The Daily Deal

Discussion in 'Card Hunter General Chat' started by Fry_The_Guy, Aug 21, 2014.

  1. j3st3ri

    j3st3ri Thaumaturge

    Only 2 other items has as many Disorienting Blocks and this is the best one of them. I personally like the shield.
  2. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    Today's Deal is:

    Focused Crushing - an instant buy. Grabbed it immediately. Muahaha! I wish an Advanced Crushing too.

    Frozen Shield - would be worth considering if if had all three Icy Blocks. But I guess even in that case yellow token would be too much for it.
    Old Saint's Armor - a very good Arrogant Armor armor. Not the best one, though.
    Shield Of The Tumbler - a great source of Disorienting Blocks, the only shield with two copies. If your build is based on the blocks, you should buy it. Otherwise, you should play Bloodshield Of Xoc or Jaguar's Buckler.
  3. hwango

    hwango Hydra

    Really? I thought for a gold token it was more trouble than it was worth, but I'm far from the elite ranks of MP.
  4. peonprop

    peonprop Thaumaturge

    It isn't used much in high ranking multiplayer. Non-bash crushing attacks are for getting in damage and don't offer anything else. It's rare to have a build dense enough in crushing attacks to want this skill.
  5. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    All bashes are crushing attacks too. They have "melee crushing" tag on their cards. See Basher's Delight if you need reference. Don't forget about Unnerving Strike too.
    Having high damage output is very good for a warrior and well worth a yellow token. You need a lot of attack to fully exploit Focused Crushing, of course, but it can provide you a warrior with both high damage and a lot of tech.
    It's quite possible to build a warrior with ONLY crushing attacks, and many of them will have some tech like bashes or Unnerving Strike. After all, Shieldripper isn't banned yet :)
    Last edited: Oct 16, 2014
  6. Vitos

    Vitos Kobold

  7. peonprop

    peonprop Thaumaturge

    I excluded bashes because they have a more cost effective pump skill. I also didn't mention Unnerving Strike because I consider it a crushing attack for getting in damage. In order to use Focused Crushing effectively you are locked into a narrow set of cards, which is true of all skills, but all you get in return for using crushing attacks is more damage.
    I specifically said high ranking multiplayer. The vast majority of skills I see used are Savvy Attacker and Superb Impaling if tokens are used, both of which are powerful by themselves. Martial skills are not used often for their traits. Vitos' build looks great on paper but it is very dependent on party members for movement. Many people opt to use step attack weapons to help shore up movement issues and martial skills don't help them at all. Vitos is a good and active player though. If he vouches for Focused Crushing as a good buy for multiplayer I'm not going to argue.
    Last edited: Oct 16, 2014
  8. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    Right, but 1) they generally deal less damage (at least the most popular of them) and 2) limiting yourself with only bashes excludes a lot of really great weapons like Shieldripper, The Lunginator and Porior's Nimble Mace.
    And that is quite enough, since damage is very important for a warrior.

    If you don't understand why many people use a lot of step attacks (Vitos has 9 Lunging Bashes BTW, so he is definitely not "dependent on party members for movement"), I can tell you. Because sometimes you need movement, sometimes you need damage, and it's great to be versatile.

    I am a bad and inactive player, but I could suggest almost the same build :) Maybe you should start to believe in theory at last?
  9. peonprop

    peonprop Thaumaturge

    Why do you make everything personal? I said this because while I don't personally endorse buying it, if Vitos says you can use it effectively in multiplayer I think other people can trust his opinion. I did not even mention you. I have played him before and I know he's a good player. If you must know though, I don't think anyone should take you seriously for multiplayer advice. I'm not going to respond to the other stuff, just not up for another exercise in futility.
  10. Questor

