellyn's Breastplate - Soothing Darkness takes too long to get going and can't target self.
    Inara's Boots - Crap
    Juniper's Boots - 3 good cards, but I am unimpressed with the item.
    Kelharin's Clogs - Amazing card. Already have one.
    Knife Of St. Blenko - the attacks seem a bit too weak and inspiring preseneses alone don't seem worth the tokens.
    Robes Of Avak Seth Arcane Shell is nice, but i don't see this being worth my 2500 when I have no build for it.
    Rolf's Reliable Platemail for a gold token, this doesn't seem like it's worth it.
    Ulrin's Scuttling Socks too niche for my tastes. Plus, something like Flight Aura is probably better for those cases anyway.

    Aegis Of The Defender I have 2. I doubt I'll ever have a team where I need 3
    Angry Jack's Helmet seems fairly powerful for warriors. Is this played?
    Raging Rock already have one

    Overall, nothing sticks out as essential, but a few nice to have items.
  19. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    It isn't strictly better than the alternatives, but that's a rare occasion. Some items are better in one area, others are better in the other area. This one is the best in blocks department, if you want to have a lot of blocks. Definitely worth 2500 gold in my book.
  20. Melancthon

    Melancthon Ogre

    I would definitely say that Angry Jack's Helmet is worth the 500 gold if you can afford it. It's my go-to single-token helm in SP and I used it fairly extensively in MP until I switched over to Lt. Morrison's Helmet. Walk, Team isn't the best of cards, but you are getting boosts in power, defense, and movement, all for a minor token.
    Sir Veza likes this.

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