Rate my Randimar's Rarities

Discussion in 'Card Hunter General Chat' started by Will-, Sep 22, 2013.

  1. j3st3ri

    j3st3ri Thaumaturge

    I also don't have any of those three staves and for me the most tempting of them is the Searing Pain; As an SP only player I don't know any other staff that can target as many targets with all the cards.
  2. Drakkan

    Drakkan Ogre

    For SP, you should try Charring Staff and Staff Of Blazing Sparks.. Lava Terrain kills really fast .. i use them in combination with Searing Pain and Staff of Embers..

    For MP .. i dont know, I dont play wizards there .. I have 3x Blue Destruction .. is there any good way to use that.. ? Wellspring?
  3. peonprop

    peonprop Thaumaturge

    I'm not sure why I passed on it when I had the chance a few weeks back but I think it was because spark wizards don't have the arcane items to support a pure damage build. My attempts at spark wizards ended up being more controlling builds that wanted to draw into and save haymakers like Obliterating Spark for when enemy characters came out of cover with fully stocked hands. I would wait for staves with burst spells. I have seen plenty of devastating Savage Curse fueled burst builds but have yet to see a really good spark wizard.
  4. Jade303

    Jade303 Thaumaturge

    Yeah unless they made Deadly Sparks penetrating or something... ;D
  5. Jade303

    Jade303 Thaumaturge

    FWIW, I really enjoy using Linear attacks because of the time I spent learning how to position to use them properly. Hitting multiple targets, hitting targets that aren't in your line of sight (Yes you can do that!).

    As for arcane items, you want lots of good arcane magic to make Hard to Block 3 with Spark Generator. Think of the most frustrating ones like Telekinesis, Gusts of War, Force Cone, Force Cannon, Short Perplexing Ray, Counterspell...

    It's certainly easier to hit stuff with Burst Attacks. But they will either be 4 damage/4 damage HtB 3. Deadly Spark is 5 damage HtB2 / 7 damage HtB 2. It's a contest...

    You know, Potent Spark is pretty lame compared to Deadly Spark. Plus, you can only get max 2 Potent Spark per item. Maybe it should be penetrating?
  6. Rebel7284

    Rebel7284 Ogre

    Hawlic's Robes - Crap
    Kelvim's Buckler - I already have Ichabod's Buckler which I like more.
    Oquith's Choking Incense - A divine item with 3 reasonably good blocks? What is this? Although most priests I have seen would rather have traits.. confused.
    Painful Flashstaff - Mixed feelings about this item. I wanted to try more blasting wizards, but not sure if this is great for it.
    Perfect Footwork- Crap
    St. Alipp's Hammer - Being tokenless is very nice, not sure if it's good for MP where tokens are available. Probably?
    The Hackmaster - Keeps coming upin my RR. It's alright but I don't want to spend 2500 gold on it. :)
    The Perforator - This also keeps coming up. Way too low in damage in my opinion.
    Troll's Ire - I am intrigued by this item. Many blind rages to help cycle the deck and Sundering Strike offers a lot of utility.
    Xemu's Staff - Random and bad. Lol for two able bludgeons on a wizard staff.

    I only have 2100, so likely getting 0 or 1 items.

    Please offer feedback, especially if my analysis seems off.
  7. Jade303

    Jade303 Thaumaturge

    Bought Oquith's Choking Incense; my verdict is, it's handy for some cheese decks but pretty iffy overall. Still costs too much, and unless you are playing on a map where you really need to hold one VP, cause fumble isn't that useful. As far as buying the Incense goes, don't! Crespin's Shroud is a cheaper option if you want to play around with fumbles. I bought it back when it was... "good" and I'm still regretting it now. You discard it more than you block with it.

    St. Alipp's Hammer- Cleansing Ray is actually the neatest part about it, but you're not getting anything fantastic for your money. Nice item.

    The one item I recommend is Troll's Ire. Giving Blind Rage to a warrior, plus two Sundering Strike, for only two minor tokens? Invaluable for a melee party in SP. Quite handy in MP as well, especially on a Human/Elf Warrior.

    If the Troll's Ire doesn't appeal to you, then I suppose there's always next week.
  8. peonprop

    peonprop Thaumaturge

    I found an Oquith's Choking Incense and started buying all the Cause Fumbles I could get my hands on. It's a fun deck up until the moment you run into your first triple wizard opponent and you're essentially playing 2v3. Would not recommend it for serious play because of the narrowness.

    Painful Flashstaff is ok but I've been disliking Punishing Bolt so much that I might just skip Heartripper if I see it. It is shorter range than most wizard attacks and melee characters will almost never have a full hand by the time they're in range. You will be lucky to get 8 points out of it. I would use Mindsplinter Staff over it.

    St. Alipp's Hammer sucks. Low damage attacks and a card that is dead against the most popular builds is not worth the tokenless Mass Frenzy.
  9. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    I've bought it. Really good for the farming! Mindsplinter Staff costs a yellow token which makes it unavailable in many scenarios.
  10. iruj

    iruj Orc Soldier

  11. Jade303

    Jade303 Thaumaturge

    Painful Flashstaff huh? People, don't forget about Staff Of Pain. I use that + Staff of the Misanthrope for the entire campaign. Mindsplinter gets used on some of the higher levels, but still.

