Rate my Randimar's Rarities

Discussion in 'Card Hunter General Chat' started by Will-, Sep 22, 2013.

  1. Lord Feleran

    Lord Feleran Guild Leader

    But I cannot. :(
  2. Jade303

    Jade303 Thaumaturge

    Can you get any of them? I was about to post about them.
  3. Sir Veza

    Sir Veza Farming Deity

    :eek: Say it ain't so, bro! Say it ain't so!
  4. Jade303

    Jade303 Thaumaturge

    I'd just like to mention, I keep Reliable Mail and I always discard Shuffle when I use Kerrick's Steel Boots. Quellic's Boots are superior, but half the time it makes no difference to my wizards. It's a good item but not a good purchase.
  5. peonprop

    peonprop Thaumaturge

    Kerrick's Steel Boots are obviously better. When you get hit with Path of Knives do you really want to have a 2 range move? You might forget and take an unnecessary extra 2 damage. Or how about when a monkey Pickpockets you from behind. Giving him a cantripping Flanking Move is awful. Let him have a Shuffle instead. I am prepared to go on for at least two more pages and I'm right until someone proves me otherwise.
    Sir Veza, Flaxative and CT5 like this.
  6. Lord Feleran

    Lord Feleran Guild Leader

    Well, where is this double gold for pizza update when we need it :p Actually I can buy 2 of 'em but it would leave me with 56 gold + some surplus items.
  7. Jade303

    Jade303 Thaumaturge

    Sheesh, there is some cool stuff here. One thing I must point out is Searing Pain. It's like the ultimate staff to buff. You can't escape a Fireball, it hits around corners easily, and way better than other multi-target attacks (Linear, Cone, Arcing Spark), and Flash of Agony has unlimited range. Both cards have the potential to easily hit 3 targets for 4 damage +, each. Savage Curse, Wellspring, even Arcane Aura can magnify the damage into lethal ranges.
    And don't even think about SP, where you can fry entire clusters of things with 8-10 damage Fireballs.
    hatchhermit likes this.
  8. Vakaz

    Vakaz Guild Leader

    Aghhh, my randimars is too good this week. I only have 11k (edit: bought the skull, so 8.5k now), and could easily gather more if I sold my excess legends/treasures... but I'm trying to be thrifty where possible.

    Heartripper - Torn on this. I really wanted one pre-nerf, but now I'm not sure.
    Knife Of St. Blenko - Already grabbed one since the balance changes, but have found it mostly underwhelming so far. Still tempted though...
    Shield Of Ultimate Dodging - Already have one, and love it, but it competes with my new favorite yellow shield Aegis Of The Defender... graghhh! It's also possible it might get nerfed soon, so it could be a bad investment.
    Skull Of Savage Iljin - The only insta-buy, as there are a lot of funky builds I'd like to try using it.

    (Edit: also got another Igneous Scorchstaff and The Hackmaster numero three, which are good, but probably not worth my mulah)
    Sir Veza likes this.
  9. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    Could be a good joke if it would be funny. There is nothing bad in a good discussion, even at a wrong place. What IS really bad is the attempt to make somebody shut up just because "people know better". No fun at all.
  10. neoncat

    neoncat Feline Outline

  11. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    I'd buy it if I'd have the gold, but it seems too short-ranged and not that powerful for MP. If you're lucky, you can deal 10 damage, right, but you'll have to wait for that, and you're going to have too many Punishing Bolts to wait :) On the other hand, if you want to punish people for having too much Officer's Harnesses, this is your chance.
    In SP there are high-level scenarios with giant monsters having a lot of cards, and the Heartripper will be golden there. But, I guess, you could handle them even without it.

    Don't be tempted, the Knife has pretty bad synergy. Its 4 attacks imply the melee, but you don't want your Inspiring Presence to work on the enemies, do you?

    I would never play Ultimate Dodging even if I'd got it for free, since I like having some blocks. But that's just me. Anyway, the Aegis is really much better.

    As long as you have the gold, I guess you can afford the Heartripper, since it's the only worthy item left :)
  12. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    My Randimar decided to give me some rest from the last week when I've bought 4 legendaries. I can safely skip this week, but I still want to buy something :)

    Items with some potential are:
    Phantom Pain. I don't have Illusion and not sure I need it, but two Illusory Barriers can be handy, as well as Path Of Knives for a blue token. At least it's going to be very good for a lot of SP scenarios - you know, where a horde of imps is throwing nasty spells at you.
    Kelvin's Chunk Of Ice. Yes, I do have Xylithia's Wand (even two of them) and Xochu's Ice Circlet, which is even better. But sometimes I just need three Cones of Cold in my deck without sacrificing too many items on that. And sometimes the color of a token has no difference, since, you know, there aren't many good arcane items for a yellow token.