    Questor Ogre

    The example is interesting but is somebody actually playing such kind of build?
    Is it worth spending 2500 gold and a gold token on it?
    Might be other builds with 6! Legendary items better?
  11. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    So you've yourself answered to your question "why I do make everything personal". Because I actually know which items are worth buying much better than you (as this is domain of theory which you don't believe at all), but you still dare to doubt in my ratings and even to recommend other players "not to take seriously my multiplayer advices".
    If Vitos wouldn't appear here, people who would follow your advice would regret about that for months, until they would get another opportunity of buying the Focused Crushing. Do you feel ashamed? No, you even dare to devaluate my ratings instead! You're just pathetic, peonprop.
  12. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    What makes you doubt in the build?
    My rule is "every item that enables a good deck is worth buying". Your approach may differ, of course.
    Who knows? Anyway, for me an item pumping ALL crushing attacks is always worth buying, since the future sets may bring the new crushing attacks, and the new good weapons with them.
  13. Questor

    Questor Ogre

    As expected, you are so full of yourself. Peon is right, it is not worth spending gold on unless you have plenty or want to construct a specific build.
    But as general advice, this is not "an instant buy".

    And players should be aware that a lot of your advice is based on untested theorycrafting.
    A lot of other players agree that you have not as much clue you think you have but they stopped being bothered by your neverending bickering and trolling.

    And there lies the problem, if you are the only one left in this threads some might believe what you are saying and waste gold on some fringe items.
    Since dicussions with you are totally pointless, i will not bother either.

    It is just important that new people get reminded what you are and that your comments should be taken with a bucket of salt.
  14. Flaxative

    Flaxative Party Leader

    Guys, keep it civil. We can disagree with each other but name calling is not okay. I appreciate that everyone is invested in this issue, especially given that I'm trying to decide whether or not I want to buy the item in question, but I doubt it is worth the insults. Questioning someone's credentials is legitimate, calling someone pathetic or a troll less so. If anyone has issue with anyone else, bring it to the moderators.

  15. peonprop

    peonprop Thaumaturge

    Ok new players. If you have the funds to buy any legendary item that catches your fancy or you have a build similar to the one posted above then Focused Crushing is a must buy. It is a great item, but if you are wanting to know whether or not it will catapult you to the top of the rankings by itself it will not. You need epics and legendaries to get that sort of diversity in crushing attacks. It is not a commonly used item in multiplayer and the most popular warrior builds will benefit from other skills more. If you want to build a competitive crushing build from scratch and do not currently have the items to support it you would be better off seeking out the weapons first and boosting damage through support characters.
    Drakkan likes this.
  16. peonprop

    peonprop Thaumaturge

    To seasoned/rich players. Boy, have I got an item for you. It boosts all your crushing attacks by 2! If you are running enough crushing attacks and have a major token to spare this skill will make you into a damage dealing machine. I also have this ponzi scheme...I mean investment opportunity I'd like you to look at.
    Ector likes this.
  17. Accent

    Accent Hydra

    Now that the game is more mature and Legendaries and Epics are moving from the spice in the meal to the entree. . . probably?
  18. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    Focused Crushing is indeed worth buying. And you don't need 6 Legendaries to make a good build with it. But Legendaries will be better of course :)

    Warning: this is wrong advice! The game doesn't allow you to buy anything you need, and the next opportunity of buying Focused Crushing may not appear in several months for you. If you don't have the legendary weapons with Crushing attacks, use Blackeye Hammers, Crimson Morningstars or even Riptides for now until you get them. There are many good crushing weapons in the game, but Focused Crushing is unique. Don't miss it.
    Last edited: Oct 16, 2014
  19. peonprop

    peonprop Thaumaturge

    Blackeye Hammer is the only rare in your list and it only offers damage. Focused Bruising is a fine replacement skill to support the other two weapons, not as good but serviceable. You would rather have 3 sub-par weapons and a Focused Crushing over 3 great weapons and a Trained Crushing? Myself, I always put weapons first and skills second. What good are those traits if you are buffing crappy attacks?

    I could be way off base here. Do other people think that the difficulty in obtaining an item is more important than it's contribution to the build itself when evaluating potential buys for new players?
    Last edited: Oct 16, 2014
  20. Jade303

    Jade303 Thaumaturge

    OK, I never thought I would see the day when we would be seriously discussing using Crusher in ranked.
    What a waste of time, and a waste of gold if you bought this.

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