    Welp you might just want to buy Bynzer's Black Spear, although I still find it debatable.
    Sundersong is awesome against Wyverns and Blitzkenripper, if you unlocked the treasure hunts- but then again, maybe use Petochl's Sword instead? It's cheaper.

    You can pass on Bludgeonator/Hackmaster. Everyone knows they aren't worth it!

    Vibrant Pain is a quirky item, pretty weak damage but the ability to fly is very useful in leagues.
  12. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    My Randimar has obviously decided to bring me the same items until I refuse to buy them :) Last week was almost empty (just one epic bought), this isn't much better.

    Cadefel's Savage Maul. As long as I've got Darkblood Glaive, Skull Of Savage Iljin and Mail Of St. Oxivia, I can have 6 Savage Curses. It's hard to justify buying this.
    The Strongarm. Yes, I know, it's great. But would you buy a 3rd copy? :)
    Xlaka's Sacred Bundle. I generally say that Mass Frenzy has a bad synergy with Inspiring Presence, since the first implies the melee party, and the second is going to help the enemies in such party as well. But it may be a good combo for a team of vampire priests: they have a lot of attacks, and they're likely to benefit more. What do you think?
    Quick Jon's Buckler. I wish it was Quinn's Buckler...
  13. Sir Veza

    Sir Veza Farming Deity

    I've used MF and IP together in War/War/Priest builds (SP), and it works well if you can keep your enemies in front of you. Particularly if you are using a human or elf priest who can get the needed spacing. It might work in MP as well, but I haven't tried.
  14. Drakkan

    Drakkan Ogre

    Help needed .. after weeks of nothing, now I've got some interesting cards.. but wizard MP cards mostly.. and I dont have much MP exp with wizards .. is anything worth?

    Advanced Crushing - ?
    Avakiria's Cup - Got 1, seems OK, do I need more? I don't have Miligar's DT
    Bewlin's Baffling Bauble - such a powerhouse once .. what about now?
    Brutal Agility - got 1
    Glasod's Dark Skull - got 2 .. and few Hands
    Illusion - I'll probably go for it
    Swiz's Circlet Of Elements - got 1
    Waasker's White Cup - got 2
    Wym's Fiery Pin - I've got Haloween version .. ?

    Any thoughts?
    Last edited: Oct 26, 2014
  15. peonprop

    peonprop Thaumaturge

    If you have 3-4 of the Flame Jet/Glob of Flame items you don't need another. If you need another burning arcane item and you already have a lot of Glob of Flames in the deck then wait for a Flame Jet item.
    It's fine but I like cards that move other characters better. They serve the same function and allow you to hold your position. The discard is better against movement heavy draws or if you want to send a melee character in.
    If I saw one I'd buy it too.

    Would pass on the rest.
  16. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    Definitely worth buying, though it requires a special deck. I would buy it immediately. This version allows you to spend all yellow tokens on the weapons, so you can play two The Lunginators and Shieldripper. Please look at my Focused Crushing thread http://forums.cardhunter.com/threads/focused-crushing-builds-and-ideas.6534/

    No, this cannot replace Miligar's DT. You will need more Flame Jets. Buy the Tongue from the Daily Deal today!
  17. Rebel7284

    Rebel7284 Ogre

    Clowen's Boots - I never really tried harnesses. Waiting to draw multiple seems annoying.
    God's Rage - Crap
    Sugar Rage - Lol.
    Kelharin's Clogs - Love these. Already have one copy though and between that and sliding boots I typically have enough team run.
    Smoag's Bucket Of Pitch - Eh? I am pretty happy with my Rantic's Orb Of Inner Fire. This doesn't seem much of an upgrade.
    St. Gwendolyn's Armor - Random crap.
    St. Xarol's Mace -Mediocre at best.
    Xemu's Crown - Nice items, but seems pretty random..
    Yount's Chain - Currently, Rantic's Orb Of Inner Fire is better.
    Rhood's Boots - More Team Run?
    Slazar's Sandals - More Team Run?
  18. Sir Veza

    Sir Veza Farming Deity

    Good plan! :) Enchanted & Officer's can sometimes be useful. The others, not so much.
  19. Krodis

    Krodis Mushroom Warrior

    Got some goodies ive never seen before and need some input.

    Wyrm's Fiery Bangle: one of the last few fire wiz items i needed. Now the question is, do i buy a second Miligar's Dragon Tongue or my first Avakira's Cup to finish off the fire wiz?

    Tlaloc's Stormplate hmm now this one is interesting. Great armor with good group heal for a blue. Ive never seen Grounding Plates on a divine armor before. All that being said, Cintxotl Mail seems better in the armor department. Any opinions?

    Axe Of The Titans: my first inclination is that this isnt great but i would like the opinion of wiser folks than myself before i brush it off.

    Thanks as always for any input!
  20. Krodis

    Krodis Mushroom Warrior

    Well, if you dont have 3 boots that have team run for a blue token then you should consider one of your 3 excelent options ( Kelharin's Clogs, Rhood's Boots, Slazar's Sandals) But if you already have 3, then i would pass on all of those items. Gives you more time to stock up the cash though :)

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