    "Crazy" items are:
    Trained Evasion. Nothing spectacular, but it's probably the best skill for my Bootz Of Etzicatl. Brutal Charge for 10! Another one! I won :D
    Spear Of St. Qaith. A high number of techy attacks is unusual for a priest. The attacks aren't very powerful (St. Portia's Maul has all 6 attacks with higher damage total), but the tech is good. I guess the dedicated vampire priest will be much more effective anyway :)

    Duplicate items are: Wym's Fiery Bangle, St. Pascal's Torch and Xemu's Crown. I don't need them, even the second copy of the Bangle, which is very good.
    Crappy items are: Eye Of Wicna, Highbolt Jerkin and Saramin's Shield.

    There are some pretty good epics, though. Araco's Boots and my 2nd Raging Rock. I didn't use the first one though...
  13. Jade303

    Jade303 Thaumaturge

    One note on items with Inspiring Presence: The number of IP on any item is 1:3 cards or less, meaning that you aren't going to get it consistently no matter what you do. In short, the other cards on any item with Inspiring Presence should be good enough to justify the item. And that's why I don't like Knife of St. Blenko.

    Phantom Pain is really neat since you get 2 barriers for only a minor token. It should be pretty great for cheesing the AI since they won't stand on it.

    I would buy Wym's Fiery Bangle or Miligar's Dragon Tongue for sure now that I have White Flame. ofc I don't have either...

    And the item of the week for me is Deadly, Deadly Staff... Man that's tempting . There's only that, Heartripper, Blue Destruction and Mordecai's Staff of Magma left in the game that I want. And given my luck, I'll have to buy all of them because they will never drop.
  14. peonprop

    peonprop Thaumaturge

    I have no problem with discussions. What I have a problem with is people making blanket statements based on little evidence. I will never try to shut anyone up for saying things they think are true both because I think it's rude and it's simply not possible.
  15. Ector

    Ector Hydra

    How can you know that your opponent's statements are "blanket" and "based on little evidence"? You have your opinion, he has the different one. Maybe you're right, maybe he is, and maybe you both just didn't fully understand each other.
    So you know what's rude? Then you have to admit that your last "joke" was really rude.
  16. peonprop

    peonprop Thaumaturge

    These statements are ridiculous to me and, by the amount of responses you received, quite a few other. My post was not an effort to shame you. I only wanted to show how ridiculous statements such as yours sound to us by making an overtly ridiculous statement of my own. The only way you could see this as a personal attack is if you somehow identify with it.
    Flaxative likes this.
  17. Krodis

    Krodis Mushroom Warrior

    I would go for the Phantom Pain, very nice for a blue.

    As for me, Randimar brought me some interesting things

    Painful Flashstaff This seems excellent for 2 blue. Any opinions?

    Glasod's Dark Skull I have one already and i use it all the time in my vamp builds. It got a really nice buff after the changes and its admittedly a minor upgrade over Flax's Thirsty Vial but that extra range always feels so huge. So its a tough call to spend that much on an incremental upgrade.

    Crazy Sal's Halberd Seems neat but i doubt i would ever use it. Anyone with firsthand experience or fun builds that would make it worth it?

    St. Hongjin's Soulstone All the cards are good, but i feel like i have better things

    Quellic's Boots Gonna hold back for now, i have 1 pair already and 3x Kerrick's Steel Boots. Gotta save for the killer ones.

    Thanks for any input.
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2014
  18. Killer Bee

    Killer Bee Orc Soldier

    I played against someone using 3 Aegis of the Defenders, it's devastating. It can cover all directions at once, and even though I drew a war cry I could only use it on one of them. I don't even have 1, but I would definitely use 3 if I could.
    Vakaz likes this.
  19. Jade303

    Jade303 Thaumaturge

    Krodis, I would use Painful Flashstaff if I had one but for now Staff Of Pain works great.
    I would also pass on extra Glasod's Dark Skull, the minor damage/range difference between this and Badjeera's/Hand isn't worth 2500 g . Use the money to buy something unique, I say.

    I've always wanted to try a Crazy Sal's Halberd, but I haven't. It's a nutty weapon for sure. But I think I would rather goof around with it on test.

    Hongjin isn't anything special, don't buy it.

    As for Quillec's Boots, they're horrible... oh wait you mean Quellic's Boots. Yeah, they can wait.
  20. Krodis

    Krodis Mushroom Warrior

    Lol, oops. Spelling was never my strong suit. If autocorrect doesn't catch it, im probably screwed :)

    I forgot how similar Staff of Pain is to Painful Flashstaff. Still, i do like it better and Punishing Bolt can still pack a punch. i think it will be the only legendary i buy this week. As you said, everything else is incrementally better and i should save my precious gold for obvious upgrades.